Celebrating our 10th anniversary with open innovation
Celebrating our 10th anniversary with open innovation https://www.tauli.cat/institut/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/portada_macrosessio-2-1200x675.png 1080 608 Anna Ullastres https://www.tauli.cat/institut/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Anna-foto-150x150.jpgLast December 4th Parc Taulí Innovation Unit (UDIPT) successfully celebrated the first creativity macrosession to identify the main challenges for the hospital in the next 10 years. The session was held to commemorate the 10th UDIPT anniversary. The UDIPT has the mission to transform innovative ideas to marketed solutions and, hence, transform scientific and medical knowledge into economic return to benefit both health and society.
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