
The Neonatology Unit is the pediatric clinical unit that guarantees care coverage for healthy and hospitalized newborns.

The Unit belongs to the Pediatric Medicine Service, and is a third-level IIIB unit that offers multidisciplinary care appropriate to the characteristics of the newborn.

Newborn care includes family care as a primary caregiver. Family integration in care and decision-making is facilitated and promoted, information is provided and supported.

Our Neonatal Unit is open to parents 24 hours a day.

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has 6 individual boxes and an integrated operating room. It is equipped with the latest technologies. The medium and minimum care unit has 16 beds in one space and two single rooms for pre-discharge and / or income with the mother. We have a parents' room for families where you can eat and rest.

It has a training program attached to the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Therefore, our responsibility includes, in addition to the care activity, the training of medical students, nurses and pediatric residents.

A portrait of the Neonatal Unit of Parc Taulí. Video of the experience of some parents.

What we do?

  • Individualized and minimally invasive care of the premature.
  • Prenatal diagnosis and treatment of the newborn affected by congenital malformations.
  • Fetal and Neonatal Surgery and Neurosurgery.
  • Therapeutic hypothermia.
  • Continuous EEG monitoring.
  • Diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology.
  • Respiratory assistance (non-invasive, conventional, high frequency ventilation) and nitric oxide therapy.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of the newborn affected by congenital metabolic errors.
  • Program of follow-up of neurodevelopment of premature and / or minor 1500 g.
  • Newborn care in the maternity ward (late premature, low weight, risk of infection and child of a diabetic mother).

Coordinator of the Neonatology Unit and Neonatal ICU

Photo by Mònica Domingo

Monica Domingo Puiggrós