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La medical image (IM) is a set of techniques and processes for creating images of the human body for clinical purposes, which are experiencing constant growth and innovation, thanks to a set of factors and actors.
In this sense, the artificial intelligence (AI) is key to understanding the present and future of IM, as the radiology is themedical specialty with more AI tools.
Integrating AI components into the medical imaging workflow can increase efficiency, reduce errors, optimize radiologists' time, and address radiologist shortages.
There are several areas throughout the imaging workflow where AI tools are applied, some examples include prioritization and triage, image processing and analysis, reporting, and more.
To know the keys and trends in medical imaging innovation that could shape its future, Martina Gimenezi Jordi Polo, from ALMA Medical Imaging, will offer the session 'Trends in medical imaging innovation' within the III Cycle of Scientific Conferences of the I3PT.
Addressed to:
- Staff of innovation units, specialists in medical imaging, radiology and artificial intelligence, among others
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