
The CDIAP of the Parc Taulí is integrated in the Pediatric Medicine Service (within the Area of ​​Attention to the Woman and the Child) of the Parc Taulí. It is part of the Network of Public Services contracted by the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the care of children with alterations and / or signs of risk in their neurodevelopment.

Child development in the first years of life is characterized by the progressive acquisition of such important functions as postural control, autonomy of movement, communication, symbolization, verbal language and social interaction. This evolution is closely linked to the process of maturation of the nervous system, already initiated in intrauterine life, and to the emotional and mental organization through the relationship with the environment.

Some children may have difficulty in this process of development: this is when they can be referred to the CDIAP, which aims to offer these children and their families a set of optimizing actions that facilitate proper maturation in a comprehensive way.

Mission, vision and values

Since 1979, the professionals at CDIAP Parc Taulí have remained faithful to the mission, vision and values ​​that have shaped the evolution and adaptation to the changing needs of the population served.


To offer the child at risk in their development and their families the most appropriate actions in order to achieve their well-being and optimal development, maximizing their abilities and adapting the environment to their needs, in a framework of sustainability, equity, efficiency and continuity of care.


To be a reference service within the early care sector, offering highly specialized, multidisciplinary and quality care, functioning at all times as a structured and cohesive team in a global healthcare context of child care.

Our values

Sensitivity, guidance for the child and his family, professionalism, commitment to innovation and continuous improvement, the requirement to achieve quality goals based on research, teaching, training continued by the professionals who make it up and the collaboration with the devices of the community reference area.

Coverage area

The coverage area of ​​the CDIAP Parc Taulí covers 11 municipalities: Badia del Vallès, Barberà del Vallès, Castellar del Vallès, Gallifa, Polinyà, Sabadell, Sant Llorenç Savall, Sant Quirze del Vallès, Sentmenat, Palau-solità and Plegamans and Santa Perpètua of Mogoda.

The reference population is 21.223 children from zero to six years old (Data: IDESCAT 2019)

Prioritization criteria

If the demand exceeds the assistance capacity agreed with the Administration, the CDIAP Parc Taulí will follow the following prioritization criteria:

  • Preferential care for children with severe disabilities.
  • Compulsory care for children under 3 years of age.



Coordinator of the CDIAP

Image of Montserrat Torras Mañá, CDIAP coordinator. Hospital Sabadell.Parc Taulí

Montserrat Torras Tomorrow