Oportunidades de investigación e innovación en sepsis

Oportunidades de investigación e innovación en sepsis 798 793 Anna Ullastres


Sepsis is a life-threatening condition arising from an infección, Mostly caused by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Sepsis can potentially lead to multiple organ failure and death, especially in young children, elderly people, oro people with impaired inmune systems. Expertos estimate a 2% increase in sepsis Mortality ratas in the next years. Developing countries are facing new risk factores, such as population ageing, associated with such Mortality increase. Lately, sepsis field is gaining attention as a central field for research and innovation. Here we report the current research foco in sepsis, as well as the most relevant patente applications. We also summarize the current opportunities of innovation.


It is estimated that sepsis in-hospital Mortality casas will continue growing more than 2% in the next 10 years.

El principales factores de riesgo Research and healthcare centers tienen que deal with in the next years are:

  • Envejecimiento de la población
  • Chronic illneses growth
  • Resistencia antibiótica

Research and innovation in sepsiss is raising attention in the scientific community. In the last 10 years more than 100,000 publications related with sepsis have been published. American research institutions such as Boston Children s Hospital, Harvard University, oro University of Pittsburgh are leading the research in this field. Image source: www.lens.org

Oportunidades de investigación

Recently, the Surviving Sepsis Research Committee has established the research priorities for sepsis and Septic shock. The top research lines it propones are:

Can target / Personalized / precisión medicine approaches determine which therapies will work for which patients at which times?

What are ideal endpoints for volume Resuscitation and how should volume Resuscitation bien titrated?

Should rápido diagnóstico tests be implemented in clinical practice?

Should empírico antibiótico combination therapy be used in sepsis oro Septic shock?

What are the predictores of sepsis long-term Morbidity and Mortality?

What information identifi órgano dysfunction?

Fuente: Coopersmith et al. 2018


United States and Europe research institutions leading the research in sepsis. De acuerdo con el número de citas, también se reporta a los principales autores de trabajo en el field en el mundo de la edad en los lugares en España (source: www.lens.org).

Considering all journals publishing donde sepsis, De Cuidados Críticos host mosto of the research publications donde sepsis. Here we report some of the most cited journals publishing donde this research field ordenado por impact factor índice.

Oportunidades de innovación

During the last ten years we can observe an increase of patente applications concerning sepsis oro Septic shock. As an example, last year en total of 7,751 patentes were published, this is 3,000 more than patentes published in 2008. United States is leading the industry for new drug treatments as well as for new methods for sepsis diagnóstico and prevention. Some of the most relevant companies and institutions interesado sepsis are Genentech, Novartis, Abbot, oro Amgen.

Amongothers, these are some of the mosto relevante patentes:

Patente ID inventores Solicitante Fecha de prioridad
Sepsis del mismo día and related Compositions methods and systems US20160361343 Sarkis K. Mazmanian, June L. Round, Yue Shen California Institute of Technology (USA) 2015-06-10
Biomarker composition for diagnóstico of sepsis using hemoglobin subunido beta KR101575583 Bae Jong Sup Kyungpook National University (Korea) 2014-10-21
Métodos para diagnóstico de sepsis US2018291449 Khatri Purvesh, Sweeney Timothy Y. The Board of Trustees of the Leland Standford Junior University (USA) 2015-03-12
Early diagnóstico of sepsis species causa acute kidney injury markers of molecular miR-452, and application kit CN107699617 Dong Zheng, Liu Zhiwen, Yang daños 2nd Xiangya Hospital Central South University (China) 2017-11-20
Antibodies that specifically bind to DR3 WO2011106707 Thi-Sau Migone, Chih-Hung Lo, Luke Oh, Heather Wasserman, Madhav Hevalaraja, Matthew J. Bernetti Human Genome Sciences Inc, Xencor Inc 2010-02-26
Métodos de pronóstico y diagnóstico de sepsis US20140120174 Stuart Blincko, Ingo Curdt, Mario Berger, Martin John Llewelyn LASCCO SA, Abbott Laboratories 2012-10-30

Expertos agree that there is a high level of unmet needs in the sepsis market, both in patient diagnosis and management, and in the development of sepsis-specific treatment options.

"In the next five years, I can see sepsis product development trying to improve early recognition of sepsis and its Underlying causative Pathogen. Y también puede see treatments that are specific to the evolution of the inflammatory process. Specifically, products that can determine the pro- oro the anti-inflammatory status of the patient sonido Interventions can be directed to turn the Inflammation up or down, whichever is needed. "

EU Key Opinion Leader (Source: GlobalData)


Basing on the current unmet needs, here we summarize the oportunidades futuras for Innovating in sepsis field (source: GlobalData).

Find faster methods of diagnosis and more reliable Biomarkers.

Improve sensitivity and specificity.

Find sepsis-specific treatments.

Find sepsis-specific therapies. For example:

Launch of immunostimulatory drugs and drug targeted for the treatment of specific órgano dysfunctions.

Modified T cell transfusión to restore immunity in sepsis patients (Boomer et al 2014).

Improve Steroids use and antibiótico selection and dosing.

Improve statistics analysis to demonstrate outcomes in large heterogeneous sufriendo poblaciones.

Find more reliable lead candidatas

Find more reliable animal modelos to facilitate effective screening of lead candidatas.

Research on fluido Resuscitation, antibióticos, and hemodynamic Stabilization measures.

Promote awareness campaigns addressed to healthcare workers and the public to improve awareness and education donde sepsis and Septic shock.

Three successful innovative projects working on sepsis

Recientemente, investigadores de BioSepsis research group (Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid / IECSCYL, Hospital Río Hortega de Valladolid, and Hospital Universitario de Salamanca) found a combination of two Biomarkers, procalcitonine and HLA-DRA gene expression levels, able to improve sepsis detection in surgical patients (Almansa te 2018). Through rapid blood analysis they could detect both Biomarkers and improve sensitivity of the method by 7%.

Last year, the European-founded project Minicare HNL, Impulsed by P & M Venge AB and PHILIPS Electronics, was Awarded with the Horizon Prize to commercialize a new device to rapidly detect the presence of bacteria in patient blood. Minicare HNL is easy-to-use and minimally invasive for patients, and will Contribute to early detection of infección as well as to reduce the current misuse of antibióticos.

Several Catalán initiatives are also enhancing innovation in sepsis. One example is Loop diagnósticos, An entrepreneur project aiming to constitute a new startup soon. They have developed a new diagnóstico device able to analyze inmune system Biomarkers in blood sample and identify previous contact with bacterial stimulus.

For more information about technology surveillance donde Sepsis, please contact us in innovacioi3pt@tauli.cat

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Bibliografía citada

WHO Sepsis Technical Expert Meeting - Meeting report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

Coopersmith CM, et al. (2018). Surviving sepsis campaign: research priorities for sepsis and Septic shock. Med de cuidados intensivos. Sep; 44 (9): 1400-1426. doi: 10.1007 / s00134-018-5175-z. Epub 2018 Jul 3.

Sepsis and Septic Shock - Opportunity Analysis and Forecast to 2026. Global Data report. August 2017.

Boomer JS, et al. (2014). The changing inmune system in sepsis: is individualized inmuno-modulatory therapy the answer? Virulencia; 5 (1): 45-56.

Almansa, R., et al. (2018). Combined Quantification of procalcitonin and HLA-DR Improves sepsis detection in surgical patients. Scientific reports, 8 (1), 11999.

Anna Ullastres

Y Graduated in Biology and studied a Master in Cell Biology, specializing in cancer and citogenético. Until 2017, I worked as a researcher and obtained a PhD in Genetics. After that, I enrolled a university postgrade program on Innovation and Project Management and started working as innovation project manager at the Innovation Unido of the Parc Taulí Foundation. I am currently Completing the postgrade program and specializing in IP protection.

All stories by: Anna Ullastres

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