The Vascular Access Program of the Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí is a process for the comprehensive management of Vascular Access for patients with advanced kidney disease. It addresses the preparation for the performance of vascular access, its surgery, monitoring and therapeutic rescue of complications under protocol in an interventional or surgical manner. It is made up of the Nephrology, Vascular Surgery, Interventional Radiology and Nursing Services.
It brings together the knowledge of the specialties involved aimed at covering the care, teaching, research and innovation process. The hospital infrastructure of the nephrology service for the management of the acute patient and a chronic hemodialysis unit with 29 monitors, the support of the Vascular Surgery and Interventional Radiology Services, both of reference, provide the necessary support to cover these objectives.
- PAV coordination: Dr. Jose Ibeas
- Nephrology Coordination: Dr. Jose Ibeas
- Project Coordination and Innovation: Nuria Monill
- Vascular Surgery Coordination: Dr. Joaquim Vallespín
- Interventional Radiology Coordination: Josep Guitart
- Nephrology Nursing Coordination: Carolina Rubiella
- Interventional Radiology Nursing Coordination: Alexis Mateos