General information of the Corporation



Reference area

Reference area

Reference area population *
Inhabitants of Sabadell and thereference health area (9 municipalities) 402.246 407.864 406.913

* Source: Institute of Statistics of Catalonia.


Human team

Human team

Human team for centers *
Consorci Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí    
Hospital of Sabadell 2.516 2.430
Mental Health PT 199 202
Dawn 281 340
HATED 427 438
Primary Care Parc Taulí 51 66
Attention to the Parc Taulí Unit 17 17
Corporate Services 729 765
Total Consortium Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí 4.220 4.258
Sabadell Gent Gran Center de Servicios SA 101 92
Fundació Parc Taulí 19 19


4.340 4.369

People with a fixed contract

2.575 2.525


 Individuals 2021%Individuals 2022%
Grouping by categories of the human team
Administrative and support function 1 456 11 547 13
Nurse 2.406 55 2.419 55
Doctors 1.034 24 1.022 23
General services 2 444 10 452 10

* These data do not include short-term increases in staff for COVID-19.
** Structural places regardless of the% of working hours
1 Administrative, computer, ordinance, telephone operator ...
2 Cook, maintenance officer ...

R + D + I

R + D + I

R&D activity
Research staff 419 419
Projects granted to competitive calls 23 24
Amount granted to competitive tenders €1.867.301 €2.800.234
Total articles published 511 503
Articles published with impact factor 459 430
Accumulated impact factor 3.924 4.479
New ideas revealed 31 46
Ideas approved 11 25
Signed transfer agreements 2 2
Spin-offs created 1 1
Clinical trials evaluated by the CEIm 63  76
Clinical trials with participating drug 97 78
Clinical trials health product 11 20
Other studies 123 116
Amount contracted with AC and other studies 3.320.007,88 € 3.153.094,94 €




 Course 2020-2021Course 2021-2022
Teaching activity
Medical Students (UAB Teaching Unit) 251 258
Accredited teaching units 32 33
Residents in training 210 211
Interns 759 853
         Nurse 254 337
         Nursing Assistants 110 151
         Undergraduate / postgraduate / master's degree students other specialties 198 212
         Students of training cycles 197 153
Training stays 16 11
External teaching activities 24 44
Students 784 1.547


 Course 2020-2021Course 2021-2022
Training specialists
Physician specializing in training 185 186
Nurse specialist in training 12 11
Pharmacist specializing in training 7 7
Psychologist specializing in training 6 7
Teaching device associated with other Units
Physician specializing in Family and Community Medicine training (UD AFiC Metropolitana Nord-ICS) 36 33
Nurse specialist in Family and Community Care training (UD AFiC Metropolitana Nord-ICS) 3 4
Occupational Medicine training doctor (UD Mateu Orfila) 3 4
Total professionals in training 252 252




Data from the Institutional Training Plan
Total shares 55 65
Num. activities (groups) 111 156
Num. natural persons trained in the Plan 2.132 2.731
Total hours of classroom training 6.870 11.413
Total hours of online training 30.815 24.391


Structural resources

Structural resources

Equipment in structures
External consultations 274 273 
Hospital of Sabadell 151 151 
Specialized care Sant Fèlix (HS) 21 21 
Specialized care Cerdanyola (HS) 14 14 
CAP Can Rull 25 25
Mental Health 63 62
Operating rooms 16 19 

Central Surgical Block

10 10 

Outpatient Surgical Center (CQA)


Sant Fèlix (minor outpatient surgery)


Cerdanyola (minor outpatient surgery)

Party rooms and operating rooms GiO (HS) 8 8
Diagnostic and therapeutic cabinets (HS) 43 43
Day hospital beds 212 187
Hospital of Sabadell 88 109
Mental Health 106 60
Albada Social and Health Center 18 18
Day center places 80 100
Sabadell Senior Citizens 40 36
Antaviana Community Rehabilitation Service 40 64
Self-catering apartments (SGG) 52 52
Residence Places (SGG) 130 130


Equipment in beds
Total conventional beds 477 534
Total acute beds 673 670
Total critical beds 80 80
Socio-sanitary beds 196 196
Total CSPT beds  869 730 


 Square meters
Surface of the buildings of the CSPT
Inside the Parc Taulí  100.133
Taulí 56.966
Santa Fe 9.393
Outpatient Surgical Center (CQA) 1.596
HATED 4.768
SSGG - Maintenance and Projects 296
Health 2.914
Victoria Eugenia Pavilion 1.035
VII Centenary 5.026
Dawn 9.353
Ripoll buildings  6.000
Heliport 409
Waste ship 339
Transformer station 158
VAM - Dispensing methadone 211
gas plant 73
Old Blues 1.596
Outside the grounds of Parc Taulí 14.764
CAP Can Rull (Property of CatSalut) 1.521
CAP Can Llong (CatSalut property) 927
Bosser ships 3.568
Sabadell Gent Elder, Service Center  8.748
Total 114.897

Day hospitals

At Sabadell Hospital:

  • Dermatologist
  • Digestive
  • Endocrinology and Nutrition
  • Infectious diseases-AIDS
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neurology
  • Nephrology
  • Oncology and Hematology
  • Pediatrics
  • Pneumology
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Rheumatology
  • Urology
  • Vascular

To Mental Health:

  • Adult Mental Health
  • Child and Youth Mental Health

Technological equipment

Technological equipment

CSPT technological equipment
Surgical arches 7
Prono Digital Stereotaxy 1
Camera range 2 heads 2
Digital mammogram 1
Mammograph tomosynthesis 2
Breast MRI Biopsy System 1
Vacuum assisted biopsy system 1
Magnetic resonance imaging 3
PACS RAIM Server 1
Conventional RX sales 4
RX laptops 9
Interventional Vascular Radiology Room with electrophysiology module 1
Dyna-CT Interventional Vascular Radiology Room with built-in ultrasound 2
CT scan with scopy 3
Digital remote control 2
Ultrasound 1 51
Echocardiograph 7
Video colonoscopes 7
Video gastroscope and video duodenoscope 13
Da Vinci surgical robot 2


Environmental management

Environmental management

Electricity consumption
Total consumption (kWh) 16.924.533 17.730.240
Surface consumption (kWh / m2) 182 150
Consumption per worker (kWh / worker) 4.796 4.086
CO emissions2 (T) 5.433 5.691
Water consumption
Total consumption (m3) 84.213 98.512
Surface consumption (m3/m2) 0,90 0830
Consumption per worker (m3/employee) 23 23


Gas consumption
Total consumption (kWh) 8.740.253 8.098.367
Surface consumption (kWh / m2) 93 68,64
Consumption per worker (kWh / worker) 2.483 1.866
CO emissions2 (T) 1.620 1.501


Diesel consumption (equipment)
Total consumption (m3) 8.373 7.089
Surface consumption (m3/m2) 0 0,060
Consumption per worker (m3/employee) 2,38 2
CO emissions2 (T)  24.031 20.345
Paper consumption
Total consumption (sheets) 7.187.000 6.880.000
Consumption per worker (sheets / worker) 1.991 1.586
Toner consumption
Total consumption (units) 652 632
Consumption per worker (units / worker) 0,19 0,15


Ink Cartridge Consumption
Total consumption (units) 48 57
Consumption per worker (units / worker) 0,01 0,01
Groups I-II - rejection - (kg) 1.235.228 1.232.050
Consumption (kg) / worker 351 248
Groups I-II - paper and cardboard - (kg) 133.910 126.760
Consumption (kg) / worker 38 29
Group III - sanitary and biological waste - (l) 556.334 501.083
Consumption (l) / worker 158 115
Group IV - cytostatics - (l) 148.935 154.555
Consumption (l) / worker 42 36
Selective collection of vegetable oil (l) 720 1.260
Consumption (l) / worker 0,20 0,29
Selective collection of organic matter (kg) 9.949 19.027
Consumption (kg) / worker 3 4
Selective collection of pathological anatomy alcohols (l) 9.529 10.108
Consumption (l) / worker 3 2
Fluorescent selective collection (kg) 160 277

Consumption (l) / worker

0,05 0,06
Selective collection of sanitary plastic and light packaging (kg) 26.040 30.840 
Consumption (kg) / worker 7 7
Selective collection of contaminant packaging (kg) 1.480 1.253
Consumption (kg) / worker 0,42 0,29


Economic results

Economic results

Income and expenses (in millions of euros)
Tickets 380 386
Expenses 352 365
Results of the exercises 28 21
Investments (in millions of euros)    
Investments executed 11,8


Resources generated (in millions of euros)    
Cash flow 34,2 17
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