Capacity and adaptation measures COVID-19
In the framework of the progressive return to normality and waiting to receive the official indications to resume the face-to-face training, a series of measures has been agreed that all the assistants to the sessions will have to fulfill:
- Maximum capacity of 10 students per classroom and 1 trainer. In the case of the main classroom, the simulation staff is exempt from this count as they are located in the control cabin.
- It will be necessary to make one temperature check of all participants prior to access to the center.
- The use of mask during the sessions.
- At the entrance of the center there will be dispensers of alcoholic solution to make one hand hygiene before entering and at the exit.
Course requirements
- It is essential that the activities carried out in the Parc Taulí Simulation spaces contain aspects of clinical simulation.
- Prior contact between the course promoter / coordinator and the SimPT coordinator is essential, in order to assess needs and provide the necessary resources to ensure the quality of the course.
- It will be considered as a course that teaching content that is included in a teaching syllabus previously accepted by the Institutional Training Program (PIF) or by the Institutional Teaching Committee (CID).
- The courses approved in the Institutional Training Plan (PIF) and accredited by the Institutional Training Committee (CIF), must respect the descriptive profile of the courses according to their regulations.
- The courses from the Institutional Teaching Committee (CID) and the Fundació Parc Taulí (FPT) must have their prior approval. They must have a descriptive format similar to that of the PIF.
- The groups of the courses that are carried out in this educational space will have to be integrated by a maximum of 10 participants by classroom.
Request for use of the spaces
It is necessary to communicate the interest of use of the spaces of Simulation Parc Taulí and of the organizational and methodological appearances linked to this educational tool through the mail This e-mail address is being protected from robots spam.Necessites Javascript enabled to view it.
Reservations must be made for both the room and the material associated with the installation. You can do this from the section Reservations and rates of this website.
In the event that the training is within the PIF program, the reservation is managed by the Training Department.
Material loan
Part of the simulation material is available for loan to the staff of the institution. If you are interested in applying for the loan of simulation material, for use outside the SimPT spaces, you can do so by filling out the application form in the section Reservations and rates.
The material on loan has a previously stipulated cost. Rates are available on the application form.
The course promoter or coordinator will be responsible for leaving the spaces and materials used in the same condition in which they were found.
The fees for using the SimPT spaces for the PIF and CID courses are stipulated in advance. The economic management and invoicing of the centre's services is carried out by the Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute.
In order to be able to draw up a budget for activities for internal and external clients, you must contact This e-mail address is being protected from robots spam.Necessites Javascript enabled to view it.
Photography and video
Taking photos or recording videos is not permitted without the prior permission of SimPT staff.
Other considerations on the use of the facilities
- A document is available for confidentiality agreement and authorization of recording and reproduction of images in the simulation sessions.
- SimPT has uniforms for teachers and students, if necessary. They must be requested in advance in order to be available to all participants.
- Proper and respectful use of the facilities must be made. Any incident during the activity must be notified to those responsible for the room.
Eating and drinking are prohibited in SimPT spaces.