Economics and Services



The Economy and Services Area is a non-healthcare support area dedicated to managing the resources of the Parc Taulí Health Corporation, based on transparency and rigor with regard to the application of established regulations.

It is structured in different subareas:

  • Accounting Administration
  • Cost accounting
  • Shopping
  • Billing and Collection Management
  • General Services

Location Management of Economy and Services:
La Salut building.
Taulí park no. 1.
08208 Sabadell


Economy and Services Management Team

Francesc Luque López
Director Economics and Services

Leandra Montagut Amposta
Head of Accounting Administration

Miguel Angel Ruiz Domingo
Head of Cost Accounting

Mar Castiñeira Palou
Purchasing manager

Manuela García Morales
Head of Billing and Collection Management

Jonathan Ortiz Tirado
Head of Infrastructure

Juan Jose Perez Rivera
Head of Maintenance and Electromedicine

Incarnation Escudero Sánchez
Head of Food

Light Vega Diaz
Head of Cleaning and Rober

Accounting Administration

Accounting Administration

The Accounting Administration area is organized into two subareas: Accounting and Treasury.

Accounting deals with the preparation and presentation of the accounting and financial statements, following current legal regulations, ensuring the institution reliable and timely information to support decision-making. The relationship with suppliers is coordinated by carrying out the receipt and accounting registration of invoices.

In this sense the subarea of Treasury deals with the control of payments arising from all financial obligations borne by the institution. Finally, the preparation and monitoring of the public budgets for the management of the institutions of Parc Taulí is carried out, following the instructions and in coordination with the competent health authorities.

Cost accounting

Cost accounting

Mission: To plan, organize, measure and control the activity of the organization in order to ensure the achievement of its strategic and operational plans.

The Cost Accounting department deals with the classification, accumulation, control and allocation of costs and revenues according to certain patterns of behavior, activity and processes. The main objective is to provide information for the control of the Corporation's operations and activities to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of management, as well as to support decision-making by providing the appropriate specific analyzes and reports.



The main function of the Purchasing Area is to provide service to healthcare professionals and other non-healthcare departments of the organization, with regard to their needs for the purchase of products and services, in a centralized manner and in accordance with strategic planning. of the organization.

Carrying out the control of the different components of the supply chain (purchase, storage and management of inventories) and optimizing the value of the resources acquired.

The Purchasing area is organized into two subareas: Supplies and Warehouse.

Sanitary Waste Management

The subarea of Supplies deals with the purchase of materials and services necessary to support the activities by ensuring the appropriate quality and cost levels and stocks, respecting the purchasing regulations established for public entities.

The subarea of Warehouse takes care of the reception of all the materials, so much the pertinent of the central platform of storage CLS, like the pertinent of the distinct providers of the CSPT and the back internal distribution in the distinct points of consumption.

Billing and Collection Management

Billing and Collection Management

The Billing and Collection Management area has the responsibility of invoicing all the health services provided to the citizen through the different public and private insurers, as well as guaranteeing their collection.

Main functions:

  • Establish the criteria and business rules of each client.
  • Coordination with the different services of the hospital for data collection.
  • Control and supervision of data relating to payers.
  • Implement administrative circuits to ensure billing.
  • Monitoring of the contractual relations for the provision of services with the different clients of the Institution.
  • Carry out the management of collections.

General Services

General Services

General Services manages several areas in a combination of its own and external staff, with the mission and objectives of working to improve the provision of services and projects, both for professionals and for users of the Institution.

The General Services area is organized into three subareas:

  • Maintenance, Projects, Security and Environmental Management. The strategy of the Department is its integration in the healthcare field through the design, construction, start-up, maintenance and security of the infrastructures, facilities and equipment that feed the corporate buildings, their professionals and users, as well. as the impact of the whole set towards the environment around us.
  • Food. Prepare menus to serve users, professionals and on-call doctors. It works following the cold line system for the preparation of users 'menus and traditional cuisine for workers' menus.
  • Cleaning and Rober: The aim of the Department is to keep the care and non-care areas clean, in order to reduce the number of microorganisms and achieve a comfortable environment for both users and professionals, as well as ensuring the availability of clean clothes in all units, complying with the established protocols and current regulations, in matters of waste, cleaning and prevention of occupational hazards.