Care in the delivery room
- Avoid heat loss. To do this, the baby is covered with a warm blanket and a hat is placed on it.
- Pinching of the umbilical cord.
- Umbilical cord blood donation.
- Skin to skin contact.
- Start of breastfeeding.
- Weight, size and measurement of the cranial perimeter of the baby.
- Prevention of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn with the administration of 1 ml of intramuscular vitamin K.
- Prevention of newborn conjunctivitis with the administration of erythromycin ophthalmic ointment.
Care in the hospital floor
- Umbilical cord care.
- Baby bath.
- Complete assessment by the hospital pediatricians.
- Support for breastfeeding by nursing staff and an experienced breastfeeding midwife.
- Advice on discharge.
Basic points
Respect parents' preferences.
Minimal interference in the adaptation of the baby outside the womb.
Facilitate and promote the mother-child bond.
Do not separate the baby from her mother unless her well-being requires it.
Promote, encourage and support breastfeeding.
Advise parents on baby care and alertness.