Page 68 - 2012

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Biomarker analysis service by cytometry
The equipment available to the Corporation allows analysis simultaneously
up to 100 analytes in a single well using very small sample volumes. He
system provides fast and efficient bioassay data for
different formats, including immunoassays, enzymatic assays,
ligands and assays with nucleic acids. This equipment has applications such as: analysis
protein expression, genetic analysis, genetic diagnosis,
immunodiagnosis, etc.
Microfluidic chip service
The available equipment is based on the use of microfluidic chips and one
results interpretation software. This computer has applications such as:
quantification and separation of DNA and RNA, RNA quality control, separation and
protein quality control, cytometry, etc.
Management of applications for research grants
The Research Office supports the researchers in the application
of competitive calls for grants, acting as a single window and
interlocutor between the researcher and the convening body. According to the
requirements of each call, obtain the relevant signatures along with the
required institutional documentation. For public bodies one is made
monitoring of the status of the application and the correction of the application is favored.
During 2012, a total of 117 applications were processed.