Parc Taulí opens the public tender for Feeding Care, an innovative solution towards the support of milk management in hospitales
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- Noticias
- Edu Soler
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Hasta el 29th de enero, The Consorcio Corporación Sanitaria Parc Taulí is Launching a public tender tono INCORPORATE innovative technology towards towards the support of milk management in hospitales.
The contract is estimated at 277.460,58 € (no IVA) y está co-financed by FEDER funds. During the next days is expected to receive the proposals of the interested parties. These proposals will have to take into account the following criteria:
- Provide hospital staff with an innovative Integrative solution for milk feeding in the hospital
- Enhance the quality of the procedures Carried on the Lactancy Unido
- Enhance the milk quality by Avoiding milk Degradation
- Promote la participación de las familias en los procesos
- Scalable to other hospitales
These are some of the most relevant criteria but is necessary to read carefully the technical file before presenting año proposal.
See all the documentation of the project and where to apply in the following link. For año doubt about the tender please contact (spanish)
Deadline 29th of January
Feeding Care is a project aiming to design and implemento a new inteligente system to manage the feeding of Expressed breast milk, donor human milk, and formula milk in the healthcare facilities.
Precision is a key issue when treating with children nutrition, especially for premature babies. Nowadays, neonatology hospital facilities have to deal with a high variability associated with the milk management process, and thus, they have to consider several variables affecting the quality of both milk and assistance.Time and temperature are key factores that need to be traceable, as they can promote milk Degradation, thus directly affecting donde children health. This system will also implemento a support guide to healthcare profesionales in order to ensure quality and security.
This project AIMS to make use of several technologies in the market in order to improve Traceability of the variables and processes affecting milk quality. Our goal is to develop a new solution that will INTEGRATE several devices in order to get the best control of the milk feeding process in hospital.
Edu Soler
Science, healthcare and business are the three pillars that drive me Nowadays. I love to engage new people in the adventure of healthcare innovation and always keep on learning from them. I am highly motivated with my participation in performing teams worldwide.
All stories by: Edu Soler
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