First trimester
First trimester
First pregnancy visit
- It is recommended to do it before week 10.
It's used for:
- Make a complete assessment of the mother's health.
- Inform about the evolution of the pregnancy and the tests and examinations that will be necessary for the control of the gestation.
- Classify the risk of pregnancy.
- It allows to know the blood group and the RH of the mother, among other characteristics of the blood.
- Serologies (presence of infections) are performed such as HIV, syphilis, rubella, hepatitis B and C and toxoplasmosis.
- It serves to look for possible urinary tract infections that during pregnancy may not give symptoms and go unnoticed.
The most important thing for the urine test to be valid is the correct collection:
- Open the sterile jar without touching the inside.
- Wash the vulva with soap and water.
- Discard the first part of urination and collect the rest of the urine in the jar.Ultrasound
- Pregnancy dating to know exactly how many weeks we are pregnant.
- Collection of ultrasound data to perform the first trimester chromosomopathy screening.
- It gives us information that pregnancy is evolving correctly.
First trimester chromosomal pathology screeningThe test is a calculation of the probability that the baby will have some chromosome involvement, which takes into account:
- First-quarter analytics variables.
- Some data from the mother (such as age).
- Data collected on the first trimester ultrasound.
According to this probability the gestation of LOW RISK or HIGH RISK will be classified. In the case of ALT RISK, a diagnostic test such as a corion biopsy or amniocentesis will be recommended.
Second term
Second term
- It is done around the 20th week of pregnancy.
- It is the ultrasound called morphological because the objective is to detect the anomalies of the structures, that is, the possible malformations of the baby.
Analytics- It is done around the 24th week of pregnancy.
- General analysis is performed to control anemia.
- A urine test is performed to detect infections.
Sugar test
- It is done in conjunction with the second quarter analytics.
- It consists of a screening: it detects if we have a chance of developing gestational diabetes (sugar during pregnancy).
- If the test is positive, it is recommended to take the glycemic curve test to diagnose if we have gestational diabetes.
It is not necessary to do the analysis with fasting, it is recommended to eat something salty.
Third trimester
Third trimester
- It runs around week 34.
- It is used to control the normal growth of the baby and to know the amount of amniotic fluid.
- It also lets us know how the baby is positioned and whether he or she is already facing his or her pelvis.
- General analysis is performed to control anemia and coagulation tests are performed (to detect coagulation is correct for delivery and peridural administration).
- Urinalysis to detect urine infections.
Vaginal and rectal culture
- It consists of a vaginal and rectal culture (smear) to detect the presence of a bacterium called Streptococcus agalactiae; it is performed around 35 weeks to detect its presence.
It is used, if detected, to administer the antibiotic during childbirth through a vein to reduce the risk that the baby may become infected during birth and cause an infection.