To be a resident of Parc Taulí

Choose Parc Taulí for your healthcare training!


Places accredited by specialty


Accredited places

Clinical Analysis 1
Pathological Anatomy 2
Anesthesiology and Resuscitation 5
Angiology and Vascular Surgery 1
Digestive system 2
Cardiology 1
General and Digestive Surgery 3
Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology 4
Pediatric surgery 1
Medical Surgical Dermatology and Venerology 1
Endocrinology and Nutrition 1
Hospital Pharmacy 2
Hematology and Hemotherapy 1
Intensive Care medicine 3
Internal Medicine 5
Nephrology 1
Neurology 1
Ophthalmology 1
Medical Oncology 2
Otorhinolaringology 1
Pneumology 1
Radiodiagnosis 3
Rheumatology 1
Urology 1
Geriatrics Multiprofessional Teaching Unit
Geriatric Nursing 2
Geriatrics 3
Multiprofessional Teaching Unit Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obstetricogynecological nursing 4
Obstetrics and Gynecology 3
Multiprofessional Teaching Unit Pediatrics and specific areas
Pediatric Nursing 3
Pediatrics and specific areas 6
Multiprofessional Teaching Unit for Occupational Health
Occupational Medicine  1
Occupational nursing 1
Multiprofessional Mental Health Teaching Unit
Nursing in Mental Health 3
Clinical psychology 4
Psychiatry 3
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry  2
Total seats 80
Accredited places for hospital training
Speciality Accredited places
Family and Community Medicine 9
Family and Community Nursing 1
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