Tips for parents of children and teens on coping with grief over COVID-19
Given the exceptionality of the situation we live in, many families have had to deal with losses in a complicated and different way than they knew. From the Child and Youth Mental Health Service, the psychology team has developed some tabs with tips for parents to be able to respond to mourning situations, depending on the different ages of their children.
The mourning
The death of a grandfather or grandmother, mother or father, brother or sister, a close relative or a friend is a hard and difficult time for which some children and adolescents unfortunately go through. The term “mourning” is used to describe the process that appears as a result of the loss of a loved one. Mourning is an answer universal and this is an answer natural at a loss.
Understand how children and adolescents see death
Every child and teenager expresses grief in a different way. Some may be sad, cry and verbalize the loss, like many adults. However, depending on the age, you may show sadness only at certain times and for short periods. Some children may be angry, angry, anxious, or irritable with others. Others may complain of physical discomfort, such as headaches or stomach aches. Others may have trouble sleeping or having nightmares. Others may express fear and anxiety about some challenges, such as school or sports. Every child will experience loss in their own way and all feelings and emotions are valid and normal at this difficult time for all.
Mourning in the context of COVID19
The pandemic by coronavirus makes it not possible the dismissal. The pain of losing a loved one will increase even more in the first few days due to the rules of isolation of the state of alarm that prevent dismissal from the funeral home, regular physical contact with family and friends and the lack of warmth of the environment. For all these exceptional circumstances, it is vitally important family, social and community support. It is important to look for moments to be with the family even if it is through mobile devices, to find spaces to talk about the person who has died, to remember them, to share experiences so as not to feel alone. Be available to ask, respect, accompany and normalize the emotional expressions of children and adolescents.
Worksheets with tips
Mourning in early childhood in the context of COVID-19 (0 to 2 years)
Mourning in preschool in the context of COVID-19 (3 to 5 years)
Mourning in children aged 6 to 9 years in the context of COVID-19
Mourning in children aged 10 to 13 years in the context of COVID-19
Mourning in adolescence in the context of COVID-19
Normal grief and pathological grief in children and adolescents