Organizational structure
Administrative Economic Management
- Accounting
- Purchases and tenders
- General administration
- General Services
- Computer Services
- Support to governing bodies
Management of research and innovation grants
Economic management of clinical trials
Management of courses, seminars and conferences
Legal support
Communication and patronage
Data Protection
People and talent management
- Personnel management
- Prevention of occupational hazards
- Management of the Training Plan
Knowledge management and quality
- Knowledge management
- Quality
Research areas and groups
Management of the Scientific Area
- Accreditation of groups
- Cooperative Scientific Plan
- Intramural program
- Promotion of R & D & I
Research Support Unit
- Biostatistics
- Methodological support
- Management and Authorization of Studies
Scientific platforms
Library and Bibliometry
Innovation Project Management
Pre-Award Project Management
Business Models
Governance Bodies
- Manel Balcells Díaz – Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia (born member)
- Anna Aran Solé – Director General of the Parc Taulí de Sabadell Health Corporation Consortium (no member)
- Assumption Malgosa Morera – Vice-Chancellor in the field of Research at the UAB (born member)
- Maria Doloros Costa Sampere – Presidency of the Governing Council of the CCSPT (born member)
- Montserrat Llavayol Giralt - Competent in Health at the Generalitat de Catalunya
- Joan Gómez Pallarès - Competent in Research at the Generalitat de Catalunya
- Gemma Ferguera Puig – Appointed by the CSPT
- Hi Brunet Mauri – Appointed by the CSPT
- Joan Bigorra Llosas - Designated by the CSPT
- Rocío Cebrián Rubio – Appointed by the CSPT
- Rosa Maria Sebastián Pérez – Designated by the I3PT
- Jordi Gratacós Masmitjà – Designated by the I3PT
- Joseph Llobet Bach – Designated by the I3PT
- Francesc Luque López - Designated by Sabadell Gent Gran
Deputy Secretariat
- M. Dolors Prados Cazorla
Statutes of the Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute Foundation
Chairman: Anna Aran Solé, director general of the Consorci Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí of Sabadell (born member)
- Rocio Cebrián, director of assistance and Transversal Services (born member)
- Lluís Blanch, scientific director of the I3PT (born member)
- Loli Prados, acting I3PT management director (born member)
- Assumption Malgosa Morera, vice-chancellor of Research and Transfer at the UAB
- Joan Gómez Pallarès, competent in Research at the Generalitat de Catalunya
- Montserrat Llavayol, competent in Health at the Generalitat de Catalunya
Secretary: Francesc Luque, director of Economics and Services of the CCSPT
Management Body
Lluís Blanch, MD PhD
Dr. Lluís Blanch is a consultant at the Critics Center of the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadell (Barcelona). He is the Director of Research and Innovation of the Consortium Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí de Sabadell, Coordinator of the Platform for the Revitalization and Innovation of the industrial capacities of the ISCIII, Head of the Group of the CYBER of Respiratory Diseases, Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Director of the Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute - I3PT. He is also a co-founder of Better Care SL, a spin-off of the Parc Tauli Health Corporation.
The interests in research and innovation of Dr. Blanch includes the translational study of the lung and brain injuries of the seriously ill, mechanical ventilation, digital therapies, and the application of artificial intelligence in the monitoring of respiratory and hemodynamic signals of critically ill patients. He has received numerous grants from public and non-profit organizations and has more than 235 publications indexed in PubMed with an H index of 44.
Ha estat membre del Comitè Executiu de l'European Society of Intensive Care Medicine i President de la Societat Espanyola de Medicina Intensiva i Unitats Coronàries, així com president de la Societat Catalana de Medicina Intensiva i Crítica i membre del World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine´s Council until 2019. Dr. Blanch is a member of the editorial board of several journals and a reviewer of the most prestigious journals in the fields of respiratory and critical care.
Loli Prados
Loli Prados has a degree in Business Administration and Management and has additional training in the management of non-profit organizations, health research and team management. With 22 years of experience in the health sector, she currently holds the position of acting management director of the I3PT.
With his current position, he is the figure in charge of the economic and budgetary management of the Institute's Human Resources, as well as the management of teams. He is also the person who coordinates training and information systems with the central services of the Parc Taulí University Hospital.
Prados is also part of the "Research Career" and "Labor Reform" working group of REGIC and the Human Resources working group of the CERCA institution. She is president of the HRS4R Monitoring Commission and of the Prevention and Health Committee of the I3PT, and is deputy secretary of the Institute's Taulí of Trustees.
Anna Ullastres, PhD
Dr. Anna Ullastres has a degree in Biology from the UAB, a PhD in Genetics from the UB and is specialized in innovation management and leadership. He has more than 10 years of experience in the research sector.
After a period as a researcher, in 2018 she joined the I3PT as a health innovation project manager. From 2021 she holds the position of assistant to the scientific directorate, coordinating the scientific area of the Institute.
He is a member of several committees and working groups in the field of research and innovation, and is part of the group of evaluators of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII).
Advisory Bodies
Presidency: Lluís Blanch, scientific director of the I3PT
Vice-presidency: Joan Calvet, vocal member of CIRI and representative of the area of infections and immunology
Secretariat: Anna Ullastres, Deputy Scientific Director
Administrative support: Mercè Ruiz, administrative support of the management
- Martha Ariza, head of quality and training at I3PT
- Assumpta Caixàs, representative of the area of metabolism and digestion
- Enrique Gallardo, representative of the cancer area
- Sergio Lario, representative of the area of metabolism and digestion
- Joan Miquel, representative of the area of surgery and interventional procedures
- Gema Navarro, representative of the area of epidemiology, care improvement and chronicity
- Òscar Quijada, representative of the area of infections and immunology
- Ester Risco, representative of the area of epidemiology, care improvement and chronicity
- Anna Ruiz, representative of the area of minority diseases
- Martín León, head of innovation at the I3PT
- Aina Areny, representative of the predoctoral research staff
- Itziar Montalvo, representative of the area of mental health and neurosciences
- Carmen Maria Sánchez Molina, resident representative
Permanent guests
- Miquel Àngel Seguí, president of CEIm
- Coloma Moreno, CEIm secretariat
- Anna Aguilar, head of the Projects Unit
- Nèstor Albiñana, head of the Scientific-Technical Unit and Coordinator of the Biobank
- Marc Fradera, head of the Research Support Unit
- Victor M Martínez González, director of the Center for Genomic Medicine
El Scientific Advisory Committee (CAC) is a consultative and advisory body for the research and innovation activity of Parc Taulí. They include people of recognized national and international prestige in the areas of knowledge that are considered essential for research and innovation in biomedicine that are developed in the Parc Taulí.
Its members represent various sectors of society, both public and private, in different fields such as research management, intellectual property, science and business.
- Issue opinion and evaluation on the projects that are developed in the Parc Taulí.
- Identify business opportunities for projects.
- Identify external business opportunities to propose projects internally.
- Identify potential partners with whom to establish strategic alliances for the financing, development or marketing of a project and its results.
- Bring value and legitimacy to the work carried out in R + D + I in the Parc Taulí, in order to increase its efficiency and productivity.
Presidency: Jose Ramon Seoane. Degree in Pharmacy. Graduated in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and PhD in Physico-chemistry. Director of the Strategic Projects Area of the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid). He has held various positions and collaborated with different universities and State bodies in the promotion of biomedical and biotechnological research.
Secretariat: Luis Blanch
Secretariat of events: Merce Ruiz
- A hard tackle from Joaquín Arenas to Barbero. Degree in Pharmacy and PhD in Medicine and Surgery. He is trained as a researcher in the clinical biochemistry service of the Hospital 12 de Octubre, in Madrid; at the Department of Neurology at the Carlo Besta Institute in Milan, and at the H. Houston Merrit Center at Columbia University in New York. He is currently Scientific Director of the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria i + 12, Hospital 12 de Octubre, after having been Director of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
- Julio Arrizabalaga Aguirreazaldegui. Doctor of Medicine, specialist in internal medicine. Scientific Director of the Biodonostia Research Institute and Research Coordinator of the Hospital de Donostia. He has been responsible for the CAIBER Research Unit and Principal Investigator of the RETIC de Innovación, Donostia Hospital.
- Fatima Bosch Tubert. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where she directs the Center for Animal Biotechnology and Gene Therapy (CBATEG). Among other awards, it is the Narcís Monturiol Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya for scientific and technological merit.
- Enriqueta Felip Font. Doctor of Medicine specializing in Medical Oncology. Head of the Thoracic Medical Oncology Service of the Tumor Commission at Vall d'Hebron Hospital. European Coordinator at the Working Group on European Society Guidelines. of Medical Oncology and an active member of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.
- Julia Prats Moreno. PhD in Business Administration. Degree in Industrial Engineering. Professor and Academic Director at IESE Business School, University of Navarra. She has been a professor at the Wharton Business School (University of Pennsylvania) and various business schools in Mexico, Colombia and Portugal.
- Núria Montserrat Pulido. Degree and PhD in Biology. She is an ICREA researcher and leader of a research group at the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC). She specializes in pluripotent stem cells and the generation of complex multicellular systems for understanding the development of diseases in humans. Coordinates the ISCIII-funded Biobank and Biomodels Platform (2021-2023).
- Sylvia Boj. PhD in biomedicine from the University of Barcelona. More than 10 years of experience in stem cell, cancer and organoid research. He is currently Chief Scientific Officer of HUB Organoids BV in Utrecht (Netherlands). Previous scientific director of the same entity between 2016 and 2020.
Presidency: Anna Aran Solé – Director General of the Parc Taulí Health Consortium
- Lluís Blanch Torra – Director I3PT
- Loli Prados Cazorla – Acting I3PT management director
- Francesc Luque López – CSPT Economics Department
- Rocío Cebrián Rubio – Care Management
- Noemí Obregón Gutierrez – Nursing Director
- Antonio Llamas Losilla – HR Director
- Anna Benavent Navarro – Digital organization management
Secretariat: Eduard Soler Alonso – Head of Innovation Unit I3PT
Permanent guest members:
- Ramon Maspons Bosch
Presidency: Miquel Ángel Seguí Palmer. doctor oncology
Secretariat: Coloma Moreno Quiroga. doctor Parc Taulí Foundation.
- Santiago Alfonso Zamora. Non-healthcare member. Patient representative.
- Joan Badia Barnusell. doctor Pediatrics
- Anna Benavent Navarro. Telecommunications Engineer.
- Joan Calvet Fontova. doctor Rheumatology
- Albert Cano Palomares. doctor Endocrinology and Nutrition.
- Candelaria De Haro López. Intensive Medicine.
- Rosa Mª García Domínguez. Member of the User Service.
- Yolanda Garcia Garcia. doctor oncology
- Pilar García Iglesias. doctor digestive
- Jose Ibeas Lopez. doctor Nephrology and Dialysis.
- Ana María Liesa Torre-Marin. nurse
- Marcela Manríquez Tapia. Pharmacologist
- Mireia Massot Mesquida. Primary Pharmacy. Member outside the institution.
- Guillem Reig Loncán. jurist Expert in data protection.
- Nuria Soler Blanco. Hospital Pharmacy.
- Montserrat Vinyallonga Flores. Non-healthcare member. Patient representative.
Assigned to Ethics Committee for Animal and Human Experimentation (CEEAH) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Presidency: Lluís Blanch Torra, director of the I3PT
Secretariat: Martha Ariza Sáenz, head of quality and training at I3PT
- Loli Prados Cazorla, director of Management and representative of the International Human Resources Seal Monitoring Commission
- Néstor Albiñana Giménez, head of the Scientific-Technical Unit
- Coloma Moreno Quiroga, technical secretary CEIm
- Loli Prados Cazorla,
- Anna Ullastres Coll, Deputy Scientific Director
- Miquel Cruel Niebla, responsible for Clinical Trials Quality
- Carmen Díaz Fernández, Director of Quality CCSPT
- Pilar Medel Zamora, Equality officer of the CSPT
- Begoña Macarrón, representative of the Safety and Health Committee
- Àgueda Flores, external advisor, responsible for the UAB Quality Assurance Unit
- Esther Sánchez, external advisor, technician of the UAB Quality Assurance Unit
Ombudsman: Case Box
THEombudsman or Ombudsman acts as an independent agent when there is a suspicion of scientific misconduct or professional conflicts. He is a duly qualified figure with great personal integrity, who is accessible to all the research staff of the Institute. Its action is always carried out under parameters of strict discretion and confidentiality, so that the information is never disclosed to the governing bodies or management of the I3PT. Also, theombudsman has the capacity to propose non-binding solutions, which must be approved by the governing bodies of the institution, but also has the power to act ex officio.
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