El Nursing Research Group in Vulnerability and Health (GRIVIS) (SGR-120) aims to promote the nursing research in the vulnerable population.
The group considers that innovation and research are the base of knowledge at Parc Taulí, and sharing research projects in any nursing field is a source of growth.
With this day you want give visibility to different projects and experiences, and continue promoting nursing research in the field of women, children and adolescents.
15:00 Welcome.
- Carmen Quiñoa Salanova. Attached to the management of the Parc Taulí Nursing team.
- Juan Manuel Leyva Moral. Director of the Nursing Department. UAB Faculty of Medicine. Director of GRIVIS (UAB).
15:15 pm Opening conference
- Serena Brigidi Researcher at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). "Relevance of non-technical skills in health training to address gender violence".
15:45 pm Taulí 1: WOMAN
Moderator: Ester Risco Vilarasau. Referent in research and innovation in care and home care of Parc Taulí. Head of the Nursing Research group Taulí to Care, Attract and Transform (RIT-CAT).
- Pilar Costa Gil. Midwife at the Parc Taulí University Hospital. Nursing Research Group Taulí to Care, Attract and Transform (RIT-CAT). "Improvements in Obstetric Triage: Future Perspectives"
- Miriam Segura Solé. Midwife at the Parc Taulí University Hospital. "Maternal satisfaction with labor and birth care"
- Maria Isabel Bonilla Carrasco. Professor at the Department of Nursing at the UAB. GRIVIS research group. "Self-care of the feet in people with diabetes mellitus type II. A qualitative study".
- Ariadna Polo Zamorano. CAP Verdaguer midwife, Metropolitana Sud, Sant Joan Despí. And Maria Isabel Bonilla Carrasco. "Menstrual Equity"
16:30 p.m. Taulí 2: CHILD
Moderator: Anna Graupera Aloma. Nurse at the Parc Taulí University Hospital.
- Paula Álvarez González and Yolanda Campos García. Nurses for pediatric chronic complex patients (PCC) at the Parc Taulí University Hospital. "Nursing care for the complex pediatric chronic patient".
- Played by Gómez Gamboa. Head of CADI area at the Parc Taulí University Hospital. "Phenomenological study on the experience of people hospitalized for childhood cancer treatment".
- Pure Escobar Garcia. Professor at the Department of Nursing at the UAB. PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology. GRIVIS research group. "Psychopathological and psychiatric alterations in children and adolescents with a history of congenital heart disease versus healthy controls". Doctoral thesis.
17:15 pm Break
17:30 p.m. Taulí 3: ADOLESCENT
Moderator: Igor Merodio Ruiz. Coordinator of the Mental Health nursing team at the Parc Taulí University Hospital.
- Noelia Baena Naranjo. Mental Health Nurse. Student of the Master's Degree in Nursing Innovation Applied to Vulnerability and Health at the UAB. "Experiences of hospitalized pediatric patients after a suicide attempt". Final Master's thesis.
- Elena Cobos López. Mental Health Nurse at the Parc Taulí University Hospital. "Transforming the relationship with food: A journey through eating disorders".
- Laura Nuñez Rodrigo. Advanced Practice Nurse (IPA) in pediatric nephrology at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. "From a protected environment to the reality of the adult world".
18:15 Closing
- Mireia Subirana Casacoverta. Coordinator of Studies for the Nursing Degree UD Taulí UAB. RIT-CAT group.
- Sabiniana San Rafael Gutiérrez. Coordinator of the Degree in Nursing at the UAB. GRIVIS
- Maria Jesús López Parra. Internship Coordinator UD Taulí UAB. RIT-CAT group.
Addressed to:
- Health professionals, students of the Nursing Degree of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and external assistants at Parc Taulí.
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