Rehabilitation exercises for COVID-19 patients

Hospital protocol: Respiratory physiotherapy - 10cmH2O PEP technique

Hospital protocol: Respiratory physiotherapy for COVID-19 patients. 10cmH2O PEP technique

Technique and videos:

  1. Breathe slowly through the nose (without coughing)
  2. Hold the air inside your lungs and count 3 seconds.
  3. Blow gently through the nozzle tightening the lips well without causing coughing or fatigue.
  4. Repeat up to 5 maneuvers and rest.
  5. Repeat the technique every 30 minutes, as long as you tolerate it well.

Valve type A

Type B valve


Recommended exercises during isolation

Exercises recommended during isolation by COVID-19

  • Immobility or bed rest can have negative consequences for your body in both the short and long term.
  • Immobility affects the whole functioning of the body, both physically and psychologically.
  • We want to help you and that's why we've edited some videos with very simple exercises that you can do in bed and / or in the chair.
  • You will be able to visualize a small introduction and then choose arm exercises, leg in bed or chair and breathing exercises.
  • Remember that it is very important, as long as your condition allows it, to stand up and walk.

Attention! Stop if you experience coughing, choking, fatigue, sweating, or dizziness


Language: Catalan


Arm exercises

Leg exercises


Stretched leg exercises

Respiratory exercises

Respiratory exercises tube


Language: Spanish


Arm exercises

Leg exercises


Stretched leg exercises

Breathing exercises

Tube breathing exercises


Patients at home in the recovery phase


Click to view the document Respiratory Exercises for Home Patients in the Recovery Phase of COVID-19