Parc Taulí is the reference health center in the 9 municipalities of the Vallès Occidental Est:
- Vallès Bay
- Barberà del Valles
- Castellar del vallès
- Cerdanyola del Vallès
- Polinya
- Ripollet
- Sabadell
- Sant Llorenc Savall
- sorry
Total insured: 406.913 citizens *
Area of care for complex pathology, pediatrics and mental health:
- Vallès Bay
- Barberà del Valles
- Castellar del vallès
- Cerdanyola del Vallès
- Polinya
- Ripollet
- Sabadell
- Sant Llorenc Savall
- sorry
- Palau-solità and Plegamans
- Santa Perpetual de Mogoda
Total insured: 447.901 citizens *
Area of socio-health care and care for the dependent:
- Vallès Bay
- Barberà del Valles
- Castellar del vallès
- Cerdanyola del Vallès
- Polinya
- Ripollet
- Sabadell
- Sant Llorenc Savall
- sorry
- Palau-solità and Plegamans
- Santa Perpetual de Mogoda
- Sant Quirze del Vallès
- Montcada i Reixac
Total insured: 504.912 citizens *
Total insured throughout Catalonia: 7.900.489 citizens *
* Source: Reference population of the Catalan Health Service for the year 2023, at 30 January 2023. Central register of the accredited population of the Catalan Health Service (RCA).