The director of Mental Health Parc Taulí, Diego J. Palao, took part today in the press conference to present the new 061 Salut Respon suicide prevention service
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The Department of Health has launched the mental health coordination center of 061 Salut Respon, the new health team of specialized and resolute telephone assistance and care of the Suicide prevention plan in Catalonia, approved at the end of 2021. The Minister of Health, Josep M. Argimon, presented today the new service in a press conference with the participation of the coordinator of the PLAPRESC 2021-2025 and director of Mental Health of the Parc Taulí, Diego J. Palao ; the head of 061 Salut Respon, Núria Torres; and the director of the Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Addictions of the Hospital del Mar, Víctor Pérez.
The new 061 service has been operating since Monday, June 20, with a team of mental health specialists - nursing, psychology and psychiatry - and already offers care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to people. with suicidal behavior or ideation, but also to relatives or close people. The service will also activate the necessary health care resources, including the face-to-face mental health consultation.
The new mental health table of 061 ̶ what s'register within the Suicide prevention plan in Catalonia 2021-2025 (PLAPRESC), a plan that considers suicide prevention a public health priority ̶ , éIt is one of the actions that confirms the will of the Department of Health and the Government to reduce their behaviorïcity (ideació, attempted and killed by suïcidi) and its consequences in Catalonia, through an integrated and efficient system of prevention, intervention and monitoring. In Catalonia, in the last seven years, 22.849 people have committed a total of 27.700 episodes of suicidal behavior, between June 2014 and December 31, 2021, according to data from the Suicide Risk Code (CRS).
In his speech, Dr. Palao stressed the importance of the new service to support that “suicide is a mental health problem and it is necessary to seek help in the health system, with the team of professionals responsible and, in situations of suicide crisis, with the 061 where there is a team of specialists ”. Palao also noted that "it is the first professional telephone in the care and prevention of suicide in the state and the few in Europe."
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M. Carmen Mendez Delgado
I don't know what all this is for, for sure, my daughter asked for help on the 22nd and they ignored her, hours later she tried to commit suicide and now she is serious
I also want to kill myself, I'm the art of my life, I need help and I don't have any solution but to die