Kidney transplant in your lifestyle

Basic care

Basic care


Due to immunosuppressive medication, the skin may have some problems:

  • Hirsutism: Prednisone and cyclosporine can grow hair, mainly in the face and arms.
  • Warts
  • Opportunistic fungal infections.
  • Skin tumors.
  • Corticosteroid derivatives.

Exposure to the sun

Immunosuppressive medication increases the risk of developing neoplasms It is very important to periodically observe the skin to rule out new lesions. Thus, transplanted patients they should not sunbathe, as they are at increased risk for developing skin cancer. An annual visit to the dermatologist is recommended.

Precautions to take:

  • avoid going out at noon.
  • wear hat or hat with visor and long sleeve.
  • use throughout the year sunscreen purchased at a pharmacy with a high protection factor, even if it is under the umbrella.
  • after the bath dry in the sun and preferably stay under the umbrella.
  • If you want to sunbathe in summer, do it in low hours, first thing in the morning (11am) and last time in the afternoon (17pm).
  • wear sunglasses to protect your eyesight.


Good dental hygiene is needed. Some of the medicines you take may cause overgrowth of the gums. If your dentist prescribes any medication, consult your transplant doctor.

Injuries to the mouth, tongue and lips are often secondary to opportunistic small infections (fungi, herpes ...), your transplant doctor will prescribe the most appropriate treatment, and remember that it is important not to touch them to prevent their spread.

Follow these tips:

  • brush teeth and gums daily, 2-3 times / day.
  • Avoid frequent sugars that promote caries.
  • Have an annual dental checkup.



Some of them may transmit infections to the transplanted patient, especially cats and dogs. They need to be properly vaccinated. You should avoid licking and washing your hands after touching them, and do not clean unprotected bird / fish cages.



After the period of convalescence, you must restart your daily life. The practice of moderate physical activity is highly recommended and has many benefits, and must always be authorized by the doctor responsible for monitoring the transplant.

Services of the sport practice:

  • It strengthens the muscles and helps to improve the function of the joints (beneficial for osteoporosis).
  • Prevents and / or delays the development of hypertension.
  • Decreases blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
  • Helps maintain and improve the lipid profile.
  • Helps control glycemic levels.
  • Avoid being overweight.
  • It enhances sleep quality.
  • Stress management, anxiety symptoms, depression.
  • It makes us feel better, enthusiasm, optimism.

If you did any physical activity before the TR, you can resume it slowly. If it is not, it is advisable to do some physical activity regularly, you can start by walking 30 minutes each day. The most recommended sports are swimming, biking and walking. Violent or traumatic sports (karate, boxing, etc.) that can lead to trauma to the new kidney should be avoided.

Stop the exercise until discussing it with your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Pain or pressure in the chest, neck or jaw.
  • Excessive fatigue.
  • Respiratory distress
  • Dizziness or dizziness during or after exercise.
  • Palpitations, tachycardia ...
  • Headache

It is currently possible to participate in sports competitions at national and international levels for patients
transplanted. Medical authorization is essential to participate: tennis, swimming, athletics, cycling.

Sexual activity

Sexual activity

The patient may resume sexual activity as soon as he or she is well off, but be aware that certain medications may interfere with sexual activity. Sexual desire often improves after transplantation; men often solve impotence problems related to uremic syndrome; women often recover from menstruation and fertility.

Your transplant doctor will advise the most appropriate method of contraception, with the condom being very appropriate. Patients who do not wish to have a pregnancy in the future may opt for vasectomy or tubal ligation. IUD is not advisable because it increases the risk of infection and oral contraceptives are not recommended as it may interfere with the medication you take. From the first year onwards, if the transplant patient is a man, the pregnancy of his or her partner may be considered.

Transplantation is not a contraindication to pregnancy but should be considered as one high risk pregnancy. You should frequently attend a transplant consultation because it will require thorough monitoring of:

  • Blood pressure
  • proteinuria
  • Immunosuppressants

It is recommended to use contraception measures, at least during the first year, because the strong immunosuppression received at the beginning of the transplant could cause fetal disorders.

You should not become pregnant if you are currently taking or have taken in the last three months:

  • CellCept
  • Valcyte
  • Rapamune
  • Septra

It would be advisable to plan the gestation together with the nephrologist who will advise the patient in each case (it may be advisable to modify the immunosuppressive medication before conception).

It's advisable avoid pregnancy in the first year of TR if you have:

  • Hypertension difficult to control
  • proteinuria
  • Altered renal function
  • Ask your doctor for advice if you want to become pregnant, the orientation should always be individual, will inform you of the risks and possible changes in medication.

Back to work

Back to work

It is advisable that people who can carry out a work activity do so if they have access to it. The activity will be started gradually and as directed by the transplant doctor. There is no average post-transplant convalescence time.

From the beginning a normal working day can be carried out, only those jobs that involve a lot of physical effort and in which the hygienic conditions are deficient, should be prohibited.



Once the doctor discharges you and is in a good position you can travel. At first it will not be recommended for frequent control visits.

En journeys within Spain, take enough medication for as long as you have been out. You must bring a report with a summary of your history and the treatment you take. You must have a referral hospital located where you can go if you have a problem, also bring the telephone number of your kidney transplant unit.

There are countries that you should avoid because of the possibility of getting infections. You should consult with your nephrologist and if necessary with the preventive medicine service of the hospital. Avoid underdeveloped countries since in case you need specialized assistance, you will not find it. I do not travel to tropical countries where yellow fever vaccine is mandatory or take medications to prevent malaria as they have significant side effects.

Make sure you have it travel insurance that covers the costs of assistance in countries outside the European Community that do not have an agreement with Spanish social security and that covers repatriation in case of urgency.

When take the medication, consult with patient associations or the consulate how to carry the medication (closed box), and if necessary a report (in the language of the destination country) that certifies that you must take the treatment in a chronic manner.

See this space in CatalanGuide in Catalan

See this space in SpanishGuide in Spanish

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