Eodyne Systems and I3PT create virtual reality device to reduce patient recovery time in ICUs
Eodyne Systems and I3PT create virtual reality device to reduce patient recovery time in ICUs 1080 608 Mireia Córcoles
The aim of this technological project is to reduce the cognitive sequelae that users may develop as a result of their stay in the unit, which can contribute to reducing recovery time read more
AGAUR Product funds an innovative I3PT project
AGAUR Product funds an innovative I3PT project 768 673 Anna Ullastres

The group of "Translational Research in Pathophysiology Associated with the Critically Ill" led by Dra. Josefina López-Aguilar, GRC-AGAUR and member of CIBERES, has received funding from the Knowledge Industry 2019 program, Modality B Product, awarded by the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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