Pilot test to identify potential lung cancer nodules on x-rays using 'deep learning' technology
Pilot test to identify potential lung cancer nodules on x-rays using 'deep learning' technology https://www.tauli.cat/institut/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/2020_03_02_projecte-1200x675.jpg 1080 608 Communication Parc Taulí https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/7839cc9b475d428560d509499f1c4407?s=96&d=mm&r=gThe LuCaDAlert project (Lung Cancer CAD Alert) is a collaboration between researchers from I3PT and the Eurecat technology center, in which algorithms have been developed capable of detecting lung cancer nodules in all the chest x-rays that are register with the RAIM PACS system.
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