Presentation and objectives

Alarm signs of vascular access dysfunction are specific but insensitive, with thrombosis and loss of angioaccess being common. At the same time, the difficult puncture fistula can hide pathology or a difficult path that can lead to traumatic punctures and morbidity. These signs do not usually motivate radiological examinations and result in a late diagnosis.

This is why the use of ultrasound by nursing in the Hemodialysis Unit can become a very useful tool for the optimization of puncture and treatment. Working in coordination with nephrologists, radiologists and vascular surgeons is it can translate into a decrease in morbidity.

The course is aimed at nephrological nursing.

The aim of the course is to ensure that nursing is able, with the use of ultrasound, to:

  • Recognition of the AVF suitable for puncture by screening for pathological AVF, detection of maturation parameters and anatomical variants.
  • FAV flow measurement.
  • Location of optimal puncture points. Eco-guided puncture.

Accreditation requested

Catalan Council for Continuing Education of the Health Professions - Commission for Continuing Education of the National Health System