Virtual Library - Protocols (Restricted Access)
Teaching for Pediatrics residents and areas of influence
Training program for Pediatrics residents (Official BOE documents)
Undergraduate teaching
From the 2010-2011 academic year, doctors from the Pediatric Medicine service teach undergraduate specialization classes in the teaching rooms of the CSUPT, for 5th year medical students at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB):
Postgraduate teaching
Continuing Education Course for members of the Service and open to external pediatricians
The general clinical sessions of the Service are integrated into a Continuing Education Program. These are daily sessions, from Tuesday to Friday, on:
- Topics in General Pediatrics and pediatric specialties
- Pediatric subjects of general specialties
- Healthcare protocols
- Bibliographic sessions
- Open or closed clinical case sessions
- Radiological sessions
- Anatomoclinical sessions
- Seminars for residents
Discussion sessions of communications / posters to present in Congresses
Pediatric polytrauma care course
Basic CPR courses
Advanced Neonatal CPR Course
Doctoral courses
- Care coordination sessions with Primary Care