Page 37 - 2012

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The Training Plan includes a series of specific courses
to improve research skills and to promote it among
newer researchers and groups:
Courses aimed at improving innovation skills: “Property
intellectual property and patents ”,“ Innovation: a key factor for the future of the
health ”,“ Management of R + D + i projects ”,“ Communication skills
commercial ”,“ Innovation in Health ”.
Courses aimed at improving the translation of results: “Search for bases
of specialized data ”,“ Bibliographic management programs ”,
“Bibliometric indicators and analysis of scientific production”, “Improvement
of the visibility and impact of scientific production ”. And other sessions
training in the Services of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology,
Vascular Surgery and Angiology, Hematology, Internal Medicine,
Rheumatology and Pediatrics. (a total of 46 hours and 65 attendees).
Good Practices Course for Researchers, June 2012 (19
attendees, duration: 7 hours).
With the aim of encouraging collaboration between research groups and
disseminate the basic and translational research carried out at the CSPT
and create scientific debate, sessions have begun to be organized
periodic (monthly) where researchers present theirs
research projects. These sessions are open to all