The Consorci Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí de Sabadell is committed to being an organization responsible for the well-being and improvement of its immediate environment, its professionals and its users, as well as the environment and the whole community with which it interacts.
In this context, Parc Taulí works in different areas of action to respond to this commitment.
Environmental management
With the aim of minimizing the environmental impact generated by its activity, Parc Taulí has an Environmental Commission that oversees the monitoring and monitoring of this impact, as well as the development and monitoring of actions aimed at reducing energy consumption, the emission of greenhouse gases, the consumption of materials and the promotion of sustainable mobility.
Equality plan
Parc Taulí establishes policies to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discriminating directly or indirectly on the grounds of sex, in accordance with the principle of equal opportunities established by Organic Law 3/2007 of 22 March, for effective equality between women and men, with reference to equal conditions at work and their application.
Thus, Parc Taulí, the I3PT Research and Innovation Institute and Sabadell Gent Gran have equality commissions that have drawn up Equality Plans approved by the management committee that ensure that this equality is effective.
The volunteer is one who has social sensitivity and freely undertakes to devote his time to action for the benefit of others, without financial consideration and within the framework of an organization.
Volunteering, an expression of a commitment to solidarity to improve the quality of life, is a movement historically linked to our institutional history, especially in some of our centers, such as the Albada Sociosanitary Center.
In 2010, volunteering at our institution received a new impetus with the launch of the Parc Taulí Volunteering Plan, with the aim of responding to existing health and social demands in the different corporate centers.
Social Action Program for Pediatrics
In the Pediatrics Area of the Hospital de Sabadell we work with a vision based on the model of patient-centered care and taking into account in a comprehensive way the biological, psychological, educational, social and environmental aspects.
Thanks to the efforts of the administration and our professionals, we are one of the leading reference pediatric hospitals in Catalonia. We cover a population of more than 75.000 children and young people in the 11 municipalities of the reference area of Parc Taulí and, for certain specialties, we serve children and young people throughout the territory.
Beyond the need for care, we want our children and young people to benefit from a holistic approach. We also want to address some of the needs of care that have been manifested in recent years, and which may become indispensable for the care and proper development of the pediatric population and their most vulnerable families.
In this context, the Parc Taulí Pediatric Social Action Program includes different lines of action that complement the coverage of our public funding system, with the aim of promoting healthcare and comfort, educational and social improvements for patients. pediatricians in our area of reference.