Entities and agreements

Collaborating entities

Collaborating entities

Agreements with other centers

Agreements with other centers

Sabadell Hospital is a 3rd level reference hospital for Capio General Hospital of Catalonia and for Mollet Hospital, at the same time as patients can be referred for radiotherapy treatments.

On the other hand, it has signed specific agreements with the following centers:


The two centers share master's degrees in pediatric gastroenterology and neurology, while Sabadell Hospital acts as a reference center for the following pathologies:

  • Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
  • Infants requiring ECMO or post asphyxiation hypothermia
  • Some metabolopathies

The Interhospital Pediatric Rheumatology Unit is also shared, with specialists common to both centers who work together in the care of complex patients in the specialty.


There is an agreement with Oncohematology for bone marrow transplants and radiotherapy.