The dog-assisted intervention benefits 106 pediatric patients from the CDIAP of Parc Taulí
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Assisted intervention with animals, specifically with dogs, is a therapeutic practice already consolidated at Parc Taulí. Since its implementation in 2018, a total of 106 pediatric patients treated at the Early Development and Care Center (CDIAP) have benefited from the dogs' accompaniment in the development of the physical and psychological rehabilitation process. Mainly, children with communication and relationship problems, others with language difficulties and children with multiple disabilities have benefited.
It is a type of intervention that can be used in different ways therapeutic goals related to the communication, interpersonal and environmental relations, the habits i theautonomy through the bond that is generated between the therapist, the child and the dog. However, the dog acts as a motivator and, on many occasions, helps to achieve therapeutic goals in a more enjoyable way.
The main therapeutic purposes of animal-assisted intervention are based on the development of children's communication, behavioral and interaction skills, as well as cognitive functions, sensory integration and psychomotor skills. As Ana Veas, psychotherapist at Parc Taulí points out, "what we're looking for is for children to be increasingly autonomous in their functioning".
The role of DOGKING, reference entity in the sector
The assisted intervention with dogs offered by the CDIAP is possible thanks to the collaboration agreement between Parc Taulí and DOGKING, reference organization in the sector of assisted interventions with animals.
The sessions take place weekly and are led by a multidisciplinary team made up of psychotherapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and DOGKING technicians. Together, they work to provide care focused on the child and their family, who can also participate in the sessions.
Specifically, DOGKING's dogs are Australian Cobberdogs, the first breed of dog designed for therapeutic and assistance activities.
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