Challenges of induced breastfeeding and relaxation
- Guillem Cebrian
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Induced breastfeeding and lactation are processes that allow breastfeeding in mothers who do not conceive in cases of adoption, surrogacy and in babies born in pairs of two women. However, these processes involve a number of challenges.
This is the introduction to thescientific article published last August in the journal Nursing, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Journal of Human Lactation. Below we talk to the two members of the nursing research group at the Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute (I3PT) who took part: Gemma Cazorla and Noemí Obregón.
What was the starting point prior to proposing a study of this nature?
(Cazorla and Obregón). Adoption, pregnancy by substitution or surrogacy and couples formed by two women have been increasing in recent years. In these cases, mothers do not conceive their children but also want to enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding. Induction of breastfeeding or lactation are processes that allow mothers who have not conceived their children to be able to breastfeed. When it is the first time the mother breastfeeds her unborn child, we talk about induction of breastfeeding but if she had previously breastfed another child, pregnant or not by her, we talk about breastfeeding.
In the background, cite specific groups of babies (adopted, born by surrogacy and same-sex female couples). What is the differentiating element?
In all three cases, the mother may go through the process of inducing breastfeeding or breastfeeding before her child is born or when she has already given birth. In our center we do not usually have contact with mothers for adoption or pregnancy by substitution or surrogacy. But the cases of couples formed by two women, who are the ones who have grown the most in recent years, are what we often encounter in our day to day lives. The process that is followed in all these cases is very similar and involves many challenges.
The methodology of this qualitative study has consisted of a series of in-depth interviews with Spanish women. What difficulty has it presented in the long run?
Interviews were conducted with Spanish women who had gone through a process of induction of breastfeeding or intercourse in cases of adoption, surrogacy or in couples of two women, asking about their experience during the process and the challenges they face. were found before the process began, during the process, and during breastfeeding.
It was difficult to find the sample as there is no national registration of women who have gone through the induction of breastfeeding or breastfeeding and do not always have contact with the health system. the researchers claim
Finally, the sample was obtained through contact with breastfeeding groups, breastfeeding counselors and the women themselves who participated in the study.
How has the data you have been receiving all these years been treated? Coding, categorization, interpretation…
The interviews were conducted either online, with women who were from outside Catalonia, or in person, in places agreed with the participants. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. The following categories emerged from the qualitative analysis of the interviews:
- Challenges during the induction or relaxation process, with the following codes: physical changes, lack of information from health professionals and lack of support from family and friends.
- Challenges during breastfeeding, with the following codes: breast problems and doubts about the amount of milk produced
- Challenges in stopping breastfeeding, where, in the cases of couples of two women, breastfeeding was no longer shared between the two and in all cases the bond with the baby was reduced.
What conclusions have you reached and what do you think this research may lead to in the future?
Healthcare professionals should be aware of the possibility of breastfeeding in cases of adoption, pregnancy by substitution or surrogacy and couples of two women. Knowing the experience of women who have gone through a process of induction of breastfeeding or breastfeeding can help us get better advice and create guides that can help us in daily practice.
NOTE: Recently, the Journal of Human Lactation itself has republished a new one article in the I3PT nursing research group. It is a review that aims to evaluate the different methods used to induce breastfeeding, as well as factors related to effective breastfeeding and breast milk production.
Guillem Cebrian
Graduate in Information and Documentation (UB) and Master in Management and Direction of Libraries and Information Services (UB). At I3PT I am in charge of the Knowledge Management Unit and I am in charge of collecting and disseminating its scientific production. I am passionate about new technologies, data management and open science.
All stories by: Guillem Cebrian
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