
The Thoracic Surgery Service of the Hospital de Sabadell provides services in all areas of the diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases of the thorax, except for lung transplantation.

The most relevant activity is the surgical treatment of lung cancer by minimally invasive approaches such as video thoracoscopy or robotic route.

Mediastinal staging in lung cancer also plays an important role, making a careful selection of patients diagnosed with lung cancer who are candidates for surgical resection.

On the other hand, we also offer treatment of other tumor and non-tumor diseases that affect the lung and other organs of the thorax, such as the pleura, trachea, chest wall, mediastinum and diaphragm.

We offer treatment of palmar-axillary hyperhidrosis as well as for facial flushing with both the traditional sympatholysis technique and the clipping of the thoracic sympathetic nerve.

However, the Service is actively involved in various aspects of specialty teaching and clinical research.

Coordinator of the Thoracic Surgery Service

Manuela Iglesias, coordinator of the Thoracic Surgery Service

Manuela Iglesias Sentís