Park Taulí Infirmary




  • To provide the person attended with safe and quality care, based on knowledge.
  • Guarantee continuity of care, as well as accompaniment and active care for the well-being of the people being cared for, with emotional support of empathy in the face of their problems.
  • Stimulate and carry out research, innovation, teaching as well as appropriate competence development to respond to the demands and needs of society.


To be regional and country references for collaborative and effective work, for knowledge and influence both in healthcare practice and in research, innovation and teaching, and for population health results, the patient experience and the well-being of the team.

Our values

  • Attention focused on people.
  • Teamwork.
  • efficiency
  • Commitment to society and its diversity.
  • Innovation.
  • quality
  • knowledge
  • Autonomy.
  • Responsibility.
  • Leadership in care.
  • Interprofessional collaboration.
  • Guarantee of the person's dignity.
  • Professionalism.


Patient care is a complex activity that requires the teamwork of all health and social professionals. Nursing practice focused on the person served, families and/or significant others, includes activities that are carried out in the field of clinical practice, research, education, management and policy.

Strategic lines

  • Organizational and relational model
    • Competence development area
    • Area of ​​methodology, knowledge and resources
    • Patient area and care areas
  • Professional practice model
  • Competence development
  • Research, innovation and teaching
  • Dashboard

I am a nurse at Parc Taulí

I am a nurse at Parc Taulí


Anna Estruga, nurse in the Critical Area of ​​the Parc Taulí


Mar Alonso, nurse in the frail patient area of ​​Parc Taulí


Carme Grau, nurse in the hemodialysis area of ​​Parc Taulí


Ma Dolors Gil, nurse in the surgical hospitalization area of ​​Parc Taulí


Work with us

Work with us


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