Parc Taulí opens a public tender for an Innovative digital solution for decision support in the Emergency Department

Parc Taulí opens a public tender for an Innovative digital solution for decision support in the Emergency Department 600 600 Edu Soler

Until the 30th of November, The Consorci Corporació Sanitaria Parc Taulí is launching a public tender to incorporate innovative technology towards the transformation of the emergency department (ED) into a more effective, efficient, and safe process that results in a higher quality of care perceived by the patients.

The contract is estimated at 265.664,64 and is co-financed by FEDER funds.  During the next days it is expected to receive the proposals of the interested parties. These proposals will have to take into account the following criteria:

  • Enhance the autonomous role of nursing staff
  • Facilitate the workflow of ED
  • Enhance the reduction of expenditure in ED
  • Integration with the HIS of the hospital
  • Scalable to other hospitals

These are some of the most relevant criteria but it is necessary to read carefully the technical file before presenting any proposal.

See all the documentation of the project and where to apply in the following link. For any doubt about the tender please contact (spanish)

Deadline 30th of November

Background of the project

The Emergency Department is one of the most critical areas of a hospital and one of the first to be affected by the indiscriminate arrival of users. Despite the efforts made in recent years to define a model of emergency care, the emergency department continues to be a priority challenge where there are opportunities for improvement.

It is the patients of less severity that act as a bottleneck since they are very numerous and their urgency is very slight. The Consorci Sanitari parc Taulí is creating an Advanced Resolution Assistance Unit (ARA Unit), which is equipped with a process that is different from the usual flow of patients, aims to respond to the needs of users by making more decisive use of the care model . The new model of patient care must be based on the empowerment of the autonomous role of nursing with the help of protocols and necessary medical supervision.

The objective of the ARA unit is to decongest the emergencies by means of the resolution of the less severe cases by a group of specialized nurses and with an ARA System that supports their decisions at a clinical level. This ARA system is what is procured in this tender.

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Edu Soler

Science, healthcare and business are the three pillars that drive me nowadays. I love to engage new people in the adventure of healthcare innovation and always keep on learning from them. I am highly motivated with my participation in performing teams worldwide.

All stories by: Edu Soler

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