Innovation Unit
- Presentation
- Services
- Contact
La Parc Taulí Innovation Unit (UDIPT) supports the institution's professionals so that their ideas reach the market, transforming their scientific, medical and healthcare knowledge for the benefit of health and society.
The UDIPT offers a portfolio of services from the conceptualization of the idea to its arrival to patients on an ongoing basis. This portfolio of services follows Royal Decree 984/2022, of 22 November, which establishes the Knowledge Transfer Offices.
Links of interest
▶ Intellectual property
Protection of R&D results through industrial and intellectual property titles, or other forms of protection. Ido not include:
- Identification of protectable assets
- Records and protection processing
- Monitoring of assets protected by the I3PT
▶ Ccommercialization of technologies
Exploitation of research results, inventions and new technologies through any type of contract that involves the transfer of their use or ownership to third parties. Ido not include:
- Identification of assets marketables
- Search for potential marketers
- Trading and transfer between assets
- Monitoring the impact of the transfer
▶ Public-private collaboration
Rcollaborative research between entities of different natures, as well as the contracting of technological R+D+ii services. Ido not include:
- Contact between experts
- Participation in the design of solutions
- Search for public and private funding
▶ Spin-off
- Advice on acceleration services and the search for new profiles to complement the team
- Feasibility assessment of possible Spin-off
- Analysis of incompatibilities, risks and valuation of intangibles
- Supervision and support in:
- The drafting of the business plan
- The technical, economic and strategic feasibility study
- The drafting and negotiation of the license agreement, partners' agreement and social bylaws
- Commercial register
- Support in connecting the units of the I3PT with the needs of the Spin-off
▶ encouragement
Social diffusion of knowledge. Ido not include:
- Presentation of the results of la innovation to society
- Participation in workshops, congresses and talks
- Creation of ad-hoc material for courses, masters, etc.
- Participation in innovation networks
If your institution or company has developed an innovative technology and needs to be clinically validated by an internal promoter, please contact us and we will guide you through the process.
Innovation Unit
Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute
Plaça de la Torre de l'Aigua, s/n
08208 Sabadell
- 93 745 84 89