Funded projects
- Public procurement
- Ministry
- International
- other
The following projects have been co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program for Catalonia 2014 - 2020:
The general objective of the project is to provide the healthcare system with a work culture based on the EMPA methodology and transferable to any care process.
Multidisciplinary Standardization of Care Processes (EMPAs) is characterized by being a single registration document that considers the care process as a whole, regardless of the professional who generates the documentation. The EMPA allows the visualization of the tasks and observations that each professional carries out without the need to consult other documents, thus guaranteeing teamwork and the global vision of the whole episode for the services where the process will take place, locating the patient. in the center of attention.
- Presentation of the preliminary consultation to the market on July 8, 2020.
- Presentation of the preliminary consultation to the market on July 8, 2020.
The Feeding Care project aims to improve the system for the supply and storage of breast and artificial milk in the hospital environment. It is to optimize the prey or baby bottle according to the available stocks at the time of taking, the guidelines set by the medical or nursing professional, and the health status of the infant.
Feeding Care is a milk manager for hospitals that guarantees the traceability and the highest quality of products. It incorporates smart instruments through a mobile application that interacts with the intrahospital device.
The implementation of this project will improve the feeding safety of children under one year of age admitted to hospitals in Catalonia and reduce the costs incurred due to the loss of product.
- Clinical Leader: Carmen Mendoza
- Grant: 201.235,15 €
Colon and rectal surgery are increasing in developed countries. One of the common complications of this type of intervention is suture dehiscence, which is usually the result of poor vascularization of the anastomosis.
The Parc Taulí Health Corporation's project is based on the development of an objective and reliable system, which allows the surgeon to identify the areas most likely to suffer a suture dehiscence. This system integrates into the laparoscopy tower, relies on infrared light spectrometry captured through the laparoscope, and uses artificial intelligence.
Assessing intraoperative bowel vascularization will improve patient safety and reduce the costs associated with caring for this surgical complication.
- Clinical Leader: Xavier Serra
- Grant: 218.738,35 €
The public health system establishes different resources and circuits in order to respond to the demand for immediate citizenship care. This demand is embodied in situations that require a different care response: from situations that are life-threatening to the affected person and to demands for slight emergencies.
The Parc Taulí Health Corporation proposes a new digital symptom assessment (AS) system to prioritize patient care based on their level of urgency, as well as the implementation of an advanced resolution care unit. The model of care is based on a triage system using artificial intelligence, which categorizes patients into 5 levels of urgency.
The implementation of this project will reduce the waiting time for patients in hospital emergency services, facilitate the decision-making of healthcare professionals working in this area, save overall money, and improve the quality and safety of service.
- Clinical Leader: Gilbert Alonso
- Grant: 206.164,00 €
The aim of the project is to improve the quality, safety and variability of care for critical patients, through early and continuous care, which integrates the different clinical information and monitoring systems currently available in a support tool for the clinical decision making.
The term "extended ICU" refers to an innovative organizational system based on two elements: the collaboration of the entire medical and nursing team, both in the intensive care unit (ICU) and in other areas, in the identification and care of the critical patient during hospitalization; and the technological support for the early detection and follow-up of patients at risk of severe clinical deterioration before joining the ICU.
The project will implement: an early warning system that allows the detection and evaluation of a patient with a risk of serious worsening, codes of action in "time-dependent" diseases; and follow-up of critical patients before and after ICU admission.
Crítica-ContAs will contribute to the reduction of mortality, income and readmissions to the ICU, and the costs derived from them.
Collaborative project
- Coordination: Catalan Health Institute
- Parc Taulí Clinical Leader: Ana Ochagavia
- Parc Taulí grant: 686.467,16 €
The initiative proposes a new model of care for the diagnosis and treatment of childhood type 1 diabetes to improve outcomes.
This model focuses on personalized medicine care, the application of optimally available technology, namely the continuous subcutaneous glucose diffusers (ISCI) or insulin pumps, and the introduction of a new monitoring platform that include 10 various control parameters (HbA1C glycosylated hemoglobin, severe hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacids, and patient experience related parameters).
The implementation of the project will advance the actual concept of telemedicine or distance medicine, essential in a chronic illness such as type 1 diabetes, in order to replace on-site consultations, day hospital sessions, hospitalizations or emergency visits by a model based in virtual communication.
Collaborative project
- Coordination: Sant Joan de Déu Hospital
- Parc Taulí Clinical Leader: Jacobo Perez
- Parc Taulí grant: 680.421,50 €
RIS3CAT Communities
The project "3DBONT - 3D Biopsy for Tomosynthesis", aims to develop a prototype of a biopsy prono table to perform breast cancer scans with the tomography technique. This system will allow real-time biopsies to avoid sampling errors, higher photon capture efficiency, lower noise and high resolution, providing less diffused images, higher contrast and a lower radiation dose 50 times lower than conventional systems.
From CCSPT, work is being done to provide specifications for new image processing technology and the development of image reconstruction algorithms, which will allow validation after the first prototype has been manufactured.
- Community Coordinator: LEITAT
- Leading project entity: IDNEO / FICOSA
- Principal Investigators CCSPT: Melcior Sentís and Josep Fernández
- Subsidized cost accepted: 481.601,26 euros
- FEDER grant (50%): 240.800,63 euros
- Duration: July 7, 2016 - April 15, 2020
- Consortium: IDNEO Technologies SL, Institute of Physics and Other Energies (IFAE), National Microelectronics Center (CNM), Baldomero Ventura SL, Consorci Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí (CCSPT)
The project "INNOBRAIN - New technologies for Innovation in Rehabilitation and Cognitive Stimulation", aims to develop a platform for neurocognitive rehabilitation based on multi-touch interaction strategies to optimize human-computer interaction in cognitive rehabilitation and research in the field of ICT and e-Health technologies in the stimulation and neurocognitive rehabilitation of people with cognitive impairment or deficit.
The CCSPT is working on the application of ICTs in rehabilitation, monitoring the user at a behavioral and neurobiological level in real time by performing activities of daily living in a virtual way. In parallel, multi-touch interaction strategies, artificial intelligence technologies, and interactive videos are being clinically validated by monitoring rehabilitation in patients with DCA, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and dementia.
- Community Coordinator: Biocat
- Leading project entity: Guttmann Institute
- Main CCSPT researchers: Diego Palao and Narcís Cardoner
- Subsidized cost accepted: 110.301,10 euros
- FEDER grant (50%): 55.150,55 euros
- Duration: January 02, 2017 - December 31, 2019
- Consortium: Guttmann Institute, August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS), Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IdIBGi), UAB Health and Aging Foundation, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC), Computer Vision Center (CVC-UAB), Starlab Barcelona, Sky & Earth. EURECAT, ICA, Consorci Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí.
The general objective of the project “QuirofAM - Research in AM / I3D in the health industry for the improvement of surgical practice” is the transformation of surgical practice through the incorporation of Additive Manufacturing (AF) at three levels: models of surgical test, guides and implants for reconstruction and bioactive implants for tissue regeneration.
CCSPT brings the technological ability to make improvements at the core of design tools for digitally modeling living tissue, engaging in the research and development of new segmentation and conversion algorithms needed to be able to print anatomical patient structures from their CT and MRI scans. To have software that makes it viable to materialize data on highly complex living tissues in STL format.
- Community Coordinator: LEITAT
- Leading project entity: CIM Foundation
- Principal Investigator CCSPT: Josep Fernández
- Subsidized cost accepted: 297.923,46 euros
- FEDER grant (24,16%): 71.968,42 euros
- Duration: January 01, 2018 - December 31, 2020
- Consortium: CIM Foundation, AVINENT, Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Sarrià Chemical Institute (IQS), TRACTIVUS, LEITAT, RICOH, VECMEDICAL, Sant Joan de Déu Foundation (FSJD), Sant Joan de Déu Hospital (HSJD), Consorci Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí (CCSPT)
PECT Sabadell
Specialization and Territorial Competitiveness project in Sabadell, Barberà del Vallès, Sant Quirze del Vallès and Castellar del Vallès
The object of this Specialization and Territorial Competitiveness Project (PECT) is the determination of a strategy and an operational plan agreed by the city councils of Sabadell, Barberà del Vallès, Sant Quirze del Vallès and Castellar del Vallès, the Design Foundation Textile (FUNDIT), the Eurecat Foundation, the Fundació Parc Taulí and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, in order to achieve greater global economic competitiveness in the Vallès region, by specializing it in the field of system design and innovation. industrial.
The main objectives of this plan are:
- positioning Vallès as a specialized driver of innovation and design in industrial systems;
- the promotion of innovative and entrepreneurial culture and the support for the discovery of new technologies, new products and services;
- commitment to the specialization of companies and occupational profiles through training and orienting their innovation towards meeting the needs of the territory.
A Vallès who bases his model of competitiveness and territorial development on continuing to lead the Catalan innovative industry, promoting it globally through an innovative ecosystem with collaborative participation of agents and specializing precisely in this cross-cutting function of design and innovation that all industries need to grow.
In recent years the desire to strengthen community bonds between people and to meet collective needs with social and / or environmental dimension has led to new ways of managing diverse social needs that involve processes of community empowerment and which promote alternative forms of consumption, of work, of production, and of relation.
Within the health sector, in line with the guidelines of the WHO and the EU, Catalonia has committed itself in the coming years to develop its own strategy to promote active and healthy aging, that is, to optimize, for all people without discrimination, their opportunities for physical, social and mental health, active participation in society and security, with the ultimate aim of enjoying a good quality of life and independence as they grow older.
The joint work between companies, Parc Taulí, social services and ESDI will create synergies that promote technology transfer to the business and industrial park of the Vallès, in order to create new products aimed at improving the active aging and health of the population of seniors.
Objectives of the operation:
- Revitalization in the territory of a meeting space between companies, design professionals, and the user of the product or service, in order to innovate in the design and manufacture of equipment and in the development of services for healthy and active aging . -GENT GREAT LAB-
- Development of a system for identifying the needs, motivations and interests of the different agents involved.
- Strengthening synergies for the creation and evaluation of proposals for new products and services for healthy and active aging.
- Pilot tests of any of the ideas developed.
Projects of Strategic Plan for Health Research and Innovation (DANGERS):
Adding support staff to the critical illness research group can help improve the efficiency and ability to analyze data, identify biomarkers and patient subgroups, and personalize treatments. May support the group at all stages of the research process, from study design to interpretation of results. Experience in statistics and data analysis is essential to ensure that appropriate inferences are made from the data collected and that the conclusions are clinically meaningful. This can have an impact on scientific knowledge in this area, and on the scientific production of the group at a qualitative and quantitative level.
- IP: Oriol Roca Gas
- Financing: 81.000 €
THE main goal is to compare 4 types of preformed dressings with the conventional nonwoven fabric dressing with gauze in terms of preserving the integrity of the skin.
- IP: Xavier Calvet Calvo
- Financing: 81.000 €
AI4KIDNEY aims to integrate real-time data together with computerized clinical history to become an AI-based Decision Support System with the ability to provide immediate diagnosis to define treatment roadmaps individualized for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). AI algorithms are based on the massive analysis of data from clinical and population registers to provide accurate predictions in CKD, the presence of ECV and also the associated mortality. AI4KIDNEY it will be a tool that will make it possible to convert current clinical practice into personalized medicine, always considering the ethical implications of the use of AI, legal aspects and paying special attention to data security and privacy.
- IP: José A. Ibeas López
- Financing: 105.270,00 €
"Entropy Care" is a technological tool that is based on the intelligent automated analysis of physiological signals obtained non-invasively from the ventilator. The aim of the project is to integrate Entropy Care technology into a workstation that facilitates the optimization of the moment of withdrawal from mechanical ventilation and the prevention of self extubations.
- IP: Leonardo Sarlabous Uranga
- Financing: €135.520
THEmain goal is to validate the functionality and acceptance of the safety device by *RVS in children and adolescents.
- IP: Jordi Torralbas Ortega
- Financing: 57.239,00 €
THEmain goal is to compare 4 types of preformed dressings with the conventional non-woven fabric dressing with gauze in terms of preservation of skin integrity.
- IP: Jesus López Parra
- Financing: 57.239,00 €
THEmain goal is to achieve a great impact on the strategic lines of research for the group focused on: personalized and precision medicine for the critical patient, the creation of ecosystems of interconnected devices to remotely monitor critical or semi-critical patients, the characterization of the phenomenon of high respiratory drive in critical COVID19 patients undergoing mechanical ventilation (VM) using AI techniques, as well as the characterization of the cognitive and emotional sequelae in critical condition COVID19 survivors in the month and year of discharge of the ICU.
- IP: Lluís Blanch Torra
- Financing: 74.024,53 €
THE main goal of the action proposal we present: 'Antibiotic resistance, the epidemic of the 1st century. New approaches to prevent the spread of BMRs in the healthcare system 'aims to (2) Evaluate three different strategies that will help prevent the spread of BMRs in the healthcare system and prevent the infections they cause in our patients. (XNUMX) Evaluate its applicability to routine clinical practice once its effectiveness has been demonstrated.
- IP: Oriol Gasch Blasi
- Period: 01/06/2019 – 31/12/2021
- Financing: 155.254,70 €
THE main goal is to conduct an epidemiological study to identify the presence of psychotic experiences, erroneous thinking styles, cannabis use, and history of bullying in a large sample of adolescents. Adolescents who present psychotic experiences will then be assessed more thoroughly to compare with another group without their presence, to identify possible risk factors for developing a psychotic illness in the future.
- IP: Itziar Montalvo Aguirrezabala
- Period: 01/06/2019 – 31/12/2021
- Financing: 139.244,34 €
THE main goal of this study proposes the development and implementation of a psychological approach program to enhance cognitive reserve in young adults, children of patients with bipolar disorder with two main objectives: assess its effectiveness and see if the observed improvements are maintained in time for one year of follow-up.
- IP: Narcís Cardoner Alvarez
- Period: 17/02/2018 – 31/12/2020
- Financing: 115.734,49 €
SLT006 / 17/00012 - Impact of stress biomarkers on the prognosis of early-stage psychotic disorders.
THEmain goal of research is to improve patient care and treatment, improving prognosis and quality of life.
- IP: Xavier Labad Arias
- Period: 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2019
- Financing: 93.108,82 €
THE main goal is to make an in-depth description of the current use of psychotropic drugs in the pediatric population of Catalonia in relation to their adequacy to the conditions of use authorized according to the age group and psychiatric diagnosis.
- IP: Ximena Goldberg Hermo
- Period: 28/02/2018 – 31/12/2019
- Financing: 64.705,46 €
THE main goal what is proposed in this project is to expand the preliminary data obtained in the study of Vega et al. (Pyschiatry Research, 2017) using a representative sample of adolescents and young adults from all over Catalonia and a clinical sample that includes different diagnoses.
- IP: Joaquim Puntí Vidal
- Period: 17/02/2018 – 31/12/2020
THE main goal of these analyzes is to provide a characterization of the disorders based on objective records, which favors diagnostic and treatment processes. Given its potential impact, it is expected that multimodal integration analysis design can be generalized to other disorders beyond anxiety with significant impact in the healthcare setting.
- IP: Ximena Goldberg Hermo
- Period: 19/10/2016 – 27/03/2017
- Financing: 103.300,55 €
THE main goal of the proposal is to meet these needs by also incorporating, with a network of active projects, technological innovation to help optimize therapeutic actions and improve the quality of care in terms of COPD and neuromuscular pathologies and innovative studies on antimicrobial treatment in pneumonia.
- IP: Cristina Lalmolda Puyol
- Period: 19/10/2016 – 27/03/2017
- Financing: 74.130,74 €
Projects of theUniversity and Research Grants Management Agency (HOPE):
Research Program: recruitment of young people seeking employment in carrying out research and innovation initiatives, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
The objective is to revitalize and enhance active employment policies, strengthening the cohesion of the National Employment System. This initiative puts a strong emphasis on people and companies, guiding them towards concrete results aligned with innovation, sustainability and changes in production. This involves improving individual capabilities and promoting the digital transformation of public employment services.
- Financing: €595.960,56
THE main goal of this project is to develop an innovative tool aimed at facilitating early intervention in order to prevent emotional and cognitive disorders resulting from Post Intensive Care Syndrome, as well as to improve communication in patients admitted to the Care Unit Intensive.
- IP: Sun Fernandez Gonzalo
- Period: 23/7/2020 – 23/1/2022
- Financing: €99.999,79
Hepatocellular carcinoma is a particularly aggressive cancer with a poor prognosis. An early diagnosis would allow treatment in 40% of cases. Antibodies generated against tumor-associated antigens have been shown to have a high predictive value for the development of this disease. However, there is currently no sufficiently sensitive diagnostic test that can detect these antibodies in the patient’s blood.
In this line, this study aims to develop an early diagnostic test, which will modify a tumor-associated antigen that will lead to an increase in the antibodies generated, thus allowing its detection.
- IP: Juan Francisco Delgado De la Poza
- Period: 01/10/2020 – 31/3/2022
- Financing: 84.000 €
The following projects have been co-financed by: ERDF - European Regional Development Fund:
Title: Role of dynamic changes in microbe-bound secretory IgA and microbiota in the development of mechanical ventilation-associated pneumonia
The aim of the project is to evaluate the dynamic changes in the levels of bacteria-bound secretory IgA in respiratory samples (endotracheal aspirate) from patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation and correlate them with dynamic changes in the composition and diversity of the respiratory microbiome. It is also intended to assess whether the levels of bacteria coated with secretory IgA are lower in those patients who develop NAV
- IP: Adrian A. Ceccato
- Financial endowment: 190.000 €
Title: SURVIVE-2: An extended cohort study to investigate suicidal behavior in Spain and the effectiveness of secondary prevention strategies
Suicide is the leading preventable cause of death in the world. In Spain, the data show a growing trend, indicating the need to implement prevention strategies. The aim of the study is to continue the follow-up of a previously established cohort of 1800 suicide attempts and extend it to include 3600 cases.
- IP: Ana Isabel Cebrià Mecca
- Financial endowment: 128.750 €
Title: Coordination of the Revitalization and Innovation Platform
General objectives:
1. Strengthen the ecosystem of biosanitary innovation
2. Generate trust between the agents of the ecosystem
3. Favor the industrialization of the National Health System
4. Promote collaboration between ISCIII platforms
- IP: Lluís Blanch Torra
- Financial endowment: 865.800 €
Title: Revitalization of the Parc Taulí ecosystem and associated centers through its own programs of innovation services
General objectives:
1. Promotion and revitalization of the innovative culture, industrial capacity and strengthening of the innovation capacities of professionals in the healthcare environment.
2. Improvement of efficiency in the progression of innovation for its greater impact on patients through effective transfer.
3. Expansion of the impact of innovation in regions less represented in the ecosystem.
- IP: Lluís Blanch Torra
- Financial endowment: 341.040 €
Title: Subphenotypes in ARDS and impact on enrichment studies
The general objectives of this proposal are for the candidate to learn and acquire skills to identify subgroups, subphenotypes or endotypes in patients with acute respiratory failure and/or ARDS and to be able to develop enriching translational clinical studies.
- IP: Adrian A. Ceccato
- Financial endowment: 10.580 €
Title: Premature aging: a proof-of-concept study for brain health screening in adults with type 1 diabetes.
The aim of the project is to evaluate the association between VOPa and AF in the white matter in adults with T1D, defining cut-points of VOPa with clinical utility to discriminate those with lower AF.
Methods: In 70 adults with T1D (age: 30-60 years, 50% women; duration of T1D >20 years, without previous cardiovascular events) and 35 controls will be evaluated: 1) General clinical and biochemical characteristics. 2) EVP (VOPa by tonometry). 3) AEC by 3-T resonance with DTI. 4) Clinically relevant cognitive domains (sustained attention, attention and immediate memory, long-term memory, psychomotor and processing speed, executive functions), mild cognitive impairment and anxiety/depression (neuropsychological tests).
- IP: José Miguel González Clemente
- Financial endowment: 99.220 €
THEmain goal is to perform an integrated analysis of multi-omic data to establish clinical and molecular profiles predictive of the development of recurrent uveitis in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis.
- IP: Maria Llop Vilaltella
- Financial endowment: 117.370,00 €
Title: Characterization by comparative genomics of enterococcus faecium clinical strains from patients with bacteremia.
The aim of the project is:
- To study the evolution and phenotypic diversity of ampicillin resistance and susceptibility of Efm AmpS strains in the presence of different antibiotics. Resistance to ampicillin is an important marker for Efm clade A1 and clade A2 strains as it is related to the presence of virulence markers linked to human infections. The changes these strains adopt in the gut of patients under antibiotic stress and how varied the AmpR and AmpS phenotypes are under these conditions are unknown.
- Analyze if the appearance of these phenotypic changes is due to permanent mutations or if they are transitory and emerge only in stressful conditions. This is necessary to determine the origin of the heterogeneity of phenotypes emerging from the same Efm strain when exposed to B-lactams or other antimicrobials. If the changes are transient, this would have a direct impact on the diagnosis and surveillance of Efm infections that do not respond to ampicillin treatment.
- To study how the resistance and susceptibility profile of Efm evolves under other environmental conditions that could have a substantial impact on B-lactam resistance. It is important to compare whether this evolution is occurring only in strains isolated from hospitalized patients or if it is also occurring in healthy human reservoirs when these strains are subjected to another type of stress.
- IP: Paula Bierge Cabrera
- Financial endowment: 14.030 €
Title: Effect of deep proprioception stimulation on sleep disturbances, behavior and brain activity in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome.
The aim of the project is to study the possible beneficial effect of proprioceptive stimulation and its biological and functional basis at brain level in people with Prader-Willi syndrome, which can be of great use in daily clinical practice. It is a study of a translational nature, since it involves the union of the knowledge of several experts in different areas from the most basic to the most clinical related to everyday aspects of the patient's life (poor sleep quality and disorders behavior) that negatively influence their own well-being, their environment (school, special work center, occupational center) and that of their carers. This aspect gives it great value and impact both in the scientific field and in the clinical and therapeutic field. The demonstration of the usefulness of this type of proprioceptive therapy, completely ecological and compatible with all usual medication, also corroborated by the clinical changes and by the modification of the abnormal brain functional connectivity, without evidence of serious secondary aspects, could facilitate the establishment of 'this therapy in the day-to-day treatment of patients with SPW and establishing its use in specific therapeutic guidelines.
- IP: Assumpta Caixàs Pedragós
- Financial endowment: 60.000 €
El main goal is to study the effect of MP for 2 weeks compared with a placebo blanket on sleep quality and behavior in patients with SPW vs. a control group.
- IP: Assumpta Caixàs Pedragós
- Financial endowment: 75.020,00 €
El main goal is to identify the alterations in social cognition that are associated with an increased risk of suicidal behavior among patients with the Suicide Risk Code of Catalonia (CRS). To study the association between "mental pain" and the risk of suicidal behavior in CRS patients. To determine and clinically characterize the subgroups of CRS patients based on alterations in social cognition and "mental pain." To study the neurobiological bases, by means of functional neuroimaging techniques, of the alterations of the analyzed psychological constructs, to allow with validity, to classify the people of the CRS in relation to the risk of suicidal behaviors.
- IP: Diego Palao Vidal
- Financial endowment: 87.120,00 €
El main goal is to develop a tool to optimize the parameters that lead to the proposed preprandial insulin dose, incorporating a glucose predictor based on machine learning that considers the impact of previous physical activity. Additionally, algorithms will be developed to calculate shape
personalized and dynamic insulin sensitivity factor, active insulin and control target. Intake calculation algorithms will be integrated with a food composition analysis system based on a mobile image captured using Deep learning. The tool will be implemented as a mobile app that will be integrated into the
Android APS open source artificial pancreas system for conducting clinical validation studies.
- IP: Mercedes Rigla Cross
- Financial endowment: 75.020,00 €
El main goal is to use ML techniques to create an algorithm for predicting TEC response using clinical data and structural and functional neuroimaging in a sample of patients with treatment-resistant depression (DRT). Subsequently, the algorithm will be validated in two independent samples of patients with DRT and finally, the specificity of the response prediction algorithm will be explored in a sample of patients with DRT in treatment with esketamine.
- IP: Narcís Cardoner Alvarez
- Financial endowment: 111.320,00 €
El main goal is the integration of CAD software into the hospital's information systems (previously tested at that hospital during the pilot phase of the project) and the preparation of the transfer of the software to the national health system so that other hospitals can implement the solution.
- IP: Eduard Monso Molas
- Financial endowment: 79.200,00 €
El main goal is to study the clinical relevance of occult infection (very low density) by H. PYLORI.
- IP: Xavier Calvet Calvo
- Financial endowment: €60.000
El main goal is to reduce the incidence of VAP and evaluate the role of biomarkers in reducing the time to the first dose of antibiotics.
- IP: Antonio Artigas Raventós
- Financial endowment: €95.000
COV20 / 00595 - Characterization and management of Post Intensive Care Syndrome in COVID-19 patients
El main goal is the implementation of a combined follow-up system (technological solutions and face-to-face visits) in patients who have overcome a critical episode of COVID-19 to characterize Post-Intensive Care syndrome and detect early needs for specific treatment or physical and cognitive rehabilitation . Follow-up will be done in person upon discharge from the ICU and 12 months after discharge from the ICU, and through the use of mobile applications and telephone calls per month, 3 months and 6 months after discharge from the ICU. A diagnostic tree will be developed to detect survivors of COVID-19 critical illness who present with moderate-severe physical, cognitive, and emotional disorders 3 months after discharge from the ICU. These patients will be offered an extraordinary face-to-face visit with a specialist at 6 months.
- IP: Sun Fernandez Gonzalo
- Financial endowment: 180.660,00 €
El main goal is to determine whether Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection is harmless or related to peptic ulcer (PU) and gastric cancer (GC), to determine the prevalence of Hp infection occultism in a number of consecutive patients eradicated and not eradicated attended to the Endoscopy Unit. Obtain the genomes of the hidden Hp strains to analyze the microbiome and metabolome associated with the hidden infection.
- IP: Dr. Xavier Calvet Calvo
- Financial endowment: 147.620,00 €
El main goal is to evaluate the impact on the incidence of vascular catheter-related bacteremia (BRC) of a prevention program implemented in the conventional hospitalization units of various national hospitals.
- IP: Dr. Oriol Gasch Blasi
- Financial endowment: 68.062,50 €
El main goal is to develop a research project in the field of automated decision support with machine learning applications for health-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance, in addition to establishing a network of researchers from the Karolinska Institutet ( KI), the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Sweden and the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Infection Control and Antimicrobial Stewardship Catalan Program (VINCat), where the candidate develops his current research activity, forming a collaboration of research, innovation and bilateral technical and knowledge transfer.
- IP: Dr. Oriol Gasch Blasi
- Financial endowment: 240.265,00 €
El main goal is the financing of contracts destined to the incorporation of young researchers to the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation, by means of the realization of a doctoral thesis.
- IP: Paula Bierge Cabrera
- Financial endowment: €82.400,00
El main goal is the hiring of specialist medical professionals or graduates in nursing to perform part of the clinical care activity of professionals who at the same time carry out research activities.
- IP: Candelaria by Haro López
- Financial endowment: €60.000,00
El main goal is the hiring of research professionals in centers with clinical care activity who have recently obtained a doctorate in the field of health sciences and technologies, to improve their training.
- IP: Marta Cano Catalan
- Financial endowment: 80.598,00 €
El main goal is to design a new multimodal index to predict and optimize weaning results in a personalized way, based on the use and interpretation of data derived from the continuous monitoring of critical patients. The new multimodal index, in addition to the classic respiratory parameters, will include parameters related to patient-respiratory interaction, diaphragmatic function, cardiovascular status and autonomic nervous system function.
- IP: Dr. Haro López candlestick
- Endowment until the third annuity: 38.720,00 €
El main goal 1) estimate the incidence of suicide attempts in Spain, 2) track people who make suicide attempts to study the incidence of re-attempt, 3) identify risk factors that can predict repetition of suicide, 4) determine the effectiveness of secondary prevention programs for suicidal behavior compared to usual treatment (TH), and 5) create a national platform for the study and prevention of suicide.
- IP: Dr. Clara López Solà
- Endowment until the third annuity: 64.130,00 €
El main goal is to evaluate the evolutionary differences in the slope of tissue reoxygenation, measured by spectroscopy, of patients admitted for septic shock treated according to current recommendations + placebo (control group) versus those treated according to current recommendations + combination of vitamin C, thiamine and hydrocortisone (intervention group).
- IP: Dr. Jaume Mesquida February
- Endowment until the third annuity: 29.040,00 €
El main goal is to identify genetic markers of S. aureus that predict high-risk cases of complicated bacteremia.
- IP: Dr. Oscar Jijada Pich
- Endowment until the third annuity: 93.170,00 €
El main goal is to identify rare spelling genomic variants, CNVs and point variants, responsible for psychiatric disorders and comorbidity of borderline intellectual functioning / mild intellectual disability in a child-adolescent population to establish their etiopathogenetic basis.
- IP: Dr. Miriam Guitart Feliubadalo
- Endowment until the third annuity: 96.800,00 €
THEgoal The project is the study of traumatic stress to study how the brain changes in response to the environment in order to predict and prevent the development of a psychiatric disorder, identify an early diagnosis and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.
- IP: Dr. Narcís Cardoner Alvarez
- Endowment until the third annuity: 99.825,00 €
THEgoal of the project is, through artificial intelligence, to study the contribution of different biomarkers of patients with schizophrenia and adolescents with and without psychotic experiences for the early detection and treatment of these disorders.
- IP: Dr. Xavier Labad Arias
- Endowment until the third annuity: 165.906,73,00 €
El main goal is the financing of contracts destined to the incorporation of young researchers to the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation, by means of the realization of a doctoral thesis.
- IP: Dr. Luis Fernando Morales Quinteros
- Economic endowment up to the fourth year: 82.400,00 €
El main goal is the financing of contracts destined to the incorporation of young researchers to the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation, by means of the realization of a doctoral thesis.
- IP: Dr. Daniel Porta Casteràs
- Economic endowment up to the fourth year: 82.400,00 €
El main goal is the hiring of specialist medical professionals or graduates in nursing to perform part of the clinical care activity of professionals who at the same time carry out research activities.
- IP: Dr. Xavier Labad Arias
- Economic endowment up to the second year: 60.000,00 €
Prader-Willi Syndrome (SPW) is a genetic disease associated with growth hormone deficiency (GH), central hypotonia, and hyperphagia with a risk of severe obesity. GH treatment in the adult patient is not well established in the NHS guidelines. Our group has experience in studying brain connectivity in this type of patient in relation to satiety. So far there is no evidence of the effect of GH on central hypotonia (brain areas involved in maintaining muscle tone).
El main goal is to study these areas before and the year of GH treatment.
Methodology: Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging in 30 patients with adult SPW before and after GH, compared with a control group.
Expected results: The SPW group will show altered functional and structural connectivity in the areas that control muscle tone and will improve after GH treatment. These favorable changes and the absence of serious side effects will help justify the use of this treatment and its inclusion in the SNS clinical practice guidelines for the management of this syndrome in adulthood.
- IP: Dr. Assume Pedragos Boxes
- Endowment until the third annuity: 177.870,00 €
The glucose sensors, key elements in the current management of diabetes, being inserted for days in the subcutaneous tissue, provoke an inflammatory reaction that conditions its effective duration and the quality of the measurement. Initial studies in animal models aimed at the leading role of macrophages, cells that consume oxygen and glucose, in the functional commitment of the sensors. We have recently shown, for the first time in humans, that the magnitude of the macrophage cluster around the sensor over the past 7 days is related to glucose measurement error.
The purpose of the study we propose is twofold: on the one hand, to reproduce the methodology used in similar sensors with a longer duration (14 days), and on the other, to characterize the inflammatory response and its impact on reliability in 180-day implantable sensors. that incorporate dexamethasone to inhibit this response and in which a clear interindividual variability in the functional survival of the sensor is also described.
- IP: Dr. Mercedes Rigla Cros
- Endowment until the third annuity: 62.920,00 €
The lack of biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of depressive disorders is a critical limitation for their clinical approach. Analysis of fast-acting antidepressants has been proposed as a promising strategy for identifying new valid biomarkers. In this context, our group proposes electro-convulsive therapy (ECT), the fastest and most effective clinical treatment for treatment-resistant depression (DRT), as a model for the study of biomarkers.
The present study uses a translational approach, based on brain changes and protein expression analysis, in 1) a cohort of DRT patients treated with ECT, 2) a cohort of DRT patients treated with conventional antidepressants, and 3) in a model of depression in rats treated with electroshock (ES). Blood proteins will be analyzed and neuroimaging data collected.
Differences in neuroimaging and proteomic data were compared with a healthy control group, and between baseline and post-treatment in patients treated with ECT. The results will be included in a parallel independent component analysis (PICA) to identify proteins that are associated with brain changes. Subsequently, the expression of these proteins in the blood and brain tissue of ES-treated rats was analyzed.
Finally, these changes will be evaluated in an independent cohort of DRT patients treated with antidepressant drugs, to analyze the possible generalization of these biomarkers in other treatment strategies.
- IP: Dr. Narcis Cardoner Alvarez
- Endowment until the third annuity: 208.120,00 €
OBJECTIVES: To carry out a project with an epidemiological, clinical and experimental approach to the study of the factors associated with psychotic experiences in adolescent population with a special emphasis on cognitive biases. Assess whether clinical and biological stress-related factors are associated with psychotic experiences or high-risk mental state criteria (EMAR). Exploring through a pilot clinical trial whether a group psychotherapeutic intervention on social skills and meta-cognition may be implementable to reduce cognitive bias and psychotic experiences in adolescents.
- Phase 1. Epidemiological study. Sample of adolescents (cohort born in 2004; 15-16 years old; 2490 students in Sabadell). On-line questionnaires to determine psychotic experiences (CAPE), cognitive bias (CBQ) and cannabis use and other toxic substances.
- Phase 2. Selected clinical study on previous sample. N = 270 (180 adolescents with psychotic experiences + 90 adolescents without these experiences). Evaluation of adolescents with psychotic experiences with CAARMS to diagnose EMAR. Comparison of 3 groups (non-experiences vs non-EMAR psychotic experiences vs. EMAR) in a series of clinical variables (neurocognitive skills and social cognition with the CANTAB; history of childhood maltreatment (CTQ); stressful events; stress biomarkers [cortisol, prolactin, serum inflammatory factors; cortisol in saliva and hair]).
- Phase 3. Pilot clinical trial. Selection of 40 participants from the EMAR group to carry out a randomized intervention on social skills and meta-cognitive training (MOSST). Subsequent evaluation of clinical parameters (psychotic experiences, cognitive bias, neurocognition and social cognition, perceived stress, biomarkers of stress).
- IP: Dr. Javier Labad Arias
- Endowment until the third annuity: 87.120, 00 €
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the result of acute respiratory failure which is associated with high morbidity and mortality without specific treatment. The lungs of patients with DSDD are characterized by an acute inflammatory response and a coagulation activation. Recent evidence shows the beneficial effects of cell therapies and anticoagulant nebulization on acute lung injury (LPA) due to their action on various pathophysiological pathologies. The combination of both treatments could be an improvement for the treatment of SDRA.
El main goal of this novel project is to determine the therapeutic potential of a combination cell therapy with antithrombin III (ATIII) in LPA. We analyzed the effect of mesenchymal stem cells, type II alveolar cells or their conditioned media together with the administration of ATIII, in vitro and in vivo on HCl / Lipopolysaccharide-induced LPA. The action in different pathophysiological pathways of SDRA enhances its beneficial effect by modulating the inflammatory and pro-coagulant response and improving tissue repair.
- IP: Dr. Antonio Artigas Raventós
- Endowment until the third annuity: 111.320,00 €
Multicenter mixed-method study from three sub-studies of which objectives are:
- To know the experience, satisfaction and participation in decision-making of the participants in the colo-rectal cancer screening program (CCR) with a positive result in the stool of occult blood (TSOH) with respect to the screening process.
- To evaluate the experience, satisfaction and participation in decision-making during the diagnostic and therapeutic process of patients diagnosed with CCR through the program.
- Sub-study1- Development of a questionnaire to measure the experience and satisfaction of participants with a positive TSOH regarding the screening process: scope review, development of the questionnaire and pilot test with a sample of participants.
- Sub-study 2: A multicenter cross-sectional study (3 hospitals) to know the participation in decision-making, the experience and satisfaction of participants with a positive TSOH in relation to the screening process and the diagnostic-therapeutic process of cancer. 850 participants with a positive TSOH will be included, classified according to their final diagnosis (false positives of TSOH; polyps; CCR) and the results will be compared between groups. The variables of interest will be measured by self-administered questionnaires: RATE, SDM-Q-9, OUT-PATSAT35 and the questionnaire developed in the sub-study1.
- Sub-study3: qualitative study to gain in-depth knowledge of the perception and experience experienced by participants with a positive TSOH. We will use a phenomenological methodology, conduct discussion groups and individual interviews and make a thematic analysis of the content. The results of this project will identify areas for improvement in order to get really focused attention on people.
- IP: Dr. Anna Selva Olid
- Endowment until the third annuity: 45.980,00 €
OBJECTIVES: To study the impact of viral respiratory infection in cystic fibrosis (CF) on the respiratory and intestinal bacterial microbiome:
- Analyze the microbiome composition in the stable CF.
- To determine the changes in the microbiome associated with respiratory viral infection, and the pathogenicity linked to these changes.
- To determine the temporal persistence of microbiome modifications following viral infection.
- Identify changes in the respiratory inflammatory pattern associated with viral infection, and their relation to the composition of the microbiome.
- To determine the correlation between the microbiome and the evolution of the disease after a viral infection.
- Identify the information provided by the analysis of the respiratory virus, in stability and exacerbation by viral infection, in addition to conventional virology.
SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: Compare bacterial microbiome of supra-gluteal airway (nasal lavage, aspiration of pharyngeal gold) and infra-glottis (sputum) in stable condition and during exacerbation by viral infection.
METHODS: A cohort of CF patients will be set up at pediatric and adult clinics. Samples of nasal aspirate (N), pharyngeal gold aspirate (OP), sputum (E) and stools (H) will be collected monthly (September-April). The same set of samples will be collected at the time of viral exacerbation and in the 3 weeks following. The microbiome will be determined by conventional microbiology and 16S rRNA amplification and sequencing. The functional genomic target and resistoma will be determined by shotgun sequencing. Respiratory viruses will be identified by nested-PCR and microarray reading and Shotgun sequencing virus studies, and immune response markers (IL1b, IL8, IL12, IL17, EN) (LUMINEX, ELISA) will be determined. Finally, all data will be integrated through system biology.
- IP: Dr. Eduard Monso Molas
- Endowment until the third annuity: 208.120,00 €
The overall aim of the study is to test the validity of neurovascular stroke and thoracoabdominal synchronization as pathophysiological markers of dyspnea, and to determine the degree of their correlation with FEV1 and their importance as descriptors of the severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). . Specifically, to establish neuroventilatory decoupling, non-invasive sensors such as the electromyogram for sternum will be used to determine the start of electrical activation of the respiratory muscles, along with a pneumothorax that will determine the mechanical onset of inspiration.
We will also measure the degree of thoracabdominal asynchrony as a surrogate to the degree of airway resistance through inductance plethysmography and automated signal processing by calculating the phase angle on the two-dimensional graph of thoracic displacement versus abdominal displacement (Lissajous figures). ). Said parameters (neuroventilatory coupling and thoracoabdominal synchrony) will be studied in a basal situation, during effort on a cycloergometer and under non-invasive ventilation. They will be correlated with the clinical (functional Borg scale dyspnea) and functional (forced spirometry) parameters in clinical practice.
- IP: Dr. Manuel Luján I returned
- Endowment until the third annuity: 18.150,00 €
Over the last few years, knowledge about Bartonella has grown significantly. Until the XNUMX's, very few species had been described. However, due to improvements in molecular and culture techniques, the number of species described in recent years has grown considerably. Also, greater variability in clinical manifestations and greater complexity in their epidemiology have been described, with information yet to be elucidated regarding the role of some reservoirs and possible vectors such as ticks. On the other hand, from the point of view of microbiological diagnosis, the techniques of culture and molecular biology have improved substantially, so we have very powerful tools for the clinical and epidemiological study of these infections.
The aim of this project is to study the presence of Bartonella in vectors, pets (dogs and cats) and humans (patients with a clinic or people with risk factors for infection) and the epidemiological relationship between them, as well as confirm their increase. incidence and clinical spectrum.
Human, pet and vector samples will be studied. Different techniques will be applied to detect the presence of Bartonella (Tick-Borne Bacteria Flow Chip, immunohistochemistry and enriched culture) and the species detected will be identified by sequencing. The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the confirmed cases will be described.
- IP: Dr. M. Esperanza Anton Nieto
- Endowment until the third annuity: 77.440,00 €
Accurately describe the incidence of different types of patient-ventilator asynchronies and poor interactions in hypoxemic patients with VM, including those with SDRA, and evaluate their association with prognosis (duration of VM, mortality). Mutivariate analyzes that take prognosis as the dependent variable and each asynchronous type as an independent variable will explore the strength of associations after adjustment for multiple confounding factors.
- IP: Dr. Lluís Blanch Torra
- Endowment until the third annuity: 217.554,27 €
- Case file: RTC-2017-6193-1
These more than 10 years working on the consolidation of the innovation model implemented in the Parc Taulí Institute has led us to present new objectives focused on the acceleration of projects, transfers and their arrival to the market and the extension of the scope of the model including the working methodologies needed to respond to process innovation and the adoption of innovative public procurement processes by hospital structures in favor of the purchase of new technologies that provide greater efficiency.
These are our main challenges as a result of the institutional commitment to innovation that is present in many aspects and which are defined in the current strategic plan (2015-2019 period). This strategic plan contemplates three great strategic axes:
- Growth through the integration of researchers and groups of the entities that make up the Institute, internationalization, the promotion of network research, the promotion of clinical research and the recruitment of talent.
- Provide the Institute with the organizational model of the Institutes of Health Research as a means to maximize efficiency, gradually implementing the different plans and indicators required and adapting the structures and activity registers.
- Adaptation of the management structures to the impulse needs of the INNOVATION as a differentiating element in the framework of a strategy of specialization and of generating social and economic impact in the territory.
In this last axis we will focus on building our proposal of work in ITEMAS for the next period in line with the strategy of the Institute, and which will be developed with the following concrete objectives:
- To stimulate, develop and implement innovation in processes
- Acceleration of the arrival of products to the market and their transfer to the clinic, enhancing their transfer to the care and productive tissue, maximizing the impact on the territory.
- Encourage the generation of new opportunities for innovation (communication plan, dissemination of results,…)
- Increase the number of projects transferred to the market and / or implemented in the health system.
- Active participation in the work groups defined by the Itemas platform.
- IP: Dr. Lluís Blanch Torra
- Endowment until the third annuity: 213.510,00 €
Objective: To evaluate the impact of the detection and treatment of bacterial vaginosis in the first trimester of gestation, on the preterm birth rate of the general population of pregnant women.
Method: Phase IV randomized, double-blind, multicenter national clinical trial.
Subjects: Gestants of the general population asymptomatic carriers of bacterial vaginosis (Nugent criteria ≥ 4) in the first trimester of gestation.
Inclusion criteria: Single pregnancies <15 weeks, without symptoms suggestive of bacterial vaginosis.
Exclusion criteria: Multiple gestation, symptoms suggestive of bacterial vaginosis, fetal or maternal pathology present in the first trimester, which may interrupt the gestation.
Intervention: Patients with asymptomatic carrier of bacterial vaginosis (Nugent criteria ≥ 4), will be randomly assigned to one of the two branches of the study to:
- Study group: oral clindamycin 300 mg / 12h 5 days
- Placebo group: placebo capsules with identical characteristics and dosage. The randomization will be centralized online and managed by the CTU of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.
Main result: Preterm pregnancy <34 and <37 weeks.
Secondary results: Preterm pregnancy <32 and <28 weeks and second trimester losses (≥ 15- <24 weeks).
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2018 and will end on December 31, 2020, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is funded by the project PI17 / 01712, integrated in the National R & D & I Plan and co-financed by the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) - Subdirectorate General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. Agueda Rodriguez Vicente
- Endowment until the third annuity: 5.626,50 €
BACKGROUND: Suicide is the leading cause of violent deaths. In 2014, the Dept. Salud de Catalunya implemented the Suicide Risk Code (CRS), an intervention program in cases of high risk of suicide, with full geographical coverage since 2016. OBJECTIVES : A) estimating the population incidence of the attempt and the repetition of the suicide attempt; B) identify the clinical, demographic, psychometric, neuropsychological and biological factors and the stress response (psychoneuroendocrine, inflammation, genetic and neuroimaging markers) in suicide attempts; and C) evaluate the effectiveness and cost of the Suicide Risk Code (CRS) program.
METHODOLOGY: SUBPROJECT 1: A longitudinal study of the dynamic cohort of individuals registered in the CRS (expected n = 10.000). The variables come from the CRS register and from the link with the health and mortality records (PADRIS program). Will estimate: population incidence of suicide attempt; the incidence of repeated suicide attempts in the CRS; baseline risk factors for repeated suicide attempts; and effectiveness (deaths avoided); and the costs of the CRS program. SUBPROYECT 2 is a study of clinical sub-cohorts of a sample of hospital patients in the CRS program (n = 900), evaluated clinically (neuropsychological variables, psychoneuroendocrine, inflammatory, genetic and neuroimaging markers), followed by 18 months and compared with control groups (repeaters vs. non-repeaters and healthy).
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2018 and will end on December 31, 2020, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is funded by the project PI17 / 01205, integrated in the National R & D & I Plan and co-financed by the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) - Subdirectorate General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. Diego J. Palao Vidal
- Endowment until the third annuity: 106.480,00 €
Cross-sectional studies have described in migrants rates of colonization by multidrug-resistant bacteria (BMR) higher than those observed in the native population.
- To evaluate the prevalence of intestinal colonization by broad-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing enterobacteria (EBLEE), carbapenemase (EPC) and vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (EVR) in people from non-European countries.
- To study the genetic lineage of isolated BMRs and the enzymes involved in their antibiotic resistance.
- To analyze the risk factors for BMR colonization.
- To study the associations between BMR colonization and the composition and diversity of the gut microbiome.
- To study the factors related to the persistence in the colonization after the arrival to our country.
Methodology: A multicenter cross-sectional study involving four primary care centers and two tropical disease services. Inclusion of migrant subjects during the first quarter after their arrival in Spain. Epidemiological data collection. Rectal smear screening for BMR detection. Incubation and seeding in selective chromogenic media. Identification by MALDITOF MS (MALDI-Biotyper®) and microdilution antibiotic sensitivity (MicroScan®). PCR will study the resistance genes of the EBLEE, EPC and EVR isolates. Genotyping by pulsed field electrophoresis and representative selection of isolates will also be studied by MLST. Bacterial microbiome analysis will be performed by amplification and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. At 6 months, new epidemiological data collection and screening of the subjects with some positive sample for BMR in the first screening. Analysis of risk factors for colonization and persistence of colonization using logistic regression models.
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2018 and will end on December 31, 2020, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is funded by the project PI17 / 02102, integrated in the National R & D & I Plan and co-financed by the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) - Subdirectorate General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. Oriol Gasch Blasi
- Endowment until the third annuity: 64.130,00 €
Introduction: Helicobacter pylori is the main causative agent of gastric diseases and the main risk factor for the development of gastric adenocarcinoma. In vitro studies with this pathogen use tumor cell lines as a model of infection. However, these cell lines do not have a normal cell physiology, nor are they representative of the integral gastric epithelium. A solid, almost immortal human gastric organoid (OGH) model has recently been established. Based on the histology and expression of markers, this model retains many of the characteristics of its respective tissue of origin. OGH is a valuable tool in studying the epithelial response to H. pylori infection. We will use this method to generate organoids at the different stages of the infection that lead to gastric cancer.
Objectives: To investigate, using organoids, the morphological profile and gene expression 1) of organoids obtained from biopsies of patients without infection of the body and body and subsequently infected with H. pylori 2) obtained from patients with chronic gastritis, preneoplastic gastric lesions (atrophy). , metaplasia) and gastric cancer. These results can be used to predict the carcinogenic potential of H. pylori and to predict the Correa cascade (chronic gastritis, preneoplastic lesions, and gastric cancer).
Methods: We will generate organoids from human gastric and body gastric biopsies from dyspeptic patients without H.pylori and infect them with virulent and non-virulent strains of the bacterium. In addition we will generate organoids from patients with: i) infection ii) metaplasia iii) gastric cancer. We will evaluate the response to the infection based on morphological changes, cytokines and gene expression (mRNA / miRNA). The results will be correlated with the clinical, microbiological and histopathological findings.
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2018 and will end on December 31, 2020, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is funded by the project PI17 / 01564, integrated in the National R & D & I Plan and co-financed by the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) - Subdirectorate General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. Xavier Calvet Calvo
- Endowment until the third annuity: 92.202,00 €
The psychological, cognitive and physical aftermath of critical illness can be compounded by the high levels of stress that patients experience in the Intensive Care Units (ICUs). At present it is necessary to reconsider the re-humanization of care with initiatives that improve the relationship between patients, family and healthcare professionals, always considering the benefit of the patient, but without increasing the burden of care or the human and economic costs.
El overall objective of this project is to develop and implement a multifunction system with 4.0 technological tools that facilitate humanized care in the ICUs. The users of the system will be both patients, family and clinical professionals, which will complement the evolution, accompaniment and medical treatment with aspects of humanization. Virtual Reality techniques for the application of physical and cognitive rehabilitation during the ICU stay will be included and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions will be implemented, ensuring the interconnectivity of the devices in the ICU ecosystem. Finally, the system will include an integration engine that allows the capture, storage and analysis of massive data that can be integrated into the medical history, with the aim of generating predictive models for the continuous improvement of care.
This aid is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Intelligent Growth Operational Program 2014-2020 (Thematic objective "Enhancing research, technological development and innovation"; Specific Objective "Fostering and generation of border knowledge and knowledge oriented to the challenges of society, the development of emerging technologies "; Action" Research projects aimed at the Challenge of Health, Demographic Change and Welfare ".
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2018 and will end on December 31, 2019.
- IP: Dr. Lluís Blanch Torra
- Endowment until the third annuity: 70.400,00 €
REDISSEC is built on three major issues: the challenge of managing the phenomenon of chronicity, the need to have more and better information and the obligation to increase research capacity in health policies and services in Spain.
Chronic diseases (EC) are by far the leading cause of death in Europe and Spain, accounting for more than two-thirds of all deaths. The economic implications of such a burden of disease are also notable.
Despite recent advances, most health care for EC is still structured around acute exacerbations of the disease. For this reason, the management of chronic diseases is increasingly considered a major concern for policymakers and researchers. Probably the elements that best shape the current healthcare environment are: the concern of governments and societies about the growing spending on health; the existence of large variations in medical practice that are not explained by differences in the morbidity of populations; Concerns about the efficacy, safety and efficiency of new technologies and medicines, and the quality of medical practice and healthcare organizations; the revolution in information and communication technologies, along with the promise of their impact on the health sector; and the increasing involvement of patients in clinical decisions. Health Services research in Spain has grown over the last 20 years, mainly around small research groups. Although some previous efforts may be worth noting, it was not until 2004 that research in health services appeared as a priority area of research in the National Research Plan 2004-2007.
REDISSEC's ability is based on previous Collaborative Research experience in most participating groups. This collaborative strategy has led to the creation of an initiative composed of 14 research groups from 9 Autonomous Communities. REDISSEC is aware of its potential in terms of capacity building for health services research in chronic diseases; however, REDISSEC is also aware of the many research questions and knowledge gaps that will require additional strategies from networking, at national and international levels.
This work is financed by the project RD16 / 0001/0002, integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2017 and will end on December 31, 2021, following a ISCIII evaluation carried out at the end of the third year.
- IP: Dr. Mª Lluïsa Baré Mañas
- Financial endowment: 109.829,50 €
The purpose of the RIS is to guarantee a high level of quality of HIV / AIDS research and to encourage the continuous improvement of the results in the National Health System, through the cooperation of quality groups from different institutions.
- The relevance of these in the current scenario of AIDS research
- The previous experience of the participating groups, their level of excellence and their international competitiveness.
- The ability to combine strategies and competencies to perform a global approach to these questions that would be unrealizable outside of networking
This work is financed by the project RD16 / 0025/0033, integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2017 and will end on December 31, 2021, following a ISCIII evaluation carried out at the end of the third year.
- IP: Dr. Gemma Navarro Rubio
- Financial endowment: 38.500,00 €
The Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Pathology (REIPI) is an interterritorial research space framed within the Thematic Networks of Cooperative Health Research (RETICS), through the "Instituto de Salud Carlos III", Ministry of Science and Innovation, in which twenty-five research groups from seven autonomous communities participate, coming from the Health System, the University and the Superior Council for Scientific Research.
The groups that constitute it have the objective of producing scientific knowledge in the field of infectious diseases, grouping microbiologists, infectologists and immunologists, linked to basic, translational and clinical-epidemiological research groups.
The areas of work of the REIPI are diverse, including their research groups, especially those from the Health System, to a significant number of researchers. Thus, REIPI focuses on antimicrobial and microbial resistance, community and hospital infections, infections in immunosuppressed patients, and the molecular basis of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of infections. On the other hand, since the knowledge produced is intended to ultimately transfer patients, the main strategic objectives are grouped into thirteen Health Problems, defined by the Scientific Committee of the Network.
This work is financed by the project RD16 / 0001/0002, integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2017 and will end on December 31, 2021, following a ISCIII evaluation carried out at the end of the third year.
- IP: Dr. Oriol Gasch Blasi
- Financial endowment: 8.519,00 €
Given the difficulty involved in handling and interpreting the large amount of data that is handled in the ICUs, the target of the project is to provide service staff with technological developments that facilitate care work specifically focused on improving patient-ventilator interaction to reduce the incidence of asynchronies and to optimize the timing of the removal of mechanical ventilation. In mechanical ventilation (VM) the use of an expert system can bring great benefits. Patient-ventilator asynchronies are associated with worse prognosis and may be responsible for underlying clinical changes, including prolonged VM time increase the risk of complications. Extubation failure has been significantly associated with an increased incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia and high mortality. The development of Smart Data Display tools can facilitate knowledge and decision-making and positively reduce the risk of complications.
Methodology: The study will be developed in the ICU of the Parc Taulí University Hospital. We will generate a large database collected continuously in patients admitted to the ICU who require mechanical ventilation. We will design algorithms that facilitate the interpretation of them. On the basis of this we will implement a simple tool (Smart Data Display) in the form of a screen that facilitates the daily practice for the support staff and analyze the results after this intervention.
This work is financed by the project PI16 / 01606, integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2017 and will end on December 31, 2019.
- IP: Dr. Lluís Blanch i Torra
- Financial endowment: 80.465,00 €
About 10% of patients with SA phenotype remain without genetic diagnosis. It is believed that genes responsible for the SA phenotype are yet to be identified. The function of the UBE3A gene, responsible for SA, is complex and a deficit at some point in its molecular network may contribute to the characteristics associated with SA. In fact, many syndromes that exhibit a phenotype that overlaps with SA are caused by mutations in genes whose function interacts with UBE3A.
We propose the use of exome sequencing in 16 parent-patient trios to identify new candidate genes responsible for the SA phenotype. Simultaneously, we will characterize the underlying molecular interactions in order to increase understanding of the biological functions associated with the UBE3A gene and SA phenotypes. Identification of new candidate genes and pathways involved in the phenotype may lead to the design of new targeted therapies.
In addition, a better description of the clinical and neurocognitive phenotype associated with the identified molecular alterations will be made, which may lead to a different therapeutic approach and therefore to a better quality of life for patients with SA and their families.
Finally, a new genetic diagnostic algorithm will be developed that includes a panel of gene sequences, including the UBE3A gene, other known genes that cause an SA phenotype and the new candidate genes, to increase the success rate of molecular diagnosis in those patients displaying a SA phenotype. Early molecular diagnosis is crucial for optimum clinical management and genetic counseling.
This work is financed by the project PI16 / 01411 integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2017 and will end on December 31, 2019.
- IP: Dr. Miriam Guitart Feliubadalo
- Financial endowment: 62.315,00 €
Gestational diabetes is the most common metabolic disorder in pregnancy, affecting at least 9% of all pregnancies. Without treatment, hyperglycemia causes complications such as macrosomy, which increases the risk of birth injuries and metabolic disorders in the first hours of life. The key parameters for monitoring are fasting blood glucose and postprandial glycemia. Glucose levels tend to increase progressively throughout pregnancy, and if they become inadequate despite a quantitative diet and exercise, insulin treatment will be required. To ensure that the glycemic values are correct, the care protocols recommend that visits be made weekly or at most bi-weekly, which is an enormous workload.
We have developed and tested in a randomized clinical trial an intelligent web application that classifies blood glucose data and generates automatic messages to the patient with diet change proposals to correct hyperglycemia and / or ketonuria and alerts the patient and the care team if considered the need to initiate insulin treatment is likely. The clinical study has shown the safety, efficacy and high satisfaction of the patients. The target of this project is to adapt the application for use on mobile (android), integrate a measure of physical activity and adapt and customize the recommendations according to the prescribed level of activity.
This aid is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Intelligent Growth Operational Program 2014-2020 (Thematic objective "Enhancing research, technological development and innovation"; Specific Objective "Fostering and generation of border knowledge and knowledge oriented to the challenges of society, the development of emerging technologies "; Action" Research projects aimed at the Challenge of Health, Demographic Change and Welfare ".
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2017 and will end on December 31, 2018.
- IP: Dr. Mercedes Rigla Cros
- Financial endowment: 33.000,00 €
Sepsis is a frequent and severe clinical entity that is defined as a potentially life-threatening severe infection with a life-threatening cytosine-mediated hyperinflammatory response to multiorgan dysfunction (MOF). It is the most common cause of death in most intensive care units. The pathophysiology of sepsis is not fully known, although the analysis of biomarkers in patients with sepsis has provided us with relevant information about this process. In-depth study of the cellular response and molecular mechanisms that occur in the presence of these biological mediators and which are involved in the development of MOF, seems a priority for
propose new effective therapeutic strategies. Currently, no drug treatment has been beneficial for the treatment of sepsis, which is why new therapeutic alternatives are being proposed. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiapoptotic, and cell permeability-regulating properties, and it is logical to think they could be a good therapy for sepsis, as they would act at different levels and in a systemic way. Our group raises the possibility of improving its specific therapeutic potential depending on the pathophysiological changes observed. Genetically modified MSCs will be administered as
treatment in our animal model of sepsis and the main hypothesis of this project is that treatment with these cells will reduce damage and control the inflammatory response, improving microcirculation, reducing MOF and decreasing mortality.
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2016 and will end on December 31, 2018, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is financed by the project PI15 / 02204, integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. Antoni Artigas Raventós
- Financial endowment: 86.515,00 €
- Estimate and describe patterns of multimorbidity and polymedication in patients over 64 years of age who suffer from exacerbated chronic pathology.
- Analyze potentially inappropriate prescription (PPI) of drugs according to STOPP / START (SS) criteria.
- To evaluate the relationship between multimorbidity and PPI and preventable adverse drug reaction (RAM).
Methods: A prospective multicenter randomized sample of 1200 admissions in the internal medicine and / or geriatric services of 5 general SNS hospitals. Terminal patients with a life expectancy of less than 1 year will be excluded. Application of the SS criteria at admission and discharge, and collection of sociodemographic, clinical variables including comorbidities and geriatric syndromes, chronic basal medication, functional capacity, and RAM. A descriptive and bivariate analysis will be performed using parametric or non-parametric tests according to variables, including morbidity, polymedication, SS criteria and RAM. Multiple regression techniques will be applied, where the dependent variable will be the PPI or the RAM.
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2016 and will end on December 31, 2018, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is financed by the project PI15 / 00552, integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. Maria Lluïsa Baré Mañas
- Financial endowment: 58.080,00 €
Patients with bipolar disorder have neurocognitive deficits, which are apparent not only during affective episodes but also during the symptoms remission phases and are associated with significant functional repercussions. However, the number of studies on neurocognitive rehabilitation in bipolar disorder is very small. This entails the need to research new effective, more creative and innovative interventions to reduce cognitive deficits in order to reduce costs and increase patient benefits.
This project has like target check the efficacy of the Neuropersonaltrainer a computerized neurocognitive module as an adjunct to functional rehabilitation intervention. Patients completing the initial functional rehabilitation intervention will be randomized to an extension of the study consisting of 12 weeks of training with the e-neurocognitive module, in order to test the effectiveness of this new intervention on psychosocial functioning in bipolar disorder. Clinical, neuropsychological and neuroimaging variables will also be evaluated as secondary outcome variables.
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2016 and will end on December 31, 2018, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is financed by the project PI15 / 01478, integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. Narcís Cardoner Alvarez
- Financial endowment: 117.370,00 €
Coronary arteriosclerotic disease is the leading cause of death in type 1 diabetes (DMI). It is often asystomatic and appears as salient myocardial ischemia (IMS). This can be detected with myocardial stress perfusion imaging (PIPMes), and predicts future coronary events. According to the AHA / ADA, classical cardiovascular risk factors (CVs) underestimate that CV risk. The widespread use of PIPMes is unfeasible, so to better identify the patients most likely to have IMS is a PIPME (and treat them before the first coronary event) we propose to evaluate as potential biomarkers of IMS (alone or together), in 100 patients with DMI (> 10ª evolution, without clinical CV disease):
- Glycemic variability (standard deviation-DE- from the continuous glucose monitoring records- MCG- (primary objective);
- Whole-pancreatic secretion following a TCM- (C-peptide, glucagon, GLP-1) mixed meal test;
- Number and size of lipoproteins (NMR spectroscopy);
- Markers of myocardial stress (NT-proBNP, hs-cTnT), inflammation (hs-CRP, IL-6, TNF-alpha 1 and 2 soluble receptors), endothelial dysfunction (ICAM, VCAM, E-selectin), and advanced glycosylation ( N-carboxy-methyl-lysine; accumulation in the skin)
- Plasma microRNAs;
- Retinal neuro-degeneration (NDR) (optical coherence tomography).
Methods: Patients will be evaluated for basic clinical features, IMS (with PIPME), and all potential biomarkers mentioned.
It is expected that IMS will be associated with more DE in the MCG, more atherogenic lipoprotein profile, specific profile of micro RNAs, lower C-peptic and GLP-1 concentrations and higher markers, and higher NDR.
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2016 and will end on December 31, 2018, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is financed by the project PI15 / 00567, integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. José Miguel González Clemente
- Financial endowment: 134.915,00 €
El main goal of this project is to evaluate the longitudinal changes in biomarkers and inflammatory factors before and after a computerized cognitive rehabilitation intervention in patients with a psychotic disorder in the early stages of the disease to evaluate if baseline markers can predict the response or if the intervention is associated with an improvement in biochemical / hormonal parameters.
Methodology: Randomized, crossover, single-blind clinical trial. 40 young patients (18-40) with a psychotic disorder of <3 years of evolution will be included. They will be randomized into 2 branches of treatment (cognitive rehabilitation vs. regular treatment. The cognitive rehabilitation intervention will be a computerized program of intensive cognitive rehabilitation (60 total hours, 4-5 hours / week, 3 months) using the Neuropersonal Trainer platform. three months will cross both branches (the group that underwent regular treatment will undergo cognitive rehabilitation, and vice versa) All patients will have an assessment 3 months after the end of cognitive rehabilitation.Clinical evaluations (baseline, 3 and 6 months in subgroup of Delayed onset) will include a cognitive battery (CANTAB for schizophrenia), Hinting Tasks, cognitive bias scale, PANSS, Calbary-Depression, PSP, and stress measures (perceived stress, life events, child abuse) .Hormones will be determined (cortisol, prolactin ) and inflammatory factors (c-reactive protein, fibrinogen) in serum and cortisol in saliva (cortisol response to ertar and area under the curve during clinical evaluations). A statistical analysis will be performed by intention to treat and by protocol.
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2016 and will end on December 31, 2018, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is financed by the project PI15 / 01386, integrated in the National Plan of I + D + I and co-financed by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. Javier Labad Arias
- Financial endowment: 55.055,00 €
El overall objective of this coordinated project is to test the following hypotheses:
- The pulmonary microbiome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is different in patients with frequent episodes of exacerbation (AF), compared to those who do not have it (NA).
- The microbial profile of the AF patient is associated with a differentiated local and systemic inflammatory and immune pattern.
- The inflammatory and immune characteristics of COPD are modulated by the gut microbiome.
The project is based on bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) for the sampling of the pulmonary microbiome, and includes the analysis of regional (intrapulmonary) and temporal variability. The project will also evaluate the correlation between the BAL and the samples obtained from the proximal airway (oral cavity, oropharynx and sputum), and the representativeness of the pulmonary microbiome in them. A cohort of patients with COPD (n = 50 AF and n = 50 NA), and of healthy subjects (n = 30), matched by age, sex and tobacco consumption, will be created, from which the clinical stability samples will be obtained. previously required respiratory secretions, with repeated sampling in one quarter of the participants at 6 months.
The coordinating project will determine the bacterial and fungal flora by analysis of 16S rRNA and STI, and in a quarter of the participants the virus and the functional metagenome of the identified microbial flora. The coordinated subprojects will determine the regional variability of the pulmonary microbiome, the local and systemic inflammatory and immune response, and the relationship between the gut microbiome and the inflammatory and clinical features of the disease.
The project dataset will be analyzed with integrative methodologies based on network analysis, with the final aim of improving the understanding of the pathogenesis of COPD and its exacerbations, as a way to obtain new therapeutic alternatives.
The execution period of this project began on January 1, 2016 and will end on December 31, 2018, except for circumstances that are outside the institution need to request an extension.
This work is funded by the PI15 / 00167 project, integrated into the National R&D Plan and co-financed by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISC III)-Directorate-General for Evaluation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- IP: Dr. Eduard Monsó Molas
- Financial endowment: 159.115,00 €
The following projects have been funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR”
Title: Discovery and early clinical development of novel PDE-10 inhibitors for the treatment of Prader-Willi syndrome (PRAWILLI).
La Prader-Willi syndrome (SPW) is a rare and complex genetic disorder that affects about 3.000 people in Spain. The disease primarily affects appetite, but also growth, metabolism, cognitive function, and behavior. The project aims to advance the clinical development of the compound PBF-999, PDE10 enzyme inhibitor in patients afflicted with this disease, to evaluate metabolic and behavioral parameters related to hyperphagia, before, during and after treatment. In addition, it is of interest to evaluate the expression and activity of the PDE10 enzyme and its second messenger cGMP and cAMP, as well as other pharmacological readings related to the metabolic state of patients with SPW, as potential biomarkers that would allow the 'objective definition of the degree. of the hyperphagia suffered by these patients.
- IP: Assumpta Caixàs Pedragós
Title: Phase IIa clinical trial of an innovative therapy for patients with Fragile X Syndrome (FSX)
A multicenter observational pilot study will be conducted with different biometric, biochemical biomarkers and cognitive-behavioral scales in healthy volunteers and in SXF patients, with the following objectives:
1) To compare baseline conditions of biometric and biochemical biomarkers between an observational cohort of healthy volunteers and subjects with SXF
2) Evaluate some cognitive assessment methods studied in the activity
anterior in SXF patients
3) Agree on the subsequent use of these biomarkers in the trial
clinical Phase IIa in patients with SXF.
- IP: Ana Roche Martinez
- Financial endowment: 112.456,40 €
Title: SeptiBell: The first device-Reader "point of care" that allows to analyze and process the cells of the immune system (using "SeptiLoop" consumables); detecting its response to bacteria is able to diagnose sepsis in its earliest stage
The purpose of the SeptiBell project is to develop an intelligent device capable of identifying the state of tolerance to endotoxicity caused by a bacterial infection using in vitro techniques and artificial intelligence, to have a functional prototype that is operative in emergencies, until to get it validated at an industrial level in order to obtain the steps prior to regulation as a diagnostic product. In this way, the early diagnosis of sepsis in an initial phase becomes possible.
This project is in collaboration with LOOP DIAGNOSTICS, SL
- IP: Antonio Artigas Raventós
- Financial endowment: 431.147,00 €
Title: Workstation design for decision support in the critically ill patient with invasive mechanical ventilation (WS-VENT).
El WS-VENT project is based on the design and development of a WorkStation, evaluated in a typical work environment, which will combine data engineering techniques with easy-to-interpret visualizations to display key information from large patient data sets mechanically ventilated critical. In this way, it is intended to transfer the knowledge and scientific and technical results obtained in the area of mechanical ventilation of the critical patient to the market, by means of a validated product.
This project is in collaboration with Better Care, SL and the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital Foundation – Research Institute.
- IP: Lluís Blanch Torra
- Financial endowment: 112.456,40 €
Title: Multidisciplinary approach for the development of Artificial Intelligence tools to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of osteoarthritis. OASIS
El OASIS project aims to develop a high-capacity tool integrating a large amount of information from multiple and diverse sources, based on artificial intelligence, to comprehensively obtain a better diagnostic and prognostic approach in patients with osteoarthritis.
This project is in collaboration with CETIR, ERESA, Qrem, Leitat Technological Center and Fundación QUAES.
- IP: John Calvet
- Financial endowment: 172.949,04 €
This project aims to promote the digitization of the health care value chain, with special emphasis on the exploitation of data by clinical staff, researchers and Artificial Intelligence scientists, to improve patient care.
- IP: Jordi Gratacós
- endowment economic: €287.500
Title: The digital transformation in the prevention and management of suicide risk in adult patients through the use of tools with AI algorithms, trained through clinical evidence.
THEmain goal is to develop and validate the use of a digital platform to monitor and predict suicide risk in mental health patients.
- IP: Diego Palao
- Financial endowment: 210.000 €
Title: Patterns of cellular and molecular senescence in Rheumatoid Arthritis and study of its response to an autologous serum enriched in cytokines. SERHA
El SERHA project aims to study senescence, that is, cellular aging in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and its influence on the pathophysiology of the disease. This study will help us look for a new approach to the treatment of the disease based on the patients' own serum, enriched in cytokines.
This project is in collaboration with Qrem and Leitat Technological Center.
- IP: Eduard Graell
- Financial endowment: 133.420,79 €
The aim of the project is to develop and validate a decision support system with artificial intelligence designed to optimize the application of mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal pulmonary support in order to improve patient care in the ICU , as well as communication between clinical teams and patients.
IP: Leonardo Sarlabous and Lluís Blanch
period: 01 / 01 / 2022 - 31 / 08 / 2027
Financing: Parc Taulí: €71.500 (Consortium: €5.980.347,5)
Framework Program: Horizon Europe
The FLIGHT project is an MSCA COFUND doctoral project that will promote the professional mobility of predoctoral researchers in the field of photonic sciences. In this project the I3PT acts as the implementing partner of a predoctoral researcher.
IP: Jaume Mesquida
period: 01 / 11 / 2023 - 31 / 10 / 2028
Financing: Parc Taulí: €100.800 (Consortium: €3.024.000)
Framework Program: Horizon Europe
The TOUCH project is an MSCA COFUND doctoral project that will promote the professional mobility of predoctoral researchers in the field of mental health. In this project the I3PT acts as the implementing partner of two predoctoral researchers.
IP: Diego J. Palao and Sol Fernández
period: 01 / 02 / 2024 - 31 / 01 / 2029
Financing: Parc Taulí: €201.600 (Consortium: €2.419.200)
Framework Program: Horizon Europe
The AIRA project is an innovative MSCA COFUND project to promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and will provide 33 3-year postdoctoral fellowships to promote interdisciplinary projects and train scientific leaders in AI. develop a transformative solution for a transformative future in AI. In this project the I3PT acts as an associated partner.
IP: José Antonio Ibeas
period: 01 / 09 / 2024 - 31 / 08 / 2029
Financing: Parc Taulí: €0 (Consortium: €4.728.240)
Framework Program: Horizon Europe
The aim of the project is to validate the effectiveness of an electroencephalography (EEG) neurofeedback protocol that targets emotional regulation (ER) circuits. It will also explore algorithms for EEG data analysis. This project seeks to advance mental health interventions and push the boundaries of artificial intelligence methods. In this MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship project, the I3PT acts as an associated partner for support.
IP: Diego J. Palao and Virginia Soria
period: 01 / 01 / 2025 - 30 / 06 / 2027
Financing: Parc Taulí: €0 (Consortium: €244.893,6)
Framework Program: Horizon Europe
The aim of the project is to develop a pioneering purification system to remove antibiotics and resistant bacteria from hospital effluents. The consortium will design and implement at the Parc Taulí University Hospital an innovative and unique waste water treatment system in Spain.
IP: Óscar Quijada
period: 01 / 09 / 2024 - 30 / 08 / 2027
Financing: Parc Taulí: €390.688,2 (Consortium: 1.309.968)
Framework Program: LIFE Programme
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The aim of the project is to improve the management skills and practices of health professionals working in the management of pre-hospital and in-hospital polytrauma cases, as well as to strengthen the capacities of health professionals through innovative methods and the strengthening of intersectoral cooperation and the dialogue between relevant organizations to promote the management of polytraumatism cases.
IP: Laura Mora and Andrea Campos
period: 01/12/2024 -30/11/2026
Financing: Parc Taulí: €50.080 (Consortium: €250.000)
Framework Program: Erasmus+ KA220
Completed projects
The aim of the project is to study the incidence of prone decubitus intubation in patients with de novo acute hypoxemic respiratory failure under HFNC. It is also intended to determine the effects of prone lying position on efficacy, safety, tolerance and viability.
IP: Luis Fernando Morales
Period: 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2022
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 20.000
Framework Program: 2020 ESICM Award
The overall goal of the project is to develop mental health resilience among health professionals who are involved in the emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
IP: Cardoner Narcís
Period: 01/07/2020 – 31/10/2021
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 25.151
Framework Program: Pfizer Covid-19 Grants Program
The aim of the project is to develop a strategic European consortium between universities and clinical centers specializing in nephrology with the general aim of stimulating the attractiveness of nephrology among students at European level and improving continuing education in order to develop a policy framework for the provision of high quality services within the European healthcare system.
IP: Jose Antonio Ibeas
Period: 01/11/2020 – 31/10/2023
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 61.935 (Consortium: € 969.560)
Framework Program: Erasmus + KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
The aim of the project is to develop a mobile platform for the evaluation of microvascular health in COVID-19 patients who are in the ICU. Unique biomarkers will be provided for prognostic purposes to guide physicians in the development and deployment of new therapies targeting microvasculature and to customize patient treatment and prevent unexpected deterioration in their respiratory status.
IP: James Mesquida
Period: 01/12/2020 – 30/11/2022
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 211.688 (Consortium: € 2.041.348)
Framework Program: H2020 (CORONAVIRUS)
▶ Watch the annual meeting of the project partners:
The aim of the project is, within a framework of innovation public procurement, to find solutions that increase efficiency, quality and environmental sustainability in hospitals. In the case of Parc Taulí, work is being done on a solution for the in-hospital manufacture of tailor-made 3D solutions.
IP: Ferran Fillat
Period: 01/01/2020 – 30/06/2023
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 140.984 (Consortium: € 1.357.724)
Marc's program: COSME
The aim of the project is to promote the development of skills of psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and other social workers in order to adequately help transgender and intersex (IT) people. These people are exposed to discrimination and harassment that often results in mental disorders, drug addiction and suicide.
IP: Cardoner Narcís
Period: 01/04/2020 – 31/03/2022
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 60.270 (Consortium: € 413.234)
Framework Program: REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) Program
The aim of the project is, through artificial intelligence, to study the contribution of different biomarkers of patients with schizophrenia and adolescents with and without psychotic experiences for the early detection and treatment of these disorders.
IP: Javier Labad (Project Coordinator)
Period: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 165.906 (Consortium: € 626.482)
Framework Program: ERA-NET NEURON
The aim of the project is to study traumatic stress to study how the brain changes in response to the environment in order to predict and prevent the development of a psychiatric disorder, identify an early diagnosis and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. .
IP: Cardoner Narcís
Period: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 99.825 (Consortium: € 845.592)
Framework Program: ERA-NET NEURON
The aim of the project is to encourage new approaches around the concept of Value Based Public Procurement of Innovation and to generate a framework of more economic advantages for bidding processes (MEAT). Parc Taulí participates in the analysis of the current state of antibiotic use in hospitals, the existing barriers in rapid diagnostic tests and in the identification and analysis of problems in integrated care services in order to be able to define criteria for a value-based assessment.
IP: Oriol Gasch
Period: 01/01/2019 – 30/06/2020
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 78.281 (Consortium: € 1.997.341)
Framework Program: H2020 (CSA)
The aim of the project is to improve the comprehensive management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM-2) with a personalized management and administration that considers all relevant aspects of clinical care for patients with DM-2 with the aim of to facilitate patients and health professionals in the management and monitoring of the disease through solutions and services based on advanced digital technologies.
IP: Mercedes Rule
Period: 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2020
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 70.610
Framework Program: EUREKA
The aim of the projects is, within a pre-commercial public procurement framework, to find solutions to empower patients through professional stress recovery and prevention services.
IP: Carme Colilles
Period: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2020
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 541.350 (Consortium: € 4.191.300)
Framework Program: H2020 (PCP)
Telemonitoring and Telemedicine for Hospitals Assisted by ICT for Life saving co-morbid patients in Europe within a personalized care program of the EU
The aim is to develop an interoperable and independent platform, to detect patients at higher risk in the ICU and improve the care of critically ill patients through telemedicine.
IP: Lluís Blanch Torra
Period: 01/06/2016 – 31/05/2019
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 155.550 (Consortium: € 777.750)
Framework Program: H2020 (PPI)
The aim is to create a website of good communication practices for people with severe disabilities who cannot use oral language, accessible to be used in hospitals, schools and for individuals, in order to be able to use communication with these people.
IP: Loreno Plays Elvira
Period: 01/10/2015 – 30/06/2018
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 25.465 (Consortium: € 117.920)
Framework Program: ERASMUS +
The aim of the project is, within a framework of pre-commercial public procurement, to create new technologies and platforms for the treatment of mental health problems, especially focused on bipolar disorder.
IP: Diego J. Palao Vidal
Period: 01/01/2014 – 30/06/2017
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 153.032 (Consortium: € 1.884.000)
Framework Program: FP7
The aim of the project is to develop and implement innovative technologies aimed at improving the energy efficiency of buildings
IP: Gabriel Ochoa Gimeno
Period: 01/07/2013 – 30/06/2017
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 459.433 (Consortium: € 8.800.00)
Framework Program: FP7
The aim of the project is the rapid detection of Cystic Fibrosis in humans.
IP: Montserrat Bosque García
Period: 01/04/2015 – 30/09/2016
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 49.000 (Consortium: € 150.000)
Framework Program: H2020-ERC-PoC
Telemonitoring and Telemedicine for Hospitals Assisted by ICT for Life saving co-morbid patients in Europe within a personalized care program of the EU
The aim of the project is, within a pre-commercial procurement framework, to create appropriate technological solutions to detect patients at highest risk in the ICU and improve the care of critically ill patients through telemedicine.
IP: Lluís Blanch Torra
Period: 01/11/2013 – 31/10/2016
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 79.219 (Consortium: € 1.825.972)
Framework Program: FP7
The aim of the project is to develop a decision support system in patients with chronic diseases. MobiGuide can resolve questions by providing efficient advice based on clinical guidelines, patient medical data, and preferences.
IP: Mercedes Rigla Cross
Period: 01/11/2011 – 31/10/2015
Financing: Parc Taulí: € 507.520 (Consortium: € 5.386.996)
Framework Program: FP7
Project title: Response and exacerbation factors associated with biological treatments and small molecules in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Longitudinal discovery study with plasma proteomics techniques and candidate validation. REFRAP
El REFRAP project aims to deepen the knowledge of the best treatment option for rheumatoid arthritis. The aim of the project is to study whether there are biomarkers in the plasma that characterize the response of patients with rheumatoid arthritis to biological therapy or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.
Participating centers
- Hospital Asil de Granollers Private Foundation. Dr. Noemí Busquets
- Mollet Hospital. Dr. Elisabeth García Casares
- Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Manresa. Dr. Meritxell Sallés
- Hospital del Mar, Barcelona. Dr. Carolina Perez
- Park Taulí University Hospital, Sabadell. Dr. María García-Manrique de Lara
GALAPAGOS ISR (Investigator Sponsored Research) Competitive Scholarship 2022
- IP: Joan Calvet
- Economic endowment: €45.000
El ICURA project is based on the implementation of a digital tool for the telematic monitoring and management of the emotional and cognitive sequelae of critically ill patients once they have left the ICU. Likewise, it provides digital solutions that make the process viable without increasing the healthcare burden on professionals, while focusing on providing solutions for patients' relatives and caregivers.
Participating centers
- Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute (I3PT)
- Parc Taulí Health Corporation Consortium (CCSPT)
- University of the Balearic Islands (UIB)
- Balearic Islands Health Research Institute (IdISBa)
- Son Espases University Hospital
Project winning a grant from La Marató 3CAT dedicated to mental health (2022)
- Coordinator: Sun Fernandez
- Economic endowment: €299.771,66
The project ACME Cat approaches the study of the detection of tissue hypoxia in the initial hours of handling critical patients with cardiovascular failure caused by a infectious process hard.
Participating centers
- Parc Taulí University Hospital
- Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital
- Manresa Hospital – Althaia Foundation
- Hospital del Mar
- Mataró Hospital
- Terrassa Mutual Hospital
- Hospital of Santa Creu i Sant Pau
- Hospital Joan XXIII of Tarragona
- Chirón-Teknon Hospital
- Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron
Project funded by the Catalan Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine (SOCMIC)
- Coordinator: Jaume Mesquida