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Thus, the
(CIRI) has as
mission to advise and support the Directorate of Research and Innovation, which
chairs the committee, in the definition and monitoring of strategic actions
necessary for the research and innovation that take place in the
CSPT is of excellence, accredited and aimed at the benefit and well-being of the
population, be evaluated, good practice is guaranteed and have visibility; as well as
encourage its promotion and incentive among the various estates and
health professions, taking special care of the incorporation of young people in
these activities.
For its part, the
(CID) is the body
institutional responsible for defining, promoting, coordinating and evaluating policies
of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the field of the Corporation, favor and
disseminate the knowledge of our professionals inside and outside it and
implement teaching activities in accordance with the institutional objectives and the
professional development framework.
Fundació Parc Taulí
is an entity created in the environment of the Corporation
Sanitària Parc Taulí, appointing the majority of the members of its Taulí of Trustees,
with the aim of ensuring aspects related to teaching, research,
innovation and training, both from a scientific and medical point of view and from the
referred to the management and organization of the care activity.