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Collantes-Estevez E, Font P, Zarco P, Mulero J, Gratacós J, Rodríguez C, Juanola X,
Fernández-Sueiro JL, Almodovar R; REGISTER Study Group.
J Thromb Haemost
. 2012 Apr;10(4):564-71.
Silent pulmonary embolism in patients with
proximal deep vein thrombosis in the lower limbs
. Tzoran I, Sakharov G, Brenner B, Delsart
D, Román P, Visoná A, Jiménez D, Monreal M; RIETE Investigators (Toulouse C.).
J Thromb Haemost
. 2012 May;10(5):751-9.
Thrombolytic therapy and outcome of patients
with an acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism
. Riera-Mestre A, Jimenez D, Muriel A,
Lobo JL, Moores L, Yusen RD, Casado I, Nauffal D, Oribe M, Monreal M; RIETE researchers
(Toulouse C.).
J Thromb Haemost
. 2012 Sep;10(9):1752-60.
Influence of recent immobilization and recent
surgery on mortality in patients with pulmonary embolism
. Nauffal D, Ballester M, Reyes
RL, Jiménez D, Otero R, Quintavalla R, Monreal M; RIETE Investigators (Toulouse C.).
Med Clin (Ship).
2012 Mar 17;138(6):231-7.
[Prevalence of atrial fibrillation and related
factors in hospitalized old patients: SPHINGE study]
. López Soto A, Formiga F, Bosch X,
García Alegría J; representing the researchers of the ESFINGE study (Vidal G.).
Med Clin (Ship).
2012 Nov 17;139(12):542-6.
[Metabolic syndrome in patients with
schizophrenia and antipsychotic treatment]
. Aguilar E, Coronas R, Caixàs A.
Med Clin (Courses).
2012 Nov;4(1):9-13.
Peripheral arterial disease: clinical and
. Giménez Gaibar A, González Cañas E, Herranz Pinilla C.
Med Intensive
. 2012 Dec 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Lung-brain interaction in the
mechanically ventilated patient
. López-Aguilar J, Fernández-Gonzalo MS, Turon M, Quílez
ME, Gómez-Simón V, Jódar MM, Blanch L; GT-IRA of the SEMICYUC.
Med Intensive
. 2012 Jan-Feb;36(1):45-55.
[Assessment of cardiovascular preload and
response to volume expansion]
. Sabatier C, Monge I, Maynar J, Ochagavia A.
Med Intensive
. 2012 May;36(4):257-63.
Intubated patients developing tracheobronchitis or
pneumonia have distinctive complement system gene expression signatures in the pre-
infection period: a pilot study
. Martin-Loeches I, Papiol E, Almansa R, López-Campos G,
Bermejo-Martin JF, Rello J.
Med Pallied
. 2012;19(1):38-44.
[Descriptive study on the use of peritoneal catheters for the
management of malignant ascites]
. Sales P, Calsina-Berna A, López Postigo M, Cabrera
Pajaron M, Poyato Gomez E, Grimau Malet I.