Social Networks
Directory of the social networks of Parc Taulí
Park Taulí University Hospital: @parctauli
Mind-u Taulí. Prevention of Mental Health in Young People: @mindutauli
A Wave of Small Smiles: @onadapetitssomriures
Taulí Park simulation:@Simulaciotauli
Parc Taulí University Hospital @parctauli
Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute: @I3ptT
General Surgery Service: @TauliSurgery
Pediatric Surgery Service: @TauliCIRPED
Coloproctology Unit: @TauliColoprocto
Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service:@cotauli
Cancer Screening Program: @RecordGetauli
Pharmacy Service:@FarmaciaTauli
Parc Taulí Training:@formaciotauli
Nursing Research Group: @GRItauli
Taulí Park simulation: @Simulaciotauli
3D Surgical Planning Lab Parc Taulí: @3DPTLab
Medical Oncology Service: @OncoTauli
Urology Service: @UroTauli
Park Taulí Nursing Department: @InfermeriaTauli
Interventional Radiology Parc Taulí: @virTauli
Parc Taulí Emergency Service: @urgencies_tauli
Parc Taulí Pathological Anatomy Service: @PathTauli
Care for Polytrauma Patients Park Taulí: @PolitraumaTauli
Parc Taulí Laboratory Service: @taulilaboratorio
Sevei of Anesthesiology and Reanimation:
Parc Taulí University Hospital
Mind-U Prevention of Mental Health in Young People.
Parc Taulí University Hospital
3D Surgical Planning Lab - Park Taulí University Hospitali
Institute of Research and Innovation I3PT
Parc Taulí Digital Medical Imaging Center
Parc Taulí Clinical Laboratories Service
Park Taulí University Hospital: @ tabli2010
Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute: @I3PT_ParcTauli
Rules of participation
Rules of participation for supporters of the media and social networks of Parc Taulí
The profiles of the social networks of the Parc Taulí de Sabadell Health Corporation aim to make the relationship with our users and citizens followers of the respective social networks closer, through conversation, listening and interaction around the different topics that may be related to this institution.
To participate, you must follow the following rules:
- These profiles may not be used to advertise companies, services or events for profit, or SPAM.
- The comments published must be related to the subject of the publications where they are made. Otherwise, we recommend looking for other more suitable spaces.
- It is forbidden to publish photographs, videos or any graphic material in which minors appear, without the consent of their parents or guardians. In the event that this happens, the person who published the content will be held responsible.
- The opinions of the other participants must be respected, even if they are not shared. Comments must be respectful. No message is allowed that may attack the dignity or rights of people, that encourages hatred or violence, or that is offensive or discriminatory for any reason.
- If the same comments are repeated repeatedly, this practice will be considered spam and will lead to the blocking of the user who generates them.
- It is advisable to avoid publishing your own personal data (postal or email address, telephone...)
- The profiles on social networks of the Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí de Sabadell are not the right place to make personal medical or administrative consultations. These inquiries should be addressed to your referring doctor or nurse. If what you want is to send us a complaint or suggestion, you must contact Customer Service, using the web form or by contacting them directly (This e-mail address is being protected from robots spam.Necessites Javascript enabled to view it.– telephone: 93 723 10 10 - extension 29052).
- These profiles may contain information about illnesses or medical treatments. It is important to remember that this information should never be a substitute for a consultation with your doctor. The user assumes full responsibility for how they choose to use this information.
- Parc Taulí reserves the right to delete any contribution made that does not comply with these rules of participation.
- Remember that each social network has its own conditions of participation and rules of use, which must also be respected.
Followers who want to send us their comments and suggestions in relation to corporate social networks can do so via the address This e-mail address is being protected from robots spam.Necessites Javascript enabled to view it.