Consult your pediatric surgeon
Consult your pediatric surgeon
In general, you will receive our external consultations sent by your pediatrician. Your primary care center will have sent you an information document about your child's process at our center, and will be scheduled a day and time for a consultation. You can expand the information in the section "I go to outpatient clinics".
The offices where we are located are on the ground floor of the Taulí building and are number 7 and 8. You do not have to knock on the door, you can wait in the waiting room and the screens of the room will show the your business code.
External consultations - Taulí Building, ground floor, waiting room 0C, consultations 7 and 8
If your child has surgery, what to do?
If your child has surgery, what to do?
Once we confirm that your child needs to have surgery, we will explain the process to follow, we will give you to sign the consent form for the operation as well as information sheets on the anesthesia to which he will be subjected. At the same time, you will be informed that you need to check that you are well vaccinated.
When we know the planned day of the operation, we will notify you by phone or letter of the day that you must come for the preoperative analysis, and we will inform you of the day and time of the visit with the anesthesiologist. When you go to see him, he will already have the result of the analysis, he will ask you some questions and at the same time you will be able to ask all the doubts you have. He will also inform you of the day of the intervention, but will also notify you by phone or letter.
Consultation of visits and scheduled tests
How will it be operated? What should he wear?
How will it be operated? What to bring?
- If your child is older than 1 year and has a process such as phimosis, inguinal or umbilical hernia, it is most likely that he will be operated on at the Ambulatory Surgical Center (CQA).
You do not need to bring anything, but the child does need to come in the shower and, above all, with the hours of fasting that the anesthesiologist will have told you.
He will enter a first room called the 'insertion room in the middle'. We will change it, put on pajamas, take constants (temperature, etc.) and to minimize the discomfort of the puncture, as we will have to put an infusion (a drop by drop), we will look for the best area (whether in the hand, arm or other place), and we will cover it with a preparation (EMLA, composed of local anesthetics). We will also administer a drug, different depending on age, to minimize the anxiety of leaving the family and entering the operating room.
Once the operation is over, and the child is awake - albeit undergoing analgesia - he will remain under surveillance in the room called the Post-Anesthesia Recovery Unit (URPA). Once your good recovery has been verified, we will return you to the reintegration room in the environment, where you will spend a few hours under surveillance with your company, we will administer analgesia if necessary, we will offer you fluids after a few hours, and we will monitor your constants. . At the end of the surgical program, the surgeon and anesthesiologist will come to see the child's condition and talk to you to explain the operation, and the rules to follow at home.
He will be hospitalized for a few hours until he checks that there is no pain, that he tolerates oral feeding well and, in general, that he has followed a good evolution.
We will then register you, give you a report of the intervention and the secretariat will give you the day and time of the next external control consultation visit. In a few hours we will call you at home to see if all is well.
- If, due to the age or process of your child, it is considered that the discharge cannot be the same day, we will enter it on the 2nd floor of the Taulí building, and the intervention will take place in the operating room of the same 2nd floor.