In cardiovascular function, hemodynamic monitoring and advanced echocardiography in the critically ill patient.
Critically ill area. Sabadell Hospital. Parc Tauli Health Corporation.
This program of improvement (fellowship) aims to promote theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of cardiovascular function, hemodynamic monitoring and advanced echocardiography in the critically ill patient. The chosen candidate will be integrated in the Critically Ill Area of the Hospital de Sabadell-Corporación Sanitaria y Universitaria Parc Taulí (CSUPT), under the tutelage of the Working Group on Cardiovascular and Hemodynamic Function of the Area. The duration of the training program will be one year, starting on October 15, 2017 and ending on September 30, 2018, in this edition. Applicants must hold the title of Intensive Care Specialist and must have completed the residency period in the last 3 years before the start date of the training program.
The program of improvement (fellowship) includes advanced theoretical training in cardiovascular function, hemodynamics and echocardiography in the critically ill patient, as well as on-bed clinical training related to the monitoring and management of cardiovascular failure in the Critically Ill 16-bed multipurpose Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and a 14-bed Semicritical Unit. The program also includes training in clinical research in the field of cardiovascular function and hemodynamic and microcirculatory monitoring in the Critically Ill Area.
The selected candidate will have a personalized training program, participating in teaching activities (seminars, clinical sessions, courses, working group meetings, etc.), as well as in research projects developed in the Working Group on Cardiovascular Function. and hemodynamic monitoring during their formative period, being able to present the results in congresses and scientific publications. Institutional intellectual property regulations will be applied to all results obtained during the training program (fellowship).
The main objective of this program of improvement (fellowship) is specific and advanced training in the field of cardiovascular function, hemodynamic monitoring and echocardiography in the critically ill patient. He fellowship it will allow to provide to the candidate the knowledge, the competitions and the necessary abilities for the development of this area of knowledge in degree of expert.