The Colon and Rectal Cancer Screening Program in Vallès Occidental has detected the disease in 513 people since 2015
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- In the third round of the Colorectal Cancer Early Detection Program in Vallès Occidental, it has allowed more than 2.000 people to take preventive actions, to try to prevent them from developing cancer in the future
- Experts call for participation in the program, as it allows detecting the disease, even in the asymptomatic phase, and avoiding possible cases in the future, increasing the chances of cure
The Colon and Rectal Cancer Screening Program in Vallès Occidental has allowed the disease to be detected in 513 people, since it was put into operation in 2015. During these seven years, participation in the program has gradually increased from 40% (72.197 people) in round 1, to 44% (89.971), in the current round which is the third. More than 242.000 stool samples have been analyzed of which 12.422 (5%) have been positive and 11.800 colonoscopies have been performed.
These tests have made it possible to detect the disease early and also to detect and remove colorectal polyps, thus avoiding their potential malignancy (or degeneration). The program is offered every two years to people between 50 and 69 years of age and consists of performing a very simple test, which is collected from pharmacies and done at home, based on an analysis to detect whether there is blood hidden in the stool. If blood is detected in the stool, then a colonoscopy with sedation is recommended to explore the inside of the bowel.
As for the last round (2019-2022), a colonoscopy was performed on 3.192 people, which made it possible to detect 123 people with invasive cancer and 2.079 people with colorectal polyps that were removed minimizing the risk of malignancy and develop cancer in the future.
Despite the increase in participation in each round of the Program, there are 56% of women and men who have not benefited. That's why the professionals. That's why Dra. Marisa Baré, coordinator of the Cancer Screening Office and Dra. Anna Selva calls for participation in the Screening Program because "it is important in order to detect the disease in the initial stages and above all, to detect and remove precursor lesions (polyps). That is why it is recommended to participate in this Program which is easy, fast and free”, remembers Dra. jungle
In Vallès Occidental, the Program is coordinated from the Screening Office of Vallès Occidental, located in Parc Taulí, and works with the three reference hospitals in the region (Hospital Parc Taulí, Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa and Hospital Mútua de Terrassa ) which is where colonoscopies are performed. The Parc Taulí laboratory is the reference laboratory for Vallès Occidental and Bages, where samples are sent for analysis from people who have participated in the Screening Program.
World Colon Cancer Day
Today, March 31, World Colon Cancer Day is celebrated, a day in which a call is made to prevent the disease through participation in the Screening Program.
The people to whom this Program is addressed receive a letter at their address, in which the program is explained and information is given on how to participate. First, they must go with the letter to a partner pharmacy, where they will be given a kit to collect a stool sample free of charge. The pharmacies send the samples to be analyzed at the Parc Taulí laboratory. If it is negative, the result is notified to the participants through a letter. If it is positive, people are called to make an appointment for a visit with the screening nurse of the reference hospital that corresponds to them.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors, being the second most common cancer in women (after breast cancer) and in men (after prostate cancer).
Pioneers in oncological treatments of the colon and rectum
El Taulí is a pioneer and reference center in the treatment of oncological processes of the rectum and colon. For example, applying the CELS treatment in colon cancer, which is the combination of endoscopy and laparoscopy during surgical intervention. The possible application of this technique is thanks to the coordination and teamwork of the digestive system and digestive surgery specialists. Or less invasive techniques such as transanal endoscopic surgery, Transanal Endoscopic Operation (TEO), which allows the removal of rectal lesions through the anus without an abdominal wound.
Regarding rectal cancer, the Colorectal Surgery research group of the Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute (I3PT) is leading a study to develop an innovative and less invasive treatment, through local chemo-radiotherapy and a local surgery against rectal cancer that avoids permanent sequelae for survivors. "The standard treatment involves subjecting the patient to very aggressive surgery, which in most cases involves removing the entire rectum. This means having to live with a bag permanently or temporarily, suffering from urinary or sexual dysfunctions", explains Dr. Xavier Serra member of the research group.

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I live in Barbera del Valles, I'm turning 60 and I'm interested in participating in the Colon and Rectal Cancer Screening Program in Vallès Occidental.
Communication and Multimedia Parc Taulí
You can contact the Technical Cancer Screening Office of Parc Taulí. The telephone number is 93 745 83 78 / 93 693 31 49 or by email: prevenciocolon@tauli.cat.
Good morning, I took the test three days ago. If it's positive, how long does it usually take to call. thank you