Sexuality is an inherent part of human beings and it evolves throughout life. Everything that affects people also influences the way we live sexuality. Pregnancy, childbirth and parenting will therefore have a particularly significant effect on this life sphere, both for the wife and for the couple. Like any life change, this period can be an opportunity for self-awareness and personal growth.
There are several factors involved in sexuality: whether it is practiced alone or as a couple; sexual experience and pre-pregnancy compliance of both the woman and the couple; self-awareness; the level of communication between the couple and the degree of information regarding this stage of life; change in body image (physical changes a woman may experience as a loss of eroticism for herself and her partner) and feelings that pregnancy generates (often mediated by religious beliefs, fears, and prejudice) ).
The pregnant woman is a sexual woman. It is necessary to separate sexuality from genitality, that is, sex is not synonymous with intercourse. Pregnancy is a good time to explore one's sexuality, self-awareness and to communicate with a partner with kisses, caresses, massages, intimacy, etc.
Pregnancy is not a contraindication for intercourse or intercourse. The coital relationship helps maintain the flexibility and elasticity of the pelvic muscle that is directly involved in childbirth. Only in some cases is recommended sexual abstinence, such as in the case of the threat of premature birth, rupture of the ovarian membranes (amniotic bag), genital bleeding, and some genital infections.
El first quarter of pregnancy is characterized by emotional exacerbation, that is, it is normal for a woman to go through different emotional states in a short time (irritability, sadness, introspection, joy). There may also be an increased need for affection and a decrease in sexual desire. It is the period of adaptation to the hormonal changes that occur in the woman through the presence of the embryo and are responsible for the manifestations typical of pregnancy (nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, breast sensitivity). Increased vascularization of the genitals and breasts directly affects the increased sensitivity of the entire area, which causes many women to experience the first orgasm during pregnancy.
During the second term, the aforementioned discomfort disappears. It is the stage of gestation, in which the woman is physically better and is characterized by a return to pre-pregnancy sexual activity and even an increase in sexual desire.
El third trimester is characterized by an increase in abdominal volume and modifications of the spine, which can lead to dorsolumbar discomfort and make it difficult or difficult to limit sexual positions and practices. In the orgasm phase it is common to notice contractions. Throughout the pregnancy, but especially during this trimester, there is a significant increase in vaginal fluid, which changes the consistency and also the taste.
"Affectivity and sexuality", d'Virtual Nurse, content under license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ES