Surgery and Interventional Procedures
- About the area
- Groups
- Mixed Unit
The area of research in surgery and interventional procedures brings together professionals from different fields and disciplines who carry out their scientific activity with the aim of generating knowledge of clinical application and generating technological innovations that improve healthcare practice.
The research groups in the area promote theapplication of new technologies, such as 3D printing or artificial intelligence, for theadvancement of knowledge in the field and for generate innovations that can have an impact on better patient care. We highlight the two technological laboratories created from the knowledge of the groups: 3D laboratories i medical imaging laboratory, both leading impact projects at the NHS in collaboration with other groups at the institute.
The area maintains active collaborations with other research centers, technology centers and companies, thus allowing the generation of multidisciplinary teams and enhancing the transfer of results.
Strategic lines of the area
- Application of new technologies for the reduction of invasive procedures.
- Application of artificial intelligence in Big Data and image analysis to generate prediction and diagnostic algorithms.
- Application of 3D printing technology to improve efficiency and quality in surgical procedures and interventions.

Group A9G1 - Locomotor System Research Group
Accreditation level: Popup group
The research of the Locomotor System Research Group is mostly clinical. It focuses on the study of procedures, materials and treatments of pathologies related to the musculoskeletal system, which affect bones, muscles, tendons and joints. In general, these pathologies are associated with pain, functional impotence, disability, and affect the quality of life of patients.
It is a multidisciplinary research group made up of different professional profiles: orthopedic surgery and traumatology (specialists and resident inpatients in training), rehabilitation, urgent care family doctors, internal medicine and orthogeriatrics, anesthesiology, physiotherapy, nursing, biomedical engineering and biology.
The scientific activity of the Locomotor System Research Group focuses on generating high quality scientific evidence to be able to apply to regular clinical practice, and improve patient outcomes. The group actively participates in its own studies led by the research team, clinical studies promoted by other academic entities or hospitals, and clinical studies promoted by industry.
The three lines of research have always been the pillar of scientific activity. However, for lines of research focused on improving the quality of traumatic pathology procedures and elective orthopedic surgery procedures, the research group has had national and international collaborations that have been key in its scientific activity.
Its own scientific activity and public and public-private collaborations have positioned the research group among the most productive groups in the clinical field of the musculoskeletal system at a scientific level in our territory.
Lines of research
- Research into 3D technology applied to surgical procedures in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology: anatomical models and surgical guides.
- Research focused on improving the quality of traumatic pathology procedures.
- Research focused on improving elective orthopedic surgery procedures.
Composition of the group
Xavier Pelfort López (Group leader) | ORCID
Doctoral research staff
- Carballo Garcia, Alejandro
- Son Gomà, Ferran
- Marcano Fernández, Francis
- Martí Garin, David
- Miquel Noguera, Joan
- Pellejero García, Raúl
- Tey Pons, Marc
- Yela Verdú, Christian
- Yuguero Rodríguez, Mariano
- Acerboni Flores, Francis
- Cámara Cabrera, Jaume
- Freijo Gutierrez, Valentin
Non-doctoral research staff
- Anglada Torres, Neus
- Gimeno Calavia, Nuria
- Gonzalez Vargas, Jose Antonio
- Martinez Grau, Patricia
- Murias Alvarez, Joan
- Rojas Sayol, Roger
- Salomó Domènech, Monica
- Sanchez Fernandez, Joel
- Serrano Sanz, Jorge
Support professionals
- Soto, Andres Felipe
- Parera Martinez, Carolina
- Viñas Noguera, Mireia M
Associated professionals
- Alavedra Massana, Anna
- Amestoy Ramos, Jorge
- Andriola, Vito
- Berenguer Sánchez, Alexandre
- Blasco Moreu, Jorge
- Well Ruiz, Mercedes
- Caparros García, Ariadna
- Costa Ventura, Helena
- Fernández Poch, Núria
- Fuentes Lopez, Ruben
- Galdina Valls, Pilar
- Gasset Teixidor, Alfons
- Girvent Montllor, Francesc
- González Riveiro, Maribel
- Graells Alonso, Guillem
- Harb Peralta, Jean Pierre
- Julian Castro, Guadeloupe
- López Bonet, Angels
- Lopez Góngora, Sheila
- Maciejczyk Boix, Pablo
- Maldonado Sotoca, Yeray
- Martínez Alvarez, Marta
- Martinez Sañudo, Luis
- Molina Corbacho, Matilde
- Navarro Oliver, Claudia
- Peñalver Matamoros, Juan Manuel
- Alonso Bridge, Carlos
- Ráfols Perramon, Ona
- Ricol Lainez, Laura
- Rododera Puigdemasa, Josep
- Roqueta Andreu, Lídia
- Sacristan Prat, Mariona
- Sanchez Flo, Ricard
- Sánchez Palomino, María Estrella
- Simon Sánchez Isabel
- Soler Cano, Albert
- Velasco Barrera, Aldo
- Verdaguer Figuerola, Arnau
Group A9G2 – Polytrauma, emergency surgery and transfusion medicine
Accreditation level: Popup group
Polytrauma is the leading cause of death and associated morbidity between the first year of life and 44 years of age.
Our research aims to focus on each of the phases of the treatment of surgical patients, both from prehospital medicine, treatment in the hospital and subsequently the social study of the repercussions, as well as the possibilities of avoiding the recurrence of trauma.
The polytrauma patient is perhaps one of the clearest examples in Medicine of multidisciplinary treatment, the proper functioning of each of the parts, makes the results improve; it is for this reason that our group is made up of: anesthesiologists, surgeons, paediatricians, intensivists, radiologists and psychiatrists.
Lines of research
- Diagnosis and treatment of polytrauma patients
- Study of blood derivatives and fluids in the care of polytraumatized patients
- Study and development of innovative tools in the treatment of emergency patients
- Creation and application of protocols for preoperative decision-making and postoperative recovery in emergency patients
Composition of the group
Salvador Navarro Soto (Group leader) | ORCID
Doctoral research staff
- Campos Serra, Andrea
- Gracia Roman, Raquel
- Llaquet Bayo, Heura
- Montmany Vioque, Sandra
- Muñoz Campaña, Anna
Non-doctoral research staff
- Alegret Monroig, Nuria
- Farré Alins, Pau
- Llorach Perucho, Núria
Associated professionals
- Barna Olomi, Irene
- Guitart Giménez, Josep
- Martinez Lopez, Fernando
- Renter Valdovinos, Lluis
- Subirana Bofill, Rita
Group A9G3 - Research in colorectal surgery
Accreditation level: In the consolidation phase
Our Colorectal Surgery research group focuses on minimally invasive colorectal surgery. The group is mainly made up of a surgical team specializing in the application and development of minimally invasive surgical techniques. Specifically, studies in transanal endoscopy surgery or minimally invasive surgery in large colon adenomas using the CELS (Combined Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery) technique stand out.
Our group is also working to develop improvements in current surgical techniques to improve the impact they have on patients. On the one hand, the group has developed an innovative system for detecting intestinal vascularization using indocyanine green through the SERGREEN software. On the other hand, the group is working on the development of outpatient treatments that reduce hospitalizations through the outpatient colectomy program or the treatment of diverticulitis with anti-inflammatory drugs.
Lines of research
- Research and innovation in transanal endoscopic surgery treatments and techniques.
- Development of new techniques for objectifying the vascularization of the intestine.
- Acute diverticulitis. New conservative treatment managements based on the modified Neff classification.
Composition of the group
Xavier Serra Aracil (Group leader) | ORCID
Doctoral research staff
- Badia Closa, Jesus
- Garcia Nalda, Albert
- Mora Lopez, Laura
- Pallisera Lloveras, Anna
- Serracant Barrera , Anna
- Gonzalez Costa, Anna
- Granados Maturano, Ana
- Hidalgo Rosas, Jose Manuel
- Llorach Perucho, Nuria
- Torrecilla Portolés, Andrea
Non-doctoral research staff
- Caraballo Angeli, Mariana
- Pino Pérez, Oriol

Group A9G4 - Clinical, interventional and computational nephrology (CICN)
Accreditation level: Popup group
The CICN is a research and innovation group that brings together professionals from different fields who carry out their activity in the area of renal pathology. Its activity includes several lines covering clinical nephrology, renal interventionism and the development of computer and artificial intelligence systems.
The group is made up of professionals from different fields to develop research and translational innovation in patients with kidney disease and hemodialysis. The aim covers on the one hand the study of the pathophysiology and biomarkers in inflammation, immunity and infection in the renal patient, as well as in the development of kidney diseases. On the other hand, it generates the framework for the development of healthcare processes, research and innovation in the field of vascular access for hemodialysis.
The transversal nature of the group, which includes professionals from various specialties and profiles in medicine and biomedical engineering, allows the generation of translational projects that cover the generation of projects that translate into clinical care, teaching, research and innovation. The team is made up of specialists in nephrology, vascular surgery, interventional radiology, nursing and biomedical engineers in a framework of collaboration with the School of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Biomedical Engineering of Pompeu Fabra University and the University of North Carolina (USA). In this context, together with the School of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Master in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Health. The group also actively collaborates with the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of Pompeu Fabra University. On the other hand, the group is part of the Interventional Nephrology training program NEPHROPATH, awarded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission.
Lines of research
- Vascular access by hemodialysis: inflammation, infection, ultrasound, hemodynamics, predictive models of thrombosis, ButtonHole technique, pathophysiology of intimal hyperplasia, therapeutic models and Artificial Intelligence.
- Pathophysiology of glomerular diseases.
- Biomarkers of infection in uremia.
- Immunity to uremia.
- Predictive models and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) based on Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining for the management of patients with chronic renal failure and hemodialysis.
- Biosensors
Composition of the group
Jose Ibeas Lopez (Group leader) | ORCID
Doctoral research staff
- Merino Raldua, Jana
- Teixidor Viñas, Mireia
- Betancourt Castellanos, Loreley
- Garcia Agreda, Daniela
- Navazo Santamaria, Diego
Non-doctoral research staff
- Caravaca Rodriguez, Miriam
- Comangas Yéboles, Alejandra
- Correa Soto, Roberto
- Gallés Argemí, Òscar
- González de la Huebra Labrador, Teresa
- Pico Ruiz, Sandy Valeria
- Soto Calderón, Andrés Felipe
- Vallespín Aguado, Joaquim
Associated professionals
- Raised Paredes, Eva
- Rubiella Rubio, Carolina
- Teixidor Viñas, Mireia
- Vidal Borrego, Marta
Outstanding projects
- Anais Medical: Simulation methods for performing invasive procedures in the renal patient.
- Nephrocloud: Software for the clinical management of vascular access by hemodialysis.

Group A9G5 – GIAMed: Artificial Intelligence applied to Medical Imaging
Accreditation level: associate
The GIAMed group is created in order to provide the hospital with a research and advice unit on the application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging. Research is essential to keep the hospital at the forefront, especially when disruptive technology such as artificial intelligence is introduced.
The research topics of this group include all that research activity related to the development and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in medical imaging. For example, the application of AI in the development of new algorithms for image reconstruction and processing and visualization tools, tissue segmentation and conversion to 3D printable objects.
GIAMed is made up of a multidisciplinary team (engineering, mathematics and clinical staff) and has a strong collaboration with other artificial intelligence research groups at Catalan universities such as BCN-AIM, and UdG-VICOROB. GIAMed aims to become a benchmark in the CSPT in research related to artificial intelligence.
Lines of research
- Development of algorithms for the improvement of medical diagnosis by imaging and personalized radiology.
- Optimization of acquisition protocols and digital image.
- Development of tools for the implementation of 3D technology in the hospital field.
Composition of the group
Josep Fernández Bayó (Group leader)
Doctoral research staff
- Perendreu Sans, Joan
- Cold Rib, Marco
- Del Riego Ferrari, Javier
- Lopez Mora, Diego Alfonso
Non-doctoral research staff
- Correa Soto, Roberto Eduardo
- Martin Olóriz, Amaya
- Novel Teixidó, Francesc
- Romero Flórez, Nicolás
Support professionals
- Arroyo Arroyo, Sergio
- Blanch Molina, Alexandre
- Borrell Avila, Francis
- Lopez Garcia, Alex
- Ribas Mercau, Diego Ignacio
- Valls Obea, Josep
The Kidney4All Joint Research Unit was created in 2021 to consolidate the relationship between the UAB Department of Telecommunications and Systems Engineering and the Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute. Specifically, the Wireless Information Networking research groups, currently led by Antoni Morell, and the A9G4 Clinical, Interventional and Computational Nephrology research group at I3PT, led by Dr José Ibeas, are taking part.
Within this unit, several lines of research, innovation and teaching have been generated. Highlights The Master in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Health (more information).
Main objectives:
- Development of predictive models based on computer simulation and artificial intelligence of vascular access failure of hemodialysis patients
- Development of predictive models in the progression of chronic renal failure and in the occurrence of cardiovascular complications and mortality.
I3PT Manager
- Jose Ibeas
I3PT research staff
- Diego Navazo
- Daniela garcia
- Carolina Rubiella
UAB Manager
- Anthony Morell
UAB research staff
- José López Vicario
- Edward Macias
- Dolores Reixach
- SIMUFAV project. Predictive models based on computer simulation and artificial intelligence of vascular access failure of hemodialysis patients.
- INTELKIDNEY project. Predictive models of mortality and cardiovascular complications in the patient with chronic renal failure.
- Predictive models of heart failure in the patient with advanced chronic renal failure in relation to arteriovenous fistula by hemodialysis.
- Predictive models of mortality in critically ill patients with Acute Renal Failure based on artificial intelligence.
- Predictive models of sepsis in the critically ill patient.