In the early stages of the child, the body, the senses and the movement are the first and main contact with the outside world. Gradually, he gained new motor acquisitions, such as controlling his posture, changes in position, the ability to move, to manipulate objects, and so on. which allow you to explore, learn, communicate, and gain greater autonomy.
Psychomotor development is the result of the interaction between internal factors, such as the child's interests, motivation and ability, and external factors, such as physical and social environments. For this reason, it is essential to provide an environment appropriate to the child's developmental level that favors his or her body play: in the lap, on the floor, in the park, etc.
There are two types of motor skills: gross motor skills, which allows global movements and involves the action of large muscle groups; for example: walking, running, jumping, etc. and the fine motor skills, with which movements are performed with greater precision and which involves the action of small muscle groups; for example: writing, threading, eating, etc.