Head of the Multiprofessional Teaching Unit:
Diego J. Palao Vidal
tutors: Jorge Torres Vallejos, Albert Cosculluela
Coordinator: Albert Granero
93 745 83 76. This e-mail address is being protected from robots spam.Necessites Javascript enabled to view it.
93 723 10 10 ext. 82709 This e-mail address is being protected from robots spam.Necessites Javascript enabled to view it.
Accredited places: 3 per year
MEF Program Summary
- Mental Health Nursing Training Itinerary [Catalan] [Spanish]
- Schedule of Mental Health Nursing rotations
The specialty
Mental health nursing is a discipline in the area of health that deals with caring for the person from a holistic perspective. Its action includes care both in the hospital and in the community and / or home area.
Mental health nurses have training that allows them to develop their care, teaching, management and research functions, both in states of acute decompensation and in situations of stability and chronicity. Some of the most important aspects of action are the promotion of health through education and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, the prevention of risk situations, the detection of signs and symptoms of physical or mental disorders. early, behavioral management, control of mental disorder and rehabilitation of the person so that he can live in an integrated way and without stigmatization within the community and so that he can have the best possible quality of life.
Service Description
The Parc Taulí Mental Health Center (CSM-PT) is part of the Parc Taulí de Sabadell Health Corporation Consortium (CCSPT) with a considerable degree of decentralized management through an executive management. Its operation is in line with the guidelines of the Mental Health and Addictions Master Plan of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
We work in three priority lines of research:
1) Psychiatric epidemiology and risk factors (Mental Health Observatory of Catalonia and Mental e-Health);
2) Schizophrenia; i
3) Affective disorders.
The Parc Taulí Neuroscience group has joined the CIBERSAM of the Carlos III Health Institute.
The CSM-PT has specialized public assistance services in a general hospital setting in the town of Vallès Occidental Est with 425.000 inhabitants.
Patient-oriented care is provided by specialized professionals who work in multidisciplinary teams. The organization is formulated following the EFQM model of excellence and quality aimed at achieving the best results in health.
Service Structure
The Psychiatry Service of Parc Taulí is structured in:
- Adult Mental Health. Organized by clinical processes (Affective and Anxiety, Psychosis and Dual Pathology).
- Adult outpatient care (CSMA I and II).
- Mental Health Collaboration Program with Primary Care.
- Severe Mental Disorder (TMS) Program.
- Individualized Monitoring Program (PSI).
- First Psychotic Episodes Program (PEP).
- Autolytic Attempt Monitoring Program (Suicide Risk Code).
- Antaviana Community Rehabilitation Service (40 places).
- Drug Addiction Care and Monitoring Center (CASD).
- Methadone Maintenance Program (PMM).
- Free Drug Program (PLD).
- Acute hospitalization (30 beds).
- Electroconvulsive Therapy Program.
- Subacute hospitalization (6 beds).
- Adult day hospital (25 places).
- Detox Hospitalization (6 beds).
- Mental Health Crisis Intervention Team for complex chronic patients.
- Adult outpatient care (CSMA I and II).
- Child and Youth Mental Health.
- Outpatient care for children and young people (CSMIJ I and II).
- Severe Mental Disorder (TMG) Program.
- Comprehensive Autism Care Program.
- Educational support programs for Educational Support Units (USE), Shared Schooling Units (UEC), Intensive Support Classrooms (AIS).
- Support program for the General Directorate of Child and Adolescent Care (DGAIA).
- Continuity program with the Center for Child Development and Early Care (CDIAP).
- Adolescent day hospital (20 places).
- Autolytic Attempt Monitoring Program (Suicide Risk Code).
- Acute hospitalization for children and young people (16 beds). Vallès occidental.
- Outpatient care for children and young people (CSMIJ I and II).