Internal Medicine resident's guide

Head of the Teaching Unit:
Ricard Comet Mt.

Sonia Calzado Isbert, Ana Granados Maturano, M. Carmen Navarro Sáez, Gemma Vidal Cusidó,
Carlos Feijoo Masso

93 745 82 52/93 723 10 10 ext. 81919
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Accredited places: 5 per year


MEF Program Summary

The specialty

Internal Medicine is a core medical specialty, eminently hospital, which proposes a comprehensive approach to all health problems of the individual.

It is characterized by being an eminently clinical discipline. That is, it starts from the anamnesis and physical examination to guide the patient's diagnostic and therapeutic process.
The comprehensive approach to all health problems that characterize the care work of internists makes them especially useful to care for multi-pathological patients, patients with "transversal" processes that affect multiple organs or systems (infectious, autoimmune, or metabolic diseases) or patients with nonspecific symptoms requiring a diagnostic approach.

Service Description

The Internal Medicine Service treats patients admitted to hospital, day hospital patients, outpatient clinics of different types (general, rapid diagnosis, vascular risk factors or systemic autoimmune diseases), interconsultations in surgical areas and patients cared for in home hospitalization.

Additionally, Internal Medicine residents are trained in Infectious Diseases (service with hospitalization, day hospital and specific outpatient consultations) and Geriatrics (unit with hospitalization and specific outpatient consultation).

Service Structure

Director of the Internal Medicine Service and Hospitalization Coordination: R. Comet.
Coordination of the Home Hospitalization and Vascular Risk Units: A. Mujal.
Outpatient Area Coordination: G.Vidal.
Resident tutors: Sonia Calzado Isbert, Ana Granados Maturano, Carlos Feijoo Massó, M. Carmen Navarro Sáez, Gemma Vidal Cusidó
Coordinator of the line of work in Autoimmune Diseases. B. Marí.
Coordinator of the work line in Heart Failure: R.Comet/L.Badia.
Work line coordination in Complex Chronic Patient and Venous Thromboembolic Disease: G.Vidal.
Shared Care Coordinator/Surgical Support: A.Granados.


The Service is made up of 11 specialist doctors on staff and 20 residents in training.


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