Presentation of the campaign 'For Health, Sabadell moves'

Presentation of the campaign 'For Health, Sabadell moves' 1080 727 Parc Taulí current affairs

The sports councilor of Sabadell City Council, Laura Reyes, the councilor for health and life cycles, Sonia Sada, the president of the Hereditary Ovarian Breast Association - AMOH, Marisa Cots, and the director of the Medical Oncology Service of Parc Taulí, Miquel Àngel Seguí, presented today at Parc Taulí the breast and ovarian cancer prevention campaign For Health, Sabadell moves, promoted by these three institutions and entities, with the collaboration of Ràdio Sabadell, Transports Urbans de Sabadell - TUS, Baricentro, Club Natació Sabadell (CNS), Cercle Sabadellès 1856, the ESDi School of Design and Eurofitness Sabadell.

Coinciding with the World Breast Cancer Day you want to kick off the campaign For Health, Sabadell moves in response to the concern of these entities committed to society. The goal: to try to lower the upward curve of new cases of breast and gynecological cancer that occur in our city, or detect them in their earliest stages.

The campaign is aimed at women in Sabadell who are between 25 and 55 years old - both healthy and cancer survivors or who are being treated - with the main aim of encouraging them to do sports. Exercise is related to a better prognosis of cancer for women who are suffering from the disease, and is also considered a preventive measure, both for women carrying a hereditary mutation and for non-carriers. Prevention is also aimed at motivating women's attendance at gynecological check-ups.

This campaign aims to transmit values ​​such as effort, involvement and health awareness, as well as transmitting hope and life to cancer patients and carriers of a genetic mutation.

In addition to the collaborating entities, For Health, Sabadell moves It has a whole series of entities and groups from the cultural, social and sports fields that have already expressed their support, such as the Sabadell Municipal Police, Creu Alta Music School, Comprarcasa, AMPA Servator, Yoga Inspira'm, Casals de Gent Gran de Sabadell, civic centers… each of which will collaborate with different formulas. The program is open to all companies and entities that want and can get involved, depending on their possibilities.

According to data from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology, between 1 and 2 women in 8 will suffer from breast or ovarian cancer throughout their lives. It is estimated that by 2021, more than 37.000 women will be diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer, and more than 8.700 will not exceed it. The line of cases is ascending, if we take into account that in 2017 26.000 cases were diagnosed.

At Parc Taulí, about 250 patients are diagnosed with breast cancer each year with a slow but progressive increase in the last 10 years. The care team directly related to this disease exceeds 30 people, ranging from diagnosis, surgical and medical treatment, follow-up and rehabilitation of patients, as well as in scientific research related to breast cancer. Currently, more than 85% of patients overcome the disease in our area.

For more information:


Sabadell City Council:

Parc Taulí Health Corporation:

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