Hemodialysis in your lifestyle

Usually there is an alteration on the emotional level of the person entering the hemodialysis program and their immediate environment. The new situation must be adapted to their habitual habits individually, depending on the needs of each patient, and the effects of dietary changes and medications adhering to the new treatment.

Hemodialysis schedules should also be adjusted to each person's work schedule, and not limit activities at home, at work, with family or friends, as it is vital and helps them both physically and emotionally. Whether hemodialysis affects to a greater or lesser degree will depend on the person's personality and their immediate environment, but always with the support of the HD center staff must be counted on to guide him / her in the new situation.



Kidney failure can lead to problems with intimacy, such as fatigue, sexual failure or helplessness, in the case of men. Most of these problems can be solved, and the vast majority of them lead a normal sex life.

Getting pregnant during hemodialysis is completely contraindicated and although pregnancy is low, it is not impossible, so birth control is recommended.

Physical exercise

Maintaining good physical activity brings many benefits if you have kidney failure:

  • It strengthens your heart and bones.
  • Avoid weight gain.
  • It lowers blood pressure and decreases the chance of heart disease.
  • You will feel more energized.
  • It will improve the rest during the nights.

You must avoid activities or sports that would jeopardize the operation of the FAVI, or that would jeopardize the catheter's normal operation.


Kidney disease doesn't mean stopping traveling. However, special considerations should be taken:

  • Plan your trip in advance to receive renal replacement treatment at another center.
  • Report it to the referring nurse and doctor for the necessary procedures and a medical report to be delivered at the dialysis center.