UDIAT Diagnostic Center


The mission of the Pathological Anatomy Service is to make quality anatomopathological diagnoses based on the morphological and / or molecular study of patient samples. These diagnoses are based on the most advanced knowledge, and provide added value to facilitate the making of the best therapeutic decisions. This task is done by collaborating with other professionals and applying the technologies efficiently, with the aim of responding to the health problems of the reference population.

More than forty-five professionals work there (pathologists, pathological anatomy residents, molecular biologists, cytotechnicians, specialist technicians in pathological anatomy and cytopathology, and administrative staff) and we are responding to practically all the needs of the Institution in terms of diagnosis morphological and molecular of anatomopathological samples.

It is an accredited Service for the training of specialists in Pathological Anatomy (2 residents/year), which is also fully involved in the teaching of the UAB Degree in Medicine (the subject of Structural and Molecular Pathology is taught to students of 3rd year, in the Parc Taulí Teaching Unit) and with the training of laboratory technicians (there are collaboration agreements with several institutes and schools, whose students do internships at the Service).

The Quality Management System of the service has, since February 2023, UNE-EN ISO 15189 accreditation for gynecological pathology, including histological and cytological diagnosis, detection of papilloma virus. human loma and the genotyping of this virus

All pathologists in the Service have one or more fields of expertise, so that the care work is distributed by areas of knowledge, and they actively participate in numerous care committees and commissions.

In the Pathological Anatomy Service, a wide range of technological resources (complementary techniques) is applied to the morphological diagnosis of the samples, in cases where it is necessary to guarantee the achievement of the maximum reliability of the diagnosis. In this sense, it has a wide range of histochemical and immunohistochemical stains and molecular pathology techniques, which make it possible to complete the morphological diagnosis with prognostic data and with the detection of possible therapeutic targets.

The availability of these complementary techniques also makes it possible to actively participate in a large number of research projects, both in-house and in collaboration with other hospital services.

Quality policy


  • What: To make quality anatomopathological diagnoses based on the morphological and / or molecular study of the patients' samples, based on the most advanced knowledge, which allow to add value and facilitate the making of the best therapeutic decisions.
  • With:
    • Collaborating with other professionals and applying technologies efficiently.
    • Offering a high quality technical service, including diagnosis and advice on the results obtained
    • Permanently optimizing work processes
    • Acting with ethics, independence and professional rigor
    • Providing care to applicants and patients, meeting criteria of professionalism and confidentiality.
    • Complying with the quality standards established in the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 15189 standards.
  • Because: To be able to respond to the reference population in terms of health in an effective and efficient way and with a high level of diagnostic quality, promoting equity within a framework of sustainability.


  • To be a reference service of excellence for patients, professionals and the organization itself in the healthcare, organizational, teaching and research aspects.

Our values

  • Facilitate the quality of life and well-being of people. Sensitivity.
  • Excellence as a service responsibility.
  • Equity and commitment to society.
  • Comply with the code of ethics and legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Continuous improve.
  • Teamwork with other professionals, in line with the Institution's quality policy.

Director of the Pathological Anatomy Service

Joan Carles Ferreres Piñas

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Contractor profile

Parc Taulí volunteer

Link to Consultation of visits and scheduled tests