Pneumology resident's guide

Head of the Teaching Unit:
Manuel Luján Torné

Javier Pomares Friend

93 723 10 10 ext. 81119 (secretary)
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Accredited places: 1 per year


MEF Program Summary

The specialty

Pulmonology is the medical specialty that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases.

Service Description

The Pneumology Service acts as a point of reference for nearly half a million inhabitants of Vallès Occidental, and its care work focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system, in the areas of acute patient care hospitalized, and chronic in day hospital and outpatient consultation. The Service consists of units for ventilatory sleep disorders, non-invasive ventilation, interventional endoscopy, respiratory allergy, interstitial diseases, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension. In research, it is a Group Recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya and is part of the Cyberes network of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, with lines of research in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, lung cancer, respiratory infection, sleep and ventilation.

Service Structure

  • Multidisciplinary Sleep Unit
  • Pulmonary Function Laboratory
  • Respiratory endoscopy
  • Outpatient and Outpatient Consultation
  • Day hospital
  • Hospitalization
  • Intermediate Respiratory Care Unit (UCRI)


The Service consists of 15 deputies and has the support of an administrator.

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